Timothy Crump's Ward Part 35

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"Then she knows you don't want to live with her?"

"Oh, yes, she knows that," said the child, frankly. "I have asked her to send me home, but she says she won't for a year."

"And how long have you been with her?"

"About a fortnight."

"What does she make you do?"

"I can't tell what she made me do first."

"Why not?"

"Because she would be very angry."

"Suppose I should tell you that I would deliver you from her. Would you be willing to go with me?"

"And you would carry me back to my mother and father?"

"Certainly, I would restore you to your mother," said he, evasively.

"Then I will go with you."

Ida ran quickly to get her bonnet and shawl.

"We had better go at once," said Somerville. "Peg might return, and give us trouble."

"O yes, let us go quickly," said Ida, turning pale at the remembered threats of Peg.

Neither knew yet that Peg could not return if she would; that, at this very moment, she was in legal custody on a charge of a serious nature.

Still less did Ida know that, in going, she was losing the chance of seeing Jack and her mother, of whose existence, even, she was not yet aware; and that he, to whose care she consigned herself so gladly, had been her worst enemy.

"I will carry you to my room, in the first place," said her companion.

"You must remain in concealment for a day or two, as Peg will, undoubtedly, be on the lookout for you, and we want to avoid all trouble."

Ida was delighted with her escape, and, with the hope of soon seeing her friends in New York, She put implicit faith in her guide, and was willing to submit to any conditions which he might impose.

On emerging into the street, her companion summoned a cab. He had reasons for not wis.h.i.+ng to encounter any one whom he knew.

At length they reached his lodgings.

They were furnished more richly than any room Ida had yet seen; and formed, indeed, a luxurious contrast to the dark and scantily-furnished apartment which she had occupied for the last fortnight.

"Well, are you glad to get away from Peg?" asked John Somerville, giving Ida a seat at the fire.

"Oh, _so_ glad!" said Ida.

"And you wouldn't care about going back?"

The child shuddered.

"I suppose," said she, "that Peg will be very angry. She would beat me, if she should get me back again."

"But she sha'n't. I will take good care of that."

Ida looked her grat.i.tude. Her heart went out to those who appeared to deal kindly with her, and she felt very grateful to her companion for his instrumentality in effecting her deliverance from Peg.

"Now," said Somerville, "perhaps you will be willing to tell me what it was you were required to do."

"Yes," said Ida; "but she must never know that I told. It was to pa.s.s bad money."

"Ha!" exclaimed her companion. "Do you mean bad bills, or spurious coin?"

"It was silver dollars."

"Does she do much in that way?"

"A good deal. She goes out every day to buy things with the money."

"I am glad to learn this," said John Somerville, thoughtfully.

"Ida," said he, after a pause, "I am going out for a time. You will find books on the table, and can amuse yourself by reading; I won't make you sew, as Peg did," he said, smiling.

Ida laughed.

"Oh, yes," said she, "I like reading. I shall amuse myself very well."

Mr. Somerville went out, and Ida, as he recommended, read awhile. Then, growing tired, she went to the window and looked out. A carriage was pa.s.sing slowly, on account of a press of carriages. Ida saw a face that she knew. Forgetting her bonnet in her sudden joy, she ran down the stairs, into the street, and up to the carriage window.

"O Jack!" she exclaimed; "have you come for me?"

It was Mrs. Clifton's carriage, returning from Peg's lodgings.

"Why, it's Ida!" exclaimed Jack, almost springing through the window of the carriage. "Where did you come from, and where have you been all the time?"

He opened the door of the carriage, and drew Ida in.

Till then she had not seen the lady who sat at Jack's side.

"My child, my child! Thank G.o.d, you are restored to me," exclaimed Mrs.


She drew the astonished child to her bosom. Ida looked up into her face.

Was it Nature that prompted her to return the lady's embrace?

"My G.o.d, I thank thee!" murmured Mrs. Clifton; "for this, my child, was lost and is found."

"Ida," said Jack, "this lady is your mother."

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Timothy Crump's Ward Part 35 summary

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