The Traitors Part 20

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Her brother watched her thoughtfully. Then he shrugged his shoulders.

"Women are all alike," he said to himself, bitterly, on his way to the palace. "She is in love with Ughtred of Tyrnaus. She has drunk with him from the King's cup. It is enough!"

"Baron Domiloff!"

She rose to her feet perplexed--a little annoyed. It was a visit which she did not understand. He came swiftly across the lawn to her, unattended and unannounced.

"I do not understand," she said, as he bowed low before her. "My servants have no authority to send you here. I am not receiving this afternoon--and you--you surely should be at the palace."

"I offer my most profound apologies, Countess," he said respectfully.

"Your servants are not at fault. It was my persistence which prevailed."

"You have some message for me?" she asked, doubtfully.

"None," he answered. "I have come here on my own initiative. You will permit me the honour of a few minutes' interview. As to my absence from the palace, is that more likely to be remarked upon than yours, Countess?"

She waived the question.

"It is at least more surprising," she answered. "Do you wish your Austrian friends to have it all their own way with the King?"

"The Countess of Reist's sympathies are, I fear," he murmured, "with my rival."

"My sympathies," she answered, "are with neither of you. You each seek aggrandizement at our expense. I am a Thetian, and I believe that the less we have to do with foreigners the better. But I do not see, Baron Domiloff, what profit there can be in a discussion of this sort between you and me. I am still waiting for an explanation of your presence here. Which of my servants has proved faithless?"

"None," he answered. "I made my way here unknown to anybody. I came, Countess, to ask you a question."


He did not immediately reply. There was a good deal at stake, and her manner was not encouraging. In the end it came, however.

"Is it true what they are whispering in the city--that you have drunk with Ughtred of Tyrnaus from the King's cup?"

The Countess rose from her seat with flas.h.i.+ng eyes. The Russian stood his ground, however, respectful, insistent, having well calculated the effect of his words.

"What an infamy--that you should dare to come here and ask me such a question. If you will not leave me at once, sir, I myself must return to the house. Your presence here is an insult."

Domiloff stood in the centre of the path, and his manner was the manner of a man who has something to say, and will surely say it.

"Countess," he exclaimed, "I can claim no more with you, it is true, than the merest acquaintance, but I beg of you to consider whether I have the reputation of doing foolish things or asking foolish questions. You may not believe it, but I have the good of your country at heart. We in Russia desire an independent Theos. When I see her, therefore, drifting gradually towards certain destruction, I brave all things to save her."

She regarded him steadfastly, still angry, but a trifle curious.

"Explain yourself, sir--if any explanation is possible."

"Countess," he answered, "for the sake of your country, answer my question."

She hesitated. Her cheeks were flushed. She drew herself up proudly.

"You are well served, Baron," she said. "Your spies, it seems, can penetrate even within the walls of the Reist house. Yet the matter is no secret. I have drunk with Ughtred of Tyrnaus from the King's cup."

He inclined his head slowly.

"Yes," he said, "I was sure of it. Yet you have done well to tell me.

Now I will tell you this. Ughtred of Tyrnaus before he had been King an hour sent to London to summon here an American woman with whom he had been--on the best terms in London."

She was thoughtful for a moment.

"You are sure of this?"

"I am sure of it," he answered.

"Is she of n.o.ble birth?"

Domiloff, who had been in New York, smiled faintly.

"She is an American," he answered. "Her father was a shopkeeper, her grandfather a labourer. He intends to marry her!"

"That is impossible," she answered, curtly. "The people of Theos would not permit it."

"When did a Tyrnaus," he asked, "ever consider the welfare or opinion of his subjects when the gratification of a caprice was concerned."

She shrugged her shoulders.

"And why," she asked, "do you bring this news to me?"

"To give you an opportunity of saving your country," he answered, promptly. "See, I will risk everything--I tell you the whole truth.

Ughtred of Tyrnaus is not acceptable to my master as King of Theos. We know the race too well. They are not to be trusted--the integrity of the State is not safe in their hands. There is only one man who is the Heaven-designed ruler of Theos!"

"And he?"

"It is your brother!"

Now, indeed, she was interested. A rush of colour warmed her cheeks.

The frigidity of her manner vanished as though by magic.

"I myself have told him so," she exclaimed. "When the people rose against the republic they called for him. It was the golden opportunity which he failed to seize."

"It will come again," he a.s.sured her, earnestly. "I give you my word that it will come again. That shall be my care. Yours is to see that next time he is prepared."

"Why do you not yourself speak to him?" she asked.

He smiled.

"You know your brother. The knowledge should answer that question. He has sworn loyalty to Ughtred of Tyrnaus, and for good or for evil he will keep his vow. We must wait till the thing is inevitable."

"And I," she murmured, "I, too, am a Reist, and he is my king."

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The Traitors Part 20 summary

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