The Traitors Part 45

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Ughtred looked up.

"I am conscious," he said, "of all that Nicholas of Reist has done for Theos. I know, too, what I personally owe him. I believe him at heart to be a true and devoted patriot. Yet for all this the quarrel between us is not of my seeking. I cannot go to him and order him into the field. Seek him yourselves, if you will. He has spoken words to me which no one, not even the first n.o.ble in Christendom, has a right to use to his sovereign. I pa.s.s that over. I demand no apology. Let him resume his place in the field and his command, if he will. I would not place my own dignity before the good of Theos. The a.s.sembly is dismissed, gentlemen."

The King retired to his own apartments. His servant was in waiting.

"Your Majesty has four hours before the time appointed for the special train," he announced. "The sleeping chamber is prepared."

Ughtred waved him away.

"I shall not retire," he said. "Leave me alone."

He leaned forward in his easy-chair and buried his face in his hands.

Only a month ago life had seemed such a fair thing. He had been full of plans and dreams. He had envied no man in Europe. And now he seemed hemmed about with disaster. He was no longer the hero of the people.

He had lost his best friend--between his counsellors and himself an ominous gulf was widening every hour. There were whispers of treason in the city, his isolation would soon become an accomplished fact.

Almost his courage failed him.

The door was softly opened and closed. He looked up wearily, then sprang to his feet. It was Sara who was coming across the room towards him with outstretched hands.


He took her into his arms, from which she presently escaped, and carefully disengaged herself. Already he felt better at the sight of her.

"How did you come here, Sara?" he asked.

"I used your ring," she answered, showing it to him. "Father is in the next room."

"Your father has been very useful," he said. "He has been out with the engineer all day."

She laughed.

"He is amusing himself. But, Ughtred, I came to talk to you for a moment. They tell me that you are going back to the front directly."

"I must be there at daybreak," he answered. "Until then we have granted them an armistice--to bury their dead."

She nodded.

"I hear all about it. I was in the field-hospital all day, and the wounded were brought in shouting with joy. It was a great fight, Ughtred."

An answering gleam flashed in his eyes.

"You should have been a soldier's daughter, Sara."

Her face was suddenly grave. She was standing by his side with her hands loosely clasped behind her, her eyes upturned to his.

"Ughtred," she said, "I have come here to say something to you. There have been rumours of a quarrel between you and the Reists. Is that true?"

"There is something of the sort," he admitted.

"They say that the Duke of Reist has thrown up his command."


"Is it true, Ughtred, that you went through some sort of a betrothal ceremony with the Countess of Reist?"

He laughed heartily. Then he told her the story. She listened with grave face.

"You were scarcely to blame," she said, when he had finished. "But, Ughtred, I have begun to understand what should have been plain to me from the first--what you too should have thought of, perhaps. Our engagement would never be welcomed by your people. They love the old families and the old names. It would make you unpopular, and I believe it is at the bottom of your disagreement with the Reists. You must forget what you said, dear. It is best, indeed."

He turned upon her for the moment almost fiercely. He was overwrought.

"You, too!" he exclaimed. "My G.o.d, how lonely people can leave a King when the evil times come."

He saw her look of pain, and the tears fill her eyes. He turned suddenly and threw his arms about her.

"You love me, Sara. You do not want to take that back?"

"You know that I do not," she answered.

"Then put these things away from you till these troubles are past. At least let me have you to think of and fight for. Afterwards we will speak of them again."

She a.s.sented gladly.

"Only I want you to know, Ughtred," she said, "that I will never become your wife if it is to lessen your hold upon your people here.

I wish they could know it. Some of these poor wounded soldiers look at me as if I were their enemy. Why, it is terrible."

He smiled rea.s.suringly.

"When the war is over we will talk of this seriously," he answered.


He threw up the blind. It was still dark and apparently raining, but away eastwards there was a break in the clouds, and the stars were paler. In the courtyard below a carriage was waiting. He dropped the blind hastily, picked up his cloak.

"I must go, Sara," he declared. "Wish me luck, dear."

She clung to him with suddenly swimming eyes. Her lips trembled--her face was very wistful.

"Oh, my dear! My dear," she cried, softly, "if only I could bring you luck. If only I could be your mascotte."

He laughed cheerily. His arms were around her, and she was comforted.

"There is no better mascotte for a man in this world," he declared, "than the touch of the woman he loves. Send me back to the front, dear, with your kisses upon my lips and the sound of your voice in my ears, and I promise you that you shall hear great news."

When Ughtred pa.s.sed out a few minutes later a rumour went through the palace that good news had come. For the King held his head high, and his eyes were as the eyes of a man who goes forth to victory looking upon pleasant things.


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The Traitors Part 45 summary

You're reading The Traitors. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): E. Phillips Oppenheim. Already has 653 views.

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