The History Of Painting In Italy Volume Vi Part 24

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Donati, Bortolo, a Venetian. _Guida._ Was living in 1660. _Boschini._ iii.


---- de', Luigi, of Coma, painted in 1510. _MS._ iv. 226.

Donato, painted in Venice in 1459. _Ridolfi._ iii. 28.

---- Zeno, a Veronese, a painter of the sixteenth century. _Vasari._ iii.


Dondoli, l'Abate, of Spello, lived the beginning of the eighteenth century.

_MS._ ii. 311.

Donducci, _see_ Mastelletta.

Doni, Adone, d'a.s.sisi, his work in 1472. _Guida di Perugia._ Read 1572.

Living in 1567. _Vasari._ Signed himself _Dono delli Doni_. _Mariotti._ ii.


Donnabella, _see_ Gentiloni.

Donnini, Girolamo, da Coreggio, b. 1681, d. 1743. _Tiraboschi._ v. 255.

Donnino, di, Agnolo, a Florentine, and a.s.sistant of Bonarruoti. _Vasari._ i. 170.

Donzelli, Piero and Polito, Neapolitans, d. about 1470. _Dominici._ ii.


---- Pietro, a Mantuan, pupil of Cignani. _MS._ v. 256.

Dorigny, Luigi, otherwise Lodovico, a Parisian, b. 1654. _Orlandi._ d.

1742. iii. 372.

Dossi, Dosso, d. about 1560. _Baruffaldi._ v. 302.

---- Gio. Batista, d. about 1545. _Baruffaldi._ _ib._

---- Evangelista, of the same family. _Scannelli._ v. 306.

Draghi, Cav. Gio. Batista, a Genoese, d. 1712, aged 55. _Guida di Piacenza._ v. 269, 435.

Ducci, Virgilio, da Citta di Castello, a pupil of Albani. _MS._ ii. 217.

Duccio, di, Boninsegna, a Sienese, painted in 1282. His Mem. up to 1339.

_Della Valle._ i. 386.

Duchino, _see_ Landriani.

Dughet, Gasp., b. at Rome, 1613, d. 1675. _Pascoli._ ii. 244.

Duramano, Francesco, a Venetian. _Guarienti._ Flourished about the middle of the eighteenth century. iii. 389.

Durante, Co. Giorgio, of Brescia, b. 1683, d. 1755. _Guida di Rovigo_, and _MS. Carbone presso l'Oretti_. iii. 389.

Duro, or Durero, Alberto, b. in Nurimburgh, 1470; rather born 20th May, 1471, d. April 6th, 1528; which dates are verified by the very accurate _Bartsch_, in his new work, ent.i.tled _Le Peintre Graveur_, vol. vii., Vienna, 1808. _Baldinucci._ i. 110, 128, 145, iii. 137.


Edesia, d', Andrino, a Pavese, lived about 1330. _Lomazzo._ iv. 212.

Egogui, Ambrogio, a Milanese, his altar-piece of 1527. _MS._ iv. 257.

Elzheimer, Adamo, or Adamo di Frankfort, or Tedesco, d. in the pontificate of Paul V. _Sandrart._ ii. 241.

Emanuele, a Greek priest, lived in 1660. v. 21.

Empoli, da, in the Florentine state, Jacopo Chimenti, b. 1554, d. 1640.

_Baldinucci._ He is called Cristoforo da Empoli in _Lezioni del Lami_, by mistake. i. 294.

Ens, or Enzo, Cav. Giuseppe, d'Augusta, called the younger, to distinguish him from his father, a court painter of Ridolfo II. Flourished in 1660.

_Boschini._ Orlandi calls him Ains, or Enzo; Zanetti, Enzo and Heinz. In his celebrated Tomb of Christ at Ognissanti, he signed himself _Jos.

Heinsius_. iii. 341.

---- Daniele, his son, Zanetti, _ib._

---- Gio., a Milanese, perhaps of the school of the Procaccini. _Guida di Milano._ iv. 309.

Episcopio, Giustino, once called De' Salvolini, di C. Durante, lived in 1594. _Terzi._ ii. 165.

Ercolanetti, Ercolano, of Perugia, lived in 1683. _Orlandi._ ii. 331.

Ercole, da Ferrara, _see_ Grandi.

Ercolino, di, Guido, _see_ De Maria.

Esegrenio, perhaps of the sixteenth century, if not more modern. iii. 9.

Estense, Balda.s.sare, of Ferrara, lived in 1472. _Baruffaldi._ v. 293.

Evangelisti, Filippo, a.s.sisted by Benefial about 1745. _Lettere Pittor._, tom. v. ii. 274.

Everardi, Angelo, a Brescian, called Il Fiamminghino, b. 1647, d. aged 31.

_Orlandi._ iii. 339.


Fabio, di, Gentile, of the Piceno, flourished in 1442. ii. 20.

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