Hardy: The Suspect Part 25

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Thinking back to the night he'd put the make on her ten days before, Gina shook her head in a kind of disgusted wonder. She didn't hate or even dislike Jedd. In fact, to the contrary. But why, she wondered, was it always these guys with a kind of slippery personal morality who got drawn to high-level politics? And, all too often, elected?

It drove her nuts, which is why she rarely allowed herself to think about it. But seeing the story now in the paper, she resolved that if Jedd did decide to run, she wouldn't vote for him. Even if he was charming, s.e.xy, discreet. It wasn't going to happen.

The timer on the microwave sounded as Gina finished the first section of the paper. She turned it over as she was getting up. Stirring the rice absentmindedly, she brought it over by the coffee machine, put it down and poured herself a cup with a spoonful of sugar. On automatic, coffee in one hand, rice bowl in the other, she returned to her seat at the table, noticing that outside, it was still dark.

The cup stopped halfway to her mouth and she put it back down softly, staring at the familiar name under the headline in the regional news that had caught her eye: APPARENT SUICIDE IN FOSTER CITY.

Police in Foster City are treating as a probable suicide the death, apparently by sleeping pills, of a woman found yesterday in her bed in the Harbor Creek Condominium complex. Kelley Gray Rusnak, 34 years old, and unmarried, had been a laboratory specialist for the San Bruno medical technology company, Polymed Innovations, Inc., for the past 11 years. When she failed to appear or call in her absence at work last Friday, and then this Monday, her employers became concerned and notified the police. William C. Blair, PII's president, said, "Kelley was one of our most reliable employees and when she didn't call in sick, we were very concerned that something bad must have happened."

Fully clothed when found, Ms. Rusnak, police say, appeared not to be the victim of foul play. Blair acknowledged that he had heard reports from the victim's colleagues that she had been depressed in recent weeks, and had recommended that she seek counseling. An autopsy is pending.

Funeral arrangements have not been announced but the family asks that in lieu of flowers, contributions be made to ...

Gina knew that rain or s.h.i.+ne or fog, Wyatt Hunt usually started his day early with a jog from the warehouse in which he lived near the Hall of Justice, out to the Embarcadero, then north to Maritime Park, and back. He didn't answer his phone at home when she called him, so she left a message and, her breakfast and coffee forgotten, ran to her room and got changed into her well-worn jogging outfit and tennis shoes. She would run across town, down California and Market, and cut him off. If she missed him, she'd go by his place.

She didn't miss him. At 6:15, Gina ran at his side, slowly enough through the light drizzle that they both could talk. "She was going to be one of my witnesses, Wyatt. She was one of the two people Stuart saw down the Peninsula. He wasn't fleeing from the arrest, but going down to talk to these people and find out what they knew about Caryn's business. I tried to subpoena her, but couldn't get the d.a.m.n thing served."

"Well, now you know why."

"This has to be related to Stuart, and to the Dryden Socket somehow," she said. "She told Stuart something was seriously wrong with the product."

"So she killed herself over it? Why would she do that?"

"I'd be surprised if she did."

"But you just said . . ."

"I said the cops in the paper were calling it a probable suicide. I'm calling that pretty unlikely. I mean, two deaths in two weeks, and the women were partners in the same project? This doesn't raise a flag for you?"

They jogged on together. "It's a definite question," Wyatt said.

After a few more steps, he added, "I could look into it, but it would be an expensive fis.h.i.+ng trip. And how's that helping Stuart in the here and now?"

"Yeah, I know. It's not."

They'd gotten pretty much to the end of the line, where the asphalt of their running path ran into the breakwater a few hundred yards beyond the Maritime Museum at the corner of Ghirardelli Square. Out on the open water, the bay was a churning ma.s.s of gray-green, studded with whitecaps. The cloud cover was dark, thick, unbroken and low over the Golden Gate Bridge, the wind gusty and fitful. Without discussion, they turned and put the wind at their backs, now allowing it to push them along, making it easier to talk too.

"Okay," Gina said, "let's leave Kelley and go back to Caryn. Do you think she was sleeping with somebody?"

Wyatt huffed. "Probably."

"Diz says that's our killer."

"He's probably right."

"So who do we got?"

"Actual names? McAfee. Maybe Pinkert. The guy down in Palo Alto-Furth. Conley . . ."

Gina came to an abrupt stop. "Conley? You mean Jedd Conley?"

Hunt, keeping up his pace, jogging in place, shrugged. "Sure, why not? They talked on Friday. Maybe they made a date for Sunday night." Seeing Gina's reaction, Wyatt said, "I'm just throwing out possibilities, Gina, everybody we know she talked to. I don't know if anybody's even asked Conley if he's got an alibi. I could find out quick enough."

