The History Of Painting In Italy Volume Vi Part 38

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Lorenzi, Francesco, a Veronese, d. 1783, aged 64. iii. 381.

Lorenzino da Venezia, scholar of t.i.tian. _Ridolfi._ iii. 156.

---- da Bologna, _see_ Sabbatini, _see_ Di Guido, _see_ Loli, _see_ Fermo.

Lorenzo, Don., a monk of Camaldoli, a Florentine, of the school of Taddeo Gaddi. _Baldinucci._ d. aged 55. _Vasari._ i. 60.

---- di, Fiorenzo, di Perugia. His notices from 1472 up to 1521.

_Mariotti._ ii. 27.

Lorio, Camillo, an Udinese painter of the seventeenth century. _Renaldis._ iii. 296.

Loro, da, (in the Florentine district,) Carlo, living in 1568. _Vasari._ i.


Loschi, Jacopo, of Parma. His notices, 1462 and 1488. _Aff._ iv. 76.

---- Bernardino, of Carpi. His notices from 1495 to 1533. iv. 38.

Loth, Gio. Carlo, a Bavarian, d. 1698, aged 66. _Zanetti._ iii. 291.

---- Onofrio, a Neapolitan, d. 1717. _Dominici._ ii. 423.

Loto, Bartolommeo, a Bolognese, pupil of Viola. _Malvasia._ v. 204.

Lotto, Lorenzo, a Bergamese. His notices from 1513 to 1554 and upwards. d. old at Loretto. _Vasari._ Proved to be a Venetian. _Beltramelli Notizie_, &c. iii. 110.

Loves, _see_ Lys.

Luca, Santo, a Florentine, lived in the eleventh century. _Lami._ ii. 9.

---- di Tome, a Sienese, painted in 1367. _Della Valle._ i. 399.

Lucatelli, (in most books Locatelli,) Pietro, a Roman academician of St.

Luke, 1690. _Orlandi._ ii. 268, v. 491.

---- Andrea, a Roman landscape painter. _Catalogo Colonna._ ii. 217, 329, 333.

Lucca, da, Diodato, painted in 1287. _MS._ i. 14.

---- (da,) Michelangiolo, _see_ Anselmi.

Lucchese, il, _see_ Ricchi.

Lucchesino, _see_ Testa.

Lucchetto, _see_ Cambiasi.

Luffoli, Gio. Mario, a Pesarese, painted before 1680. _Guida di Pesaro._ His works at S. Abate were from 1665 to 1707. _Oretti_, according to Church Registers. v. 160.

Lugaro, Vincenzio, di Udine, his notices from 1589 to 1619. _Renaldis._ iii. 295.

Luini, Tommaso, a Roman, d. in the pontificate of Urban VIII., aged 35.

_Baglione._ ii. 205.

---- or Lovini, Bernardino, of Luino, in the Lago Maggiore, lived beyond the year 1530. _MS._ iv. 258.

---- Evangelista, his son, lived in 1584. _Lomazzo._ iv. 263.

---- Aurelio, another son, d. 1593, aged 63. _Morigia._ iv. 264.

---- Giulio Cesare, Valsesiano, a scholar of Gaudenzio. _Pitture d'Italia._ iv. 270.

---- Pietro, _see_ Gnocchi.

Lunghi, Antonio, a Bolognese, d. 1757. _Guida di Bologna._ v. 230.

Luti, Cav. Benedetto, b. 1666, at Florence, d. 1724. _Pascoli._ i. 345, ii.


Luzio, a Roman, a scholar of Perino, painted at Genoa, about 1530. _See Vasari._ ii. 126, v. 370.

Luzzo, Pietro, da Feltre, supposed identical with Morto da Feltro, in _Vasari_. Called also Zarato, and more truly, by _Cambrucci_, Zarotto.

Painted at his native place, in the loggia belonging to S. Stefano, in 1519. _Cambrucci._ iii. 103. _See_ Da Feltro.

Luzzo, Lorenzo, da Feltre, painted at his native place, in S. Stefano, in 1511. _Cambrucci._ iii. 104.

Lys, Gio., called Pan of Oldenburgh, d. 1626. _Sandrart._ In the short _Catalogue of the paintings of St. Peter in Valle di Fano_, (1781,) he is termed Gio. Loves. iii. 292.


Macchi, Florio and Gio. Batista, Bolognese pupils of the Caracci.

_Malvasia._ _Oretti_, in the _Memorie_, says of the second, that he died 24th November, 1628. v. 197.

Macchietti, Girolamo, a Florentine, called Del Crocifissaio, b. about 1541, living in 1564. _Vasari._ i. 263.

Macerata, da, Giuseppino, living in 1630. _MS._ ii. 222.

Macrino, d'Alba, or Gio. Giacomo Fava, his notices from 1496 to 1508. _Co.

Durando._ v. 452.

Maderno, da Como, flourished about 1700. _MS._ iv. 329.

Madiona, Ant., a Syracusan, d. 1719, aged 69. _Hakert._ ii. 411.

Madonne, delle, Carlo, _see_ Maratta, _see_ Lippo, _see_ Dalmasio, _see_ Da Bologna.

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