The Annals of the Poor Part 25

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{87} The mother died not long after her daughter; and I have good reason to believe that G.o.d was merciful to her, and took her to himself.

An interesting account of a visit recently made to the Dairyman's cottage appeared in the _Christian Guardian_ for October 1813. A still more recent visit to the good old Dairyman (who still lives, at the age of eighty-two) has been made by the author of this narrative. (_June_ 1814)

The good old Dairyman died in 1816. His end was eminently Christian.

{97} "Now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity" (1 Cor. xiii. 13)

{98} This circ.u.mstance took place before the late abolition of the slave trade.

{103} The day has since arrived, when the persevering efforts of Mr.

Wilberforce to accomplish this happy purpose have been fully answered.

_The slave trade is abolished_! The Church of G.o.d rejoices at this triumph of the cause of Christ over the powers of darkness.

{105} In the course of conversation, he sometimes addressed me with the word "," for "Master," according to the well known habit of the Negro slaves in the West Indies; and sometimes 'Sir,' as he was taught since his arrival in England; but the former word seemed to be most familiar to him.

{107} A kind of sh.e.l.l-fish, which abound in the place where we were, and which stick to the rocks with exceeding great force.

{121} Song of Solomon i. 5.

{203} The foregoing conversation took place on September 22, 1808, and is faithfully related.

J--- S---, the good old man, died in the Infirmary, in December 1808.

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