The History Of Painting In Italy Volume Vi Part 5

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Bartoli, Franc. da Reggio, d. 1779. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 70.

---- Pier Santi, of Perugia, d. 1700, aged about 65. _Orlandi._ ii. 281.

Bartolini, Gioseffo Maria, of Imola, b. 1657, was living in 1718.

_Orlandi._ d. 1725. His tomb-stone at the Carmine in Imola. _Oretti, Memorie._ v. 257.

Bartolo, di, Fredi, of Siena, lived in 1356. _D. Valle._ i. 400.

---- di, Taddeo, of Siena, painted in 1414. _D. Valle._ d. aged 59.

_Vasari._ i. 400, iii. 13.

---- Domenico, nephew of Taddeo, painted in 1436. _Vasari._ i. 401.

Bartolommeo, Maestro, painted at Florence in 1236. _Lami._ i. 15.

Barucco, Giacomo, a Brescian, painted with Gandini, and with Randa. _Guida di Brescia._ iii. 328.

Basaiti, Marco del Friuli, living in 1520. _Zanetti._ iii. 57.

Baschenis, D. Evaristo, of Bergamo, b. 1617, d. 1677. iii. 345.

Basili, Pierangiolo, of Gubbio, lived to 1604. _Ranghiasci._ ii. 164.

Ba.s.sano, da, Martinello, a painter of the thirteenth century. _Verci._ iii.


---- Il, _see_ Da Ponte. _See also_ Teniers.

Ba.s.setti, Marcantonio, a Veronese, d. 1630, aged 42. _Ridolfi._ ii. 232, iii. 321., Francesco, a Cremonese, called Il Cremonese da Paesi, b. 1642, d.

the beginning of 1700. _Zaist._ iv. 202.

---- another of the same name and country. _ib._

---- another, a Bolognese, pupil to Pasinelli, d. aged 29.

_Crespi._ Perhaps a false report gave rise to this account, for Oretti calls him a scholar of Barbieri, and next of Gennari, and that he died in 1732, aged 80; citing the authority of _Filippo Ba.s.si_, son of _Francesco_, and parish priest of S. Felice. v. 172.

Ba.s.sini, Tommaso, a Modenese, flourished in the fourteenth century.

_Tiraboschi._ iv. 35.

Ba.s.sotti, Gio. Francesco, of Perugia, flourished about 1665. _Orlandi._ ii.


Bastaruolo, Il, or Filippo Mazzuoli, a Ferrarese, d. old in 1589.

_Baruffaldi._ v. 322.

Bastiani, Giuseppe of Macera, painted in 1594. _MS._ ii. 167.

Batistiello, _see_ Caracciolo.

Batoni, Cav. Pompeo, b. at Lucca, 1708, d. 1787. _Elogio del Cav. Boni._ i.

361, ii. 320.

Battaglia, Dionisio, a Veronese, flourished in 1547. _Pozzo._ iii. 114.

Battaglie, delle, or delle Bambocciate, Michelangiolo, _see_ Cerquozzi.

Bavarese, Francesco, scholar of Orizzonte. _Colonna Catalogue._ ii.


Baur, Gio. Guglielmo, d. 1640. _Sandrart._ ii. 254.

Bazzacco, or Brazzacco, _see_ Ponchino.

Bazzani, Gaspero da Reggio, b. 1701, d. 1780. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 70.

---- Giuseppe, called by mistake in the text Gio. Mantov., died director of the royal academy of painting in 1769. _Volta._ iv. 29.

Beaumont, Cav. Claudio Francesco, of Turin, b. 1694, d. 1766. _Della Valle._ v. 483.

Beccafumi, or Mecherino Domenico, Senese, d. 1549, aged 65. _Vasari._ Or rather lived in 1551. _Della Valle._ i. 110, 415, 430, v. 371.

Beccaruzzi, Franc. da Conegliano, records of him in Trevigi, from 1527 to 1540. _Federici._ iii. 127.

Beceri, Domenico, a Florentine, pupil of Puligo. _Vasari._ i. 253.

Beduschi, Antonio, a Cremonese, b. 1576, painted in 1607. _Guida di Piacenza._ iv. 185.

Begarelli, Ant. da Modena, b. about 1498, d. 1565. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 40.

Begni, Giulio Cesare, a Pesarese, d. shortly before 1680. _Guida di Pesaro._ ii. 191.

Beinaschi, or Benaschi, Cav. Gio. Batista, of Turin, b. 1636. _Pascoli._ d.

1688. _Dominici._ Or 1690. _Orlandi._ ii. 215, 414, v. 469.

---- Angela, his daughter, b. 1666, was living in 1717, ii. 415.

Bellavia, Marcantonio, a Sicilian, perhaps a scholar of Cortona. _Guida di Roma._ ii. 441.

Bellavita, Angelo, a Cremonese, lived in 1420. _Zaist._ iv. 151.

Belliboni, Gio. Batista, a Cremonese, pupil to Antonio Campi. _Zaist._ iv.


Bellini, Bellin, flourished about 1500. _See Ridolfi._ iii. 59.

---- Filippo d'Urbino, painted in 1594. _Colucci_, vol. xxviii. ii. 189.

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