The Traitors Part 26

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He met a glance from her dark eyes, and his pale cheeks were suddenly flushed.

"You were good enough to say that you would receive me," he answered.

"If I may come, then, I will."

"My brother has shown me in the English papers some of the things which you have written about Theos," she continued. "I cannot tell you what pleasure they gave me. It is a wonderful gift, yours, Mr. Brand.

When one reads one seems to see a picture of the whole place. You have written wonderfully of your adventures here."

"And yet," he said, in a low tone, "the adventure here which was most interesting to me, which I shall never forget so long as I live, I have not written about at all. It is for the memory only."

Again their eyes met. He was very bold, this Englishman. Yet though her eyebrows were slightly raised she did not rebuke him.

"I think, perhaps," she said, "that we had better obey the royal command."

She touched her horse with the whip, and they galloped up the hillside. Ughtred watched them closely as they rode up. He made room for Marie by his side. Brand had perforce to fall behind. They talked together eagerly of the manoeuvres. The girl was thoroughly well versed in the situation.

"I believe from the south," she said, "that Theos is una.s.sailable. If only we had more heavy guns for the"

"You have seen the new battery?" Ughtred asked.

She nodded.

"Yes. The Maxims are wonderful."

"I am expecting," he said, "that the donor will be paying us a visit here soon."

She looked up inquiringly.

"An American was it not?"

"An American and his daughter, Mr. and Miss Van Decht. If they come I hope that I may count upon you, Countess, to help me make their visit an enjoyable one."

"I will do all that I can," she answered, coldly. "I have never met any Americans. They must be wonderful people. In England they are intermarrying, is it not so, with the aristocracy?"

"There have been many such marriages," Ughtred a.s.sented.

"It is the worst of England," she murmured. "A great nation, but indeed a nation of shopkeepers. Amongst the n.o.bles, the pride of race seems to have died out. The fear of poverty is to them as the fear of death. Ah, see."

Through the pa.s.s below was a sudden movement. Little puffs of smoke burst out all over the hillside. General Dartnoff and his staff came galloping up.

"Your Majesty," he said, saluting, "I shall ask for your congratulations on behalf of Colonel Bushnieff. The attacking force have been entrapped into the pa.s.s, and are now subject to a terrible cross-fire. Bushnieff's guns are so placed that every one of them is effectual. I go to give the award. The defending force have easily triumphed."

"I will come with you," the King answered.

Brand drew back to let them pa.s.s. Marie also lingered. In a moment they were alone. He turned to her.

"You are coming?" he asked.

"I think not. I am tired. My servants are below. I shall return to Theos."

Brand hesitated.

"My horse is lame," he remarked.

"I do not wonder at it," she answered. "You have been galloping about without choosing your way."

"I too am tired," he continued, thoughtfully.

Her lips parted.

"I shall be glad of your escort, Mr. Brand."

They rode slowly across the open country in the waning day. Before them on the hilltop were the grey towers and the piled-up houses of Theos, a picturesque medley with their red roofs and white fronts now fast becoming blurred in the gathering twilight. As they neared the road a sudden waft of perfume from the lavender-fields beyond filled the air, and a breath of wind came sweeping through the yellow corn-fields. Brand, with his hat in his hand, looked thoughtfully about him.

"I think," he said, "that no man could be born here who would not die for such a country as this. I believe that I am beginning to understand what patriotism might be."

Her face lit up in a moment.

"It is beautiful," she said, "to hear you say that. I wish, Mr.

Brand," she added, softly, "that it were your country too. Then we should be sure of one good patriot."

"I think," he said, "that if trouble came to Theos I should be proud to reckon myself amongst her sons. I have never seen country people like yours. I have ridden into the furthest parts, and wherever I have seen men and women I have heard singing. I have been greeted like a friend. I have been offered bread and wine before I could even dismount. How they toil, too. No wonder the soil is fruitful."

"Oh, it is good to hear you talk like this," she cried, with a sudden little burst of pa.s.sion. "The love of my country is in my blood--it is part of me. I could not live if Theos were dishonoured, and lately there have been so many sorrows. I seem to have found myself listening, and over the land there has been silence, no longer the whistling of the men and the singing of women. It has been as though something terrible has always been about to happen. It is a fancy, of course. Nicholas laughs at me. It is foolis.h.!.+ But the love of Theos is more to me than the love of life. I fear for her when for myself I have no fear. Tell me, Mr. Brand, this seems strange talk to you."

"I know Theos, and I know you," he answered. "I understand."

She did not speak again for some time, but he saw that her eyes were full of tears, and he kept his face turned from her. When at last they pa.s.sed into the city she spoke to him softly.

"I am indeed very foolish," she said, "but just now I am anxious.

Theos seems to have made for herself new enemies. The coming of Ughtred of Tyrnaus has provoked Russia, and it is the one country which I fear most. You will come and see me soon, Mr. Brand?"

He bowed over the hand which she held half-shyly out. It was not a form of greeting in which she often indulged.

"I will surely come," he answered.

He left her at the Reist house and rode slowly towards his own quarters. Already the streets were lined with people awaiting the return of the King and the troops. Torches were waved hither and thither. In the open s.p.a.ce in front of the palace a huge bonfire had been lit. Everywhere was the pleasant murmur of cheerful voices.

Further down the street they were singing in a low rhythmical chant the National Anthem. Now the King was in sight, and a roar of voices welcomed him. The front of the palace blazed out in a fire of illuminations, a shower of rockets shrieked upwards from the park. The King was coming. Long live the King!


Sara Van Decht leaned back in her basket-chair and looked across the cobbled street, across the trim square where the miniature fountain was playing, to where a cl.u.s.ter of red-roofed, white-fronted houses were huddled together in picturesque confusion.

"Well, I think it's delightful!" she exclaimed. "I never could have imagined anything so picturesque--or so restful."

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The Traitors Part 26 summary

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