"You ought to do that." Gina went back into her jog, Wyatt falling in beside her. "Eliminate him, if nothing else. But whoever she was seeing, they had to meet up somewhere. They had to plan it. Somebody might have seen them or heard something."

"Maybe not," Wyatt said. "Not if it was Doctor Bob."


Wyatt bobbed his head. "Lots of places to hide out in their new clinic s.p.a.ce. It would have been a piece of cake, Gina, as long as they mostly didn't want to do it laying down. The same would hold true of Pinkert, too. Even if she didn't like fat guys."

"Who said that?"


"Well, she liked Pinkert enough to ask him to be her partner. What's his alibi?"

"I don't have one for him, either. McAfee basically just said it was no chance."

"Okay, we should get that too." They ran in silence for about half a block, then Gina went on. "I'd like you to put in all the time you can on this, Wyatt. Go back to the hospital and start with the a.s.sumption that Caryn was having an affair. See what you can find."

"Do you have her phone records?"

"They were with the discovery docs. I haven't done much with them."

"I'll want them."

"Done. What else? But think fast." They'd gotten to the Ferry Building, the foot of Market Street. "This is my turnoff." Both of them came to a halt, neither breathing hard.

"I've probably got most of the rest. I'll call your office if I need anything else."

"You won't forget the alibis. For everybody."

"Right," Wyatt said. "Everybody in the whole world."

The whole Kelley Rusnak situation refused to go away, but before Gina had even gotten home from the run-walking up the steep grade of California Street on the way back-she got to thinking about something that struck her as anomalous in the news story, and that led her to what she thought was a pretty good idea. By the time she was in her kitchen, she was sold on it.

It was still early, just after seven o'clock, but she had no compunction about making the phone call to another longtime acquaintance who was also a member of Jackman's kitchen cabinet. Jeff Elliott was the columnist who wrote "CityTalk" every day for the Chronicle, and Gina had what she believed was a legitimate scoop.

Jeff had been conspicuously silent to date on the Gorman case, probably because he didn't deal so much in innuendo as in hard news, he wasn't starstruck and he had friends-Jackman and Gina-on both sides of the matter. He was also generally regarded as a cla.s.s act who didn't feel the need to spin the truth for a headline. Wheelchair-bound now with slowly advancing multiple sclerosis, he already had his column and his byline; he had nothing to prove, and he usually avoided trolling in the turbid waters of slander and leakage favored by so many of his Fourth Estate colleagues.

He picked up on the second ring, apparently awake for hours. "This is Jeff Elliott?"

"Jeff, good morning. It's Gina Roake."

"Back in the fray too," he said. "I must say I appreciate the personal invite, but I was already planning to attend."

"Attend what?"

"Your hearing today. That's what you're calling about, isn't it?"

"As a matter of fact, no. Not really. Although I've got a story that might be related."

"Might be?"

"Probably is. I just don't know how."

"Which is where the ace investigative reporter comes in."

Gina thought, no wonder Jeff was so universally well-liked. "Exactly," she said. "I'm guessing you've seen the paper today. I'm further guessing you've still got it within arm's length. Would I be correct?

It's almost scary," he said. "Okay, I've got it. What?"

"Second section, page six, under Digest."

She heard him turning the pages over the phone. "So we're not in the City?"

There was no mistaking his disappointment. Jeff drew his columns almost exclusively from within the boundaries of the City and County of San Francisco. Interesting news might happen elsewhere, but if it wasn't on his turf, he usually pa.s.sed it along to someone else.

So Gina spoke up quickly. "I'm predicting we're going to get here pretty fast. You see the suicide in Foster City?"

"Got it. Kelley Rusnak?"

"That's her. Lab a.s.sistant at PII. Guess who she was the a.s.sistant to?"

"Don't say Marie Curie. She's not old enough."

"Caryn Dry den."

"Stuart Gorman's wife." Although Jeff had not yet written a column about the case, he knew that the hearing was scheduled for this morning, and he knew the princ.i.p.als by heart.

"Correct. Although you notice the article doesn't mention that. It also doesn't mention, perhaps because the reporter had no way of knowing, that I'd tried to subpoena Ms. Rusnak for Stuart in the preliminary hearing." Gina paused for a second, letting Jeff absorb the fact. "You also might notice that the spokesman for the company isn't some personnel person, somebody with HR, it's the CEO himself. William Blair. Talking about being worried about a lab a.s.sistant because she missed two days of work? This in a company with over a hundred and fifteen employees on site."

"Okay." Jeff was following her.

She went on. "The reason I know all this, and the reason I wanted her to be my witness, is because on the day that Stuart Gorman was arrested last week, he got a call at home from Kelley Rusnak, and then met her in some parking lot down the Peninsula."

