Timothy Crump's Ward Part 18

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"I am going to keep you with me a year. I want the services of a little girl for that time. If you serve me faithfully, I will then send you back to your friends in New York."

"Will you?" said Ida, hopefully.

"Yes. But you must mind and do what I tell you."

"O yes," said the child, joyfully.

This was so much better than she had been led to fear, that the prospect of returning home, even after a year, gave her fresh courage.

"What shall I do?" she asked, anxious to conciliate Peg.

"You may take the broom,--you will find it just behind the door,--and sweep the room."

"Yes, Aunt Peg."

"And after that you may wash the dishes. Or, rather, you may wash the dishes first."

"Yes, Aunt Peg."

"And after that I will find something for you to do."

The next morning Ida was asked if she would like to go out into the street.

This was a welcome proposition, as the sun was s.h.i.+ning brightly, and there was little to please a child's fancy in Peg's shabby apartment.

"I am going to let you do a little shopping," said Peg. "There are various things that we want. Go and get your bonnet."

"It's in the closet," said Ida.

"O yes, where I put it. That was before I could trust you."

She went to the closet, and came back bringing the bonnet and shawl. As soon as they were ready, they emerged into the street. Ida was glad to be in the open air once more.

"This is a little better than being shut up in the closet, isn't it?"

said Peg.

Ida owned that it was.

"You see you'll have a very good time of it, if you do as I bid you. I don't want to do you any harm. I want you to be happy."

So they walked along together, until Peg, suddenly pausing, laid her hand on Ida's arm, and pointing to a shop near by, said to her, "Do you see that shop?"

"Yes," said Ida.

"Well, that is a baker's shop. And now I'll tell you what to do. I want you to go in, and ask for a couple of rolls. They come at three cents apiece. Here's some money to pay for them. It is a silver dollar, as you see. You will give this to them, and they will give you back ninety-four cents in change. Do you understand'?"

"Yes," said Ida; "I think I do."

"And if they ask if you haven't anything smaller, you will say no."

"Yes, Aunt Peg."

"I will stay just outside. I want you to go in alone, so that you will get used to doing without me."

Ida entered the shop. The baker, a pleasant-looking man, stood behind the counter.

"Well, my dear, what is it?" he asked.

"I should like a couple of rolls."

"For your mother, I suppose," said the baker, sociably.

"No," said Ida; "for the woman I board with."

"Ha! a silver dollar, and a new one, too," said the baker, receiving the coin tendered in payment. "I shall have to save that for my little girl."

Ida left the shop with the two rolls and the silver change.

"Did he say anything about the money?" asked Peg, a little anxiously.

"He said he should save it for his little girl."

"Good," said the woman, approvingly; "you've done well."

Ida could not help wondering what the baker's disposal of the dollar had to do with her doing well, but she was soon thinking of other things.


THE baker introduced to the reader's notice in the last chapter was named Crump. Singularly enough Abel Crump, for this was his name, was a brother of Timothy Crump, the cooper. In many respects he resembled his brother. He was an excellent man, exemplary in all the relations of life, and had a good heart. He was in very comfortable circ.u.mstances, having acc.u.mulated a little property by diligent attention to his business. Like his brother, Abel Crump had married, and had one child, now about the size of Ida, that is, nine years old. She had received the name of Ellen.

When the baker closed his shop for the night he did not forget the silver dollar which he had received, or the disposal which he told Ida he should make of it.

He selected it carefully from the other coins, and slipped it into his vest pocket.

Ellen ran to meet him as he entered the house.

"What do you think I have brought you, Ellen?" said her father, smiling.

"Do tell me quick," said the child, eagerly.

"What if I should tell you it was a silver dollar?"

"Oh, father, thank you," and Ellen ran to show it to her mother.

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Timothy Crump's Ward Part 18 summary

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