New Ideas in India During the Nineteenth Century Part 15

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[Footnote 59: 62,458,077 Mahomedans at Census of 1901.]

[Footnote 60: _Census of India_, 1901, _Report_, pp. 371-73.]

[Footnote 61: Disguised as _Necharis_ in the _Report, Census of India_, 1901, p. 373. See Youngson, _Punjab Mission of the Church of Scotland_, p. 14; _Madras Decen. Miss. Conf. Report of_ 1902, p. 341.]

[Footnote 62: _Asiatic Studies_, I. 1.]

[Footnote 63: Guru-prasad Sen in _Introduction to the Study of Hinduism_, quoted in _Madras Decen. Miss. Conf. Report_, p. 280.]

[Footnote 64: Sister Nivedita, _Web of Indian Life_, pp. 175, 179.]

[Footnote 65: Cf. _Philosophic Hinduism_, p. 27, Madras, C.V.E.S.]

[Footnote 66: Amy W. Carmichael, _Things as they are in South India_.]

[Footnote 67: Monier Williams, _Brahmanism and Hinduism_, p. 54.]

[Footnote 68: _Indian Missions from the Outside_.]

[Footnote 69: _Hinduism_, p. 88. _Things as They Are_, iv. by Amy W.


[Footnote 70: _Intellectual Progress of India_, P. Mitter, p. 5.]

[Footnote 71: _Defence of Hindu Theism: Appeal to the Christian Public_ (II. 91).]

[Footnote 72: Smith, _Life of Dr. Wilson_.]

[Footnote 73: Rammohan Roy, _Appeal to the Christian Public_.]

[Footnote 74: _Vedic Hinduism_, (Madras C.V.E.S.) 1888.]

[Footnote 75: Bose, _Hindu Civilisation during British Rule_, i. 95.]

[Footnote 76: Monier Williams, _Modern India_, 1878, p. 101.]

[Footnote 77: Plato in the _Timaeus_ teaches the eternal existence of matter as a substance distinct from G.o.d. See also p. 134.]

[Footnote 78: Max Muller, _Ramakrishna_, p. 48.]

[Footnote 79: Sister Nivedita, _The Web of Indian Life_.]

[Footnote 80: Monier Williams, _Brahmanism and Hinduism_, p. 25, etc.]

[Footnote 81: For the Yoga System, see pp. 127, 128, 134.]

[Footnote 82: _Text-book of Hindu Religion_, etc., p. 60.]

[Footnote 83: See _also Life of Rev. J.J. Weitbrecht_, 1830, p. 318.]

[Footnote 84: Max Muller, _Ramakrishna_, p. 8.]

[Footnote 85: _Weekly Statesman_ (Calcutta), 14 IX. 1905.]

[Footnote 86: Rev. Dr. Griswold in _Madras Decen. Missionary Conf.

Report_, 1902, p. 317.]

[Footnote 87: _Asiatic Studies_, II. i. 11.]

[Footnote 88: Sister Nivedita, _The Web of Indian Life_, pp. 191, 287.]

[Footnote 89: Avatar=a descent.]

[Footnote 90: Lillie, _India and its Problems_.]

[Footnote 91: Smith, _Life of Dr. John Wilson_, pp. 63, 65.]

[Footnote 92: Lillie, _India and its Problems_, p. 130.]

[Footnote 93: _Biographical Sketch of K.M. Banerjea_, p. 79. K.M.

Banerjea, _Christianity and Hinduism_, pp. 1, 2, 11. Monier Williams, _Hinduism_, p. 36, etc; _Brahmanism and Hinduism_, pp. 4, 14, 17, 33.

Compare Hebrews i. 2, 3.]

[Footnote 94: _Hinduism and its Modern Exponents_, Rev. C.N. Banerjea, B.A. Calcutta, 1893.]

[Footnote 95: _Sketches of Indian Christians_ (Madras C.L.S.), 1896.]

[Footnote 96: _Lectures in India_.]

[Footnote 97: P.N. Mitter, _Intellectual Progress of Modern India_.]

[Footnote 98: _U.F. Church of Scot. Mission Report_ for 1903; _Madras Decen. Missionary Conference Report_, 1903, pp. 310, 311.]

[Footnote 99: Farquhar, _The Future of Christianity in India_ (Chr. Lit.


[Footnote 100: K.C. Banurji, Esq., M.A., B.L., Registrar of Calcutta University.]

[Footnote 101: _Asiatic Studies_, I. v. 143.]

[Footnote 102: _Madras Decen. Miss. Conf. Report_, 1902, p. 345.]

[Footnote 103: Translated by Rev. J.L. Thakur Das, of Lah.o.r.e.]

[Footnote 104: J.N. Farquhar, M.A., in _The Future of Christianity in India_, Madras C.L.S.]

[Footnote 105: For a fuller statement, see Farquhar, _The Future of Christianity in India_. C.L.S., Madras.]

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