The Traitors Part 11

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Domiloff shrugged his shoulders.

"You are very suspicious, my dear Prince," he said. "My master does not sell his favours. He asks only for a reasonable recognition of your grat.i.tude. I have here the copy of a treaty which will secure you against any foreign interference in the affairs of your kingdom. Its advantages to you and to Theos are so obvious that it is idle for me to waste time by enlarging upon them. Read it, my Prince."

"I shall be charmed," Brand exclaimed, stretching out his hand for it.

"You would doubtless prefer," Domiloff said, "to look it through alone. I will return in half-an-hour."

"You are very thoughtful," Brand answered. "By the bye, you will excuse my denseness, but I am not quite clear as to our exact relations at the present moment. I am, I presume, at Gallona?"

The Baron bowed.

"It is indisputable!"

"At an hotel?"

"You are," Domiloff declared, "my honoured guest."

"Is it part of your diplomacy to starve me?" Brand asked, coolly, "or may I have some breakfast?"

Domiloff touched the bell.

"My dear Prince!" he exclaimed, deprecatingly.

A servant entered with a tray--cold meats and a flask of wine. Outside the window a sentry walked up and down. Brand eyed him thoughtfully.

"I think that I should like a stroll," he remarked. "My head is still heavy."

Domiloff advanced, and laid his hand upon his shoulder.

"My dear Prince," he said, "I beg that for the present you will not think of it. It is of the utmost importance that your presence upon the soil of Theos should not be suspected. I have a special train waiting to take you to the capital. Until we start it will be far better, believe me, that you do not attempt to leave this room."

"At what hour do we start?" Brand asked.

Domiloff hesitated.

"It depends," he said, slowly, "upon circ.u.mstances."

Brand sat down and poured himself out a gla.s.s of wine.

"That means when I have signed the treaty, I suppose?"

Domiloff was already at the door. He affected not to hear.

"If your Highness will ring when you are prepared to give me an audience," he said, "I shall be entirely at your service."

Brand ate and drank, threw himself into an easy-chair, and lit a cigarette. Presently he tried the handle of the door. It was locked.

He moved to the window and looked out. Below was an old courtyard enclosed within high grey walls and iron gates, through which he could catch a glimpse of the town. The wide, open s.p.a.ce, half square, half market-place, was crowded with people in strange costume, having baskets of fruit and vegetables, before which they squatted and called out their wares. Beyond were houses with vivid, whitewashed fronts, red roofs, and narrow windows. At the gates were stationed two soldiers in red tunics and broad white trousers, very baggy, and tucked into their boots. They were bareheaded, and they smoked long cigarettes, chattering meanwhile to one another and the people around in a dialect which to Brand was like a nightmare. He watched them for a while, and laughed softly to himself. This was an adventure after his own heart.

He looked at his watch. It was three o'clock.

"So Reist and the Prince were left behind," he murmured. "It was very well arranged. By now they should be on their way to the capital. I must make this last out as long as possible. What a coup!"

He lit another cigarette, and turned the treaty over in his hands.

Here he met with a disappointment. There were two copies, one in Russian, the other in the Thetian language. He could not read either.

After a few moments' deliberation he rang the bell.

Domiloff hurried in, expectantly.

"You are ready for me?" he asked. "You have read our proposals? You will perhaps now be disposed to admit the generosity of my master?"

Brand shrugged his shoulders.

"As yet," he said, coolly, "I am in a position to admit nothing. As a matter of fact, I cannot read this doc.u.ment. I cannot read Russian, and I have forgotten nearly all Thetian. You must have a copy made for me quickly either in French or English."

Domiloff started. A momentary shade of suspicion darkened his forehead.

"Forgotten your Thetian, Prince?" he exclaimed. "Your native tongue!"

"You forget that I have been an exile from Theos ever since I was a child," Brand answered. "I can understand a word or so here and there, but that is not sufficient. It is necessary that I should have an exact and precise comprehension of your proposals."

Domiloff took up the doc.u.ment.

"I will make a copy myself," he said. "It will not take long. I hope that you will soon find your recollection of the language revive, Prince. You will find the people sensitive about it."

Domiloff seated himself at the table, and for some time there was silence in the room except for the scratching of his pen. Brand lounged in the easy-chair--amused himself by speculating as to the end of his adventure. Presently there was a sharp tap at the door. A messenger entered, and conversed for awhile with Domiloff in Russian.

He was dismissed with a few rapid orders. Domiloff turned round in his chair and faced Brand.

"Prince Ughtred," he said, "I have disturbing news from the capital.

The disorder in the city is so great that the Powers must intervene at once unless some decisive step be taken. I have finished my translation. Sign it and you shall enter into your kingdom before sunset."

Brand smiled.

"I will give you my answer," he said, "in ten minutes."

Domiloff bowed.

"I shall await your decision, Prince," he said. "Only remember this.

To-night there must be a King of Theos or a Protectorate."


The ten minutes became half-an-hour. Domiloff at last lost patience and knocked at the door. Brand, who had just finished a shorthand copy of the treaty, and had tucked it within the inner sole of his boot, realized the fact that he had reached the end of his tether.

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The Traitors Part 11 summary

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