"What did she have to do with him?"

"Nothing, directly. She'd only met him a few times. But she gives him a reason to be down the Peninsula other than running from an arrest warrant. She also thought something about the work they were both doing at PII might have had something to do with Caryn's death." A long silence ensued, during which Gina read Jeff's mind. "I don't blame you for considering that this is me trying to get another version of events out in front of the public, Jeff. But two things. First, I just wouldn't do that. You've known me a long time. That's not my game. Second, all this is easily and independently verifiable. You call Bill Blair, ask a few questions, you like his answers, you leave it alone. But I don't think you will like his answers. I think there's an enormous story here."

"About what? These two women?"

"Some of that, yes. But more about the project they were working on. Have you ever heard of the Dryden Socket?"


"Well, sit tight and hold on." She gave him a succinct rundown of what she'd learned about Caryn's invention, the incredible profit it was poised to make, the problems with the clinical trials, the late reporting, Caryn's threats to expose PII's behavior, the pending FDA approval, the mezzanine loans, Fred Furth and his venture capital group. "And now they would have us believe that this young woman kills herself?" she concluded. "I think Bill Blair is at the very least involved in some kind of cover-up. He wants that socket to get to the market with FDA approval, and he's going to hide the negative test results."

"How's he going to do that? Clinical trials, they're public doc.u.ments."

"Right. But these results came in after the trials were completed. Technically, they're not part of the approval process. Now apparently they're coming in mostly as questions to PII. 'Could this death or this clot be from the socket?' So if there's no whistle-blower on the inside, like Caryn or this poor girl Kelley, n.o.body gets to find out about what's going on."

Jeff hesitated, then said, "You're right about one thing. This changes the complexion of things around Gorman. If I put it out and any part of it's true ..."

"It's all true. You can check it all yourself, as I'm sure you will."

"Of course. But if this is any part of your case, with the coverage you're already getting, what I'm saying is it's going to go national in a heartbeat."

"That would be a nice bonus, I admit. Get another version of things out there in the ether. Plus, something else might shake loose. This case needs another suspect in a bad way. What do you think?"

Jeff took most of thirty seconds, a very long time, before he said, "I like it. Up to Caryn Dryden's murder, anyway. But I still can't understand why this girl killed herself. If she was whistle-blowing on this .. . unless someone threatened her somehow. .. but even then .. ."

Gina cut him off. "That's the part I can't figure out either, Jeff. And with my case heating up the way it is, I can't even send investigators out to look. There's no time, and I've got other priorities. But I'm sure there's something here, something big, and it would be an incredible coincidence if it wasn't somehow connected to my case. I just can't see how."

It wasn't until she'd hung up that another thought struck Gina. The cover-up scenario she'd just described so eloquently to Jeff Elliott would benefit anyone who held stock in PII or stood to gain from the timely approval of the Dryden Socket. With Caryn's death, the owners.h.i.+p of all of the family's PII stock, as well as the huge negotiated return on Caryn's $2 million mezzanine loan, would all go to Stuart.

Other suspects, as she'd hoped aloud to Jeff Elliott, might in fact shake loose-Bill Blair, Fred Furth. But if one were inclined to view her client as guilty to begin with, and this seemed to include the whole world at the moment, then she'd just set in motion an investigation that would only give Stuart more, not less, motive.

Her stomach tightened and she fought her way through the cramp with shallow breathing, then shakily stood up to go in, take a shower, and get into her courtroom clothes.


A covered but open-to-the-air corridor extends from the back door of the Hall of Justice, past the jail on the left and the morgue on the right, and ends at a parking lot reserved for police and other official vehicles. Today at 8:15 a.m. the walkway was wet and windswept and Gina was hurrying, head-down, to get to the jail to meet with her client. She nearly walked into the young woman who stepped into her path. "Oh, I'm sorry, I ... Kymberly? What are you doing out here in the cold like this?"

"I tried to see my dad, but they won't let me in."

"That's because it's early for visiting hours. But what are you doing here? Your father said you'd gone back to school."

She shrugged. "School's bulls.h.i.+t." She gestured to the jail. "They're letting you in, aren't they?"

"Yes. But I'm his lawyer." The girl didn't look good. She was in flip-flops, a pair of torn blue jeans, and a camouflage sweats.h.i.+rt with a hood. Weather? What weather? She hugged her arms to her body. The hollows under her eyes were dark enough to be bruises. Her shoulder-length hair hadn't seen a brush or a comb since she'd last slept, which might not have been recently. "Are you okay, Kymberly?"

"I'm fine."

"What did you want to see your dad about?"


"Have you eaten anything today? Are you back staying with Debra?"

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Hardy: The Suspect Part 25 summary

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