The History Of Painting In Italy Volume Vi Part 62

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---- Gio. Batista, his son, called Il Sa.s.soferrato, b. 1605, d. 1685. _MS._ Harms and others, by mistake, suppose him to have lived in the sixteenth century. ii. 220.

Salviati, de', Francesco Rossi, called Cecchino de' Salviati, a Florentine, b. 1510, d. 1563. _Vasari._ i. 249, ii. 128.

---- del, Giuseppe, _see_ Porta.

Salvolini, _see_ Episcopio.

Salvucci, Mattio, of Perugia, b. about 1570, d. about 1628. _Pascoli._ ii.


Samacchini, Orazio, a Bolognese, (and Somachino, _Lomazzo_; and by mistake Fumaccini, _Vasari_) d. 1577, aged 45. _Malvasia._ ii. 129, iv. 134, v. 66.

Samengo, Ambrogio, a Genoese, scholar of Gio. Andrea Ferrari. _Soprani._ v.


Sammartino, Marco, a Neapolitan, living in 1680. _Guida di Rimino._ Or a Venetian. _Melchiori_, _Guarienti_. He seems to be the same as the Sanmarchi of Malvasia. v. 266.

San Bernardo, di, _see_ Minzocchi.

---- Daniello, di, _see_ Pellegrino.

---- Friano, da, _see_ Manzuoli.

---- Gallo, da, Bastiano, called Aristotele, a Florentine, d. 1551, aged 70. _Vasari._ i. 102, 215.

---- Gimignano, da, Vincenzio, d. a few years subsequent to 1527. _Vasari._ ii. 116.

---- Ginesio, da, in the Picenum, Fabio di Gentile, Domenico Balestrieri, Stefano Folchetti, painters of the fifteenth century. _Colucci._ ii. 17.

---- Giorgio, di, Eusebio, of Perugia, b. about 1478, d. about 1550.

_Pascoli._ ii. 38.

---- Giovanni, da, Ercole, _see_ De Maria.

---- Giovanni, da, in the Florentine state, Gio. Mannozzi, b. 1590, d.

1636. _Baldinucci._ i. 299.

---- Gio. Garzia, his son, i. 301.

---- Giovanni, da, Oliviero, a Ferrarese, lived about 1450. _Baruffaldi._ v. 289.

---- Severino, da, Lorenzo, and his brother, lived in 1470. _MS._ ii. 19.

Sandrino, Tommaso, a Brescian, d. 1631, aged 56. _Orlandi._ More correctly in 1630. _Zamboni._ iii. 345.

Sandro, di, Jacopo, a Florentine, a.s.sistant of Bonarruoti. _Vasari._ i.


Sanfelice, Ferdinando, a Neapolitan, scholar of Solimene. _Floren. Dic._ ii. 439.

Sanmarchi, _see_ Sammartino.

Sansone, _see_ Marchesi.

Sansovino, Jacopo, a Florentine, or Jacopo Tatta, a scholar of Andrea Cantucci, da San Savino; who, as well as his scholar, was called Sansovino; d. 1570, aged 91. _Borghini._ iii. 244.

Santa Croce, Francesco Rizzo, da S. Croce in the Bergamasco. His notices from 1507 to 1529. (Even to 1541, _Federici_.) iii. 56.

---- Girolamo, da S. Croce in the Bergamasco, as Rizzo. His works from 1520 to 1549. iii. 57, 62.

---- Pietro Paolo, painted in 1591. _Guida di Padova._ iii. 333.

Santafede, Francesco, a Neapolitan, scholar of Salerno. _Dominici._ ii.


---- Fabrizio, his son, b. about 1560, d. 1634. _Dominici._ _ib._

Santagostini, Giacomo Antonio, a Milanese, d. 1648, aged about 60.

_Orlandi._ iv. 312.

---- Agostino, his son, living in 1671. _Nuova Guida di Milano._ _ib._

---- Giacinto, another son of Giacomo Antonio. _Orlandi._ _ib._

Santarelli, Gaetano, a n.o.ble of Pescia, and scholar of Ottav. Dandini, d.

young. _MS._ i. 343.

Santelli, Felice, a Roman, competed with _Baglione_. _Guida di Roma._ ii.


Santi, Antonio, di Rimino, d. young at Venice in 1700. _Guida di Rimino._ v. 257.

---- Domenico, a Bolognese, called Il Mengazzino, d. 1694, aged 73.

_Orlandi._ v. 214.

Santi, Bartol., a Lucchese, and theatrical painter of the eighteenth century. _MS._ i. 362.

Santini, the elder, and the younger, of Arezzo, in the seventeenth century.

_MS._ i. 314.

Santo, dal, Girolamo, _see_ Da Padova.

Sanzio, or di Santi, Giovanni, of Urbino, father of Raffaello, living in 1494. _Lett. Pitt._ i. del tom. i. d. before 1508. _MS._ ii. 22, 52.

---- Galeazzo, Antonio, Vincenzio, and Giulio, ancestors of Raffaello.

_Bottari._ ii. 52.

---- Batista di Piero. _Lazzari._ _ib._

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