The Traitors Part 57

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"Domiloff is my enemy," he said, "and it may be the Countess of Reist.

But of Reist himself I will believe no such thing."

"Your Majesty will regret it," Brand remarked, dryly.

"If you are right, I certainly shall," the King answered, "for I have appointed Reist to the command at Althea."

Brand wheeled his horse round.

"I wish you good fortune--and good-bye," he said.

The King looked at him in amazement.

"Where are you going, Brand?" he asked.


"Home! Why?"

"The war is over," Brand answered. "The Turks will occupy Theos to-morrow."

"You are talking nonsense," Ughtred declared, hotly.

Brand shook his head.

"Your Majesty," he said, "you will admit that a traitor at Althea can let the Turks into Theos."

The King frowned.

"It is true," he admitted, "but Reist is no traitor."

"If you will come with me to the city," Brand answered, "I will prove to you that he is!"


"Baron Domiloff! It is I, Marie of Reist. Let me in."

She stepped into the darkened room, and closed the door behind her.

Domiloff, who was looking white and scared, turned the key in the lock and faced her nervously.

"Why have you come here, Countess?" he exclaimed. "Do you not understand that I am in hiding? It is not a fit place for you--and you may have been followed."

She held her handkerchief to her face and looked around her in disgust.

"You are right," she answered. "It is not a fit place for any one. It is abominable. What are you doing here?"

"The King and this Englishman Brand are in the city together, and they have scent of how things are going," he answered. "My house in the avenue was surrounded by soldiers this morning, but I managed to give them the slip and reach here safely. Have you brought me word from Nicholas?"

She shook her head.


"Then why are you here? This place is of evil repute. Besides, it is not safe. You may have been followed."

"I believe that I was," she answered. "It is not of any consequence.

There is not any one in Theos who would harm a Reist."

His face was unnaturally white. She looked at him in wonder. Was the man a coward?

"But it was madness!" he exclaimed, angrily. "There are spies everywhere. Your brother and I were overheard talking together at this very place. I may be arrested at any moment."

She glanced at him contemptuously.

"I suppose that when one conspires," she said, "there is always danger. Baron Domiloff, I have followed you here because since noon yesterday there have been two attempts upon the life of the Englishman, Walter Brand."

"Both bungled," he remarked. "One is ill served, so far from home."

She turned upon him fiercely.

"Have you forgotten what I told you only a few days ago?"

"One does not remember too long," he answered, lightly, "the words of an angry woman."

Her eyes flashed upon him wrathfully. The odour of the violets at her bosom seemed to fill the dark, stuffy room. He remarked suddenly how beautiful she was.

"If you do not know when a woman is in earnest," she declared, "you are a fool. I have come to tell you this. That the moment evil happens to him I go at once to the King. I tell him everything. Mind, this is no idle threat. I swear to you that I will do this."

A cloud of evil pa.s.sions swept up from the man's heart. He drew a little closer to her and took up his stand nearer the door.

"It is folly," he said, in a low tone, "the man is working up all Europe with his accursed letters. He must be removed."

"If evil comes to him," she said, steadily, "the King shall know all."

He drew a little closer to her. An ugly smile curved his lips.

"It cannot be, Countess, that your interest in this fellow is personal. He is not of your order. You would not be so cruel as to bestow upon him a consideration which you deny to your equals!"

"It seems to me," she said, calmly, "that you are trying to be impertinent. The nature of my interest in Mr. Brand can be no concern of yours. It is sufficient that what I have said I mean!"

"I do not find it sufficient," he answered, quietly.

She turned upon him haughtily. Her delicate eyebrows were drawn together. Her eyes were aglow with anger. Domiloff watched her stealthily. Why had he never realized how handsome she was? He drew a little nearer to her.

"What do you mean?" she demanded. "Insolent!"

"Countess," he answered, "it is very strange to me that you should so long have been ignorant of the truth. Do you think that it is for the sake of Theos I have planned for the overthrow of Ughtred of Tyrnaus?

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The Traitors Part 57 summary

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