The Callahan's: Secret Sins Part 10

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Archer watched. His heart nearly stopped as her soft pink tongue emerged to swipe over the bead of l.u.s.t. She tasted him with an intimate hunger that burned through his senses and sent chaotic shudders of pleasure racing up his spine.

A snarl snapped past his lips as pleasure overcame his reserve. The fingers of one hand buried in her hair. They tightened in the strands as her tongue caressed the violently sensitive flesh of his c.o.c.k head once again and he growled with the heightened sensation.

"Ah, h.e.l.l. Yes, Anna. Suck it like that, baby. Suck my d.i.c.k just like that."

How often had he fantasized about this? With his fingers fisted around his shaft, stroking it as he brought just this sight to his imagination. Eyes closed, he'd imagined her lush little mouth moving over the engorged flesh. He'd pictured her lips stretching over the broad tip, her tongue las.h.i.+ng at the ultrasensitive spot just beneath the hooded crest.

"f.u.c.k, that's good." He couldn't stop watching her lips move on the head of his c.o.c.k. "Ah, yes, baby. That's so d.a.m.n good."

She was doing far more than he'd ever imagined, and giving him far more pleasure.

Moving up and down on the engorged head, sucking and stroking with lips, tongue, and her suckling mouth, she took him like a woman starved for the taste of a man.

The innocence in her expression as she glanced up at him was at odds with her confidence and the pure hunger blazing in the dark green depths of her eyes.

Her innocence didn't stop her now, though, any more than it had earlier. His stomach tightened as she slid one hand between his thighs to cup his b.a.l.l.s, her fingers rolling them gently, firmly.

Destroying him with pleasure.

There was no going back.

There was no saving her innocence, his conscience, or the consequences he could sense would rise from this night to bite him on the a.s.s.

Brus.h.i.+ng her hand aside he gripped the base of his d.i.c.k. He pulled free of the exquisite heat of her mouth, then angled it to her lips once again. Rubbing the wide crest against the swollen curves of her lips, his teeth clenched as a moan slipped past them. Her gaze darkened further, and as he watched pure emotion fill them, Archer swore he could feel something inside his soul reaching out to her.

Emotion threatened to ambush him, threatened to break free despite his determination to hold it back. l.u.s.t. This was l.u.s.t. It was about hunger. It was about physical need and pleasure.

A pleasure she was sharing with him.

The sound of her pleasure in him caused his b.a.l.l.s to tighten in spiraling l.u.s.t. His need for her was moving through him. Slamming into his senses, tempting him to take over, to take her.

It was all he could do to hold back the powerful dominance that was so much a part of him.

And he had no idea why he was holding it back.

He was already a dead man. He might as well enjoy every second of the lovely, sensual creature sitting before him, her tongue peeking out to lash at the head of his c.o.c.k.

Yeah, he was a f.u.c.king dead man and this was his last meal. A lovely, delicate, sensual little feast, and he intended to enjoy every second of pleasure he found in her.

Anna glanced up at him, the battle to keep her lashes raised nearly overwhelming her.

She wanted to see his dark face, the savage contours and tense hunger in his expression. The chaotic emotions and pure dominance that filled his eyes excited her and intensified her own arousal.

She couldn't believe all the years of fantasizing about him had finally come to an end. All the years of reading about the act were at an end. She had watched it in videos, listened to every story her friends told of giving a man pleasure, and ama.s.sed the knowledge that she prayed would mark this man with her touch.

He didn't love her, but she wanted to make certain he remembered her. That he remembered her touch and the heat burning between them. That he never forgot that she had waited for him- Parting her lips to take the wide crest between them once again, Anna sucked the engorged head into her mouth and let her tongue rub against the ultrasensitive area just beneath the throbbing head.

The taste of male heat and l.u.s.t filled her senses as a harsh growl sounded above her. Archer's fingers tightened in her hair as the fingers of his other hand tightened around the base of his c.o.c.k.

Anna tightened her lips and mouth around the pulsing flesh, sucking him deeper, more firmly.

She could barely take more than the thick head, but the overwhelming sense of femininity that filled her only stoked the flaming hunger higher.

Lifting her gaze to his once again, Anna couldn't help but whimper at the savage intensity of his expression. His fingers tightened in her hair once again as he moved her head back, slowly, before pulling her mouth back onto the thickly flared crest.

He filled her mouth, f.u.c.king it slow and easy, as the rasp of his breath and her muted moans filled the room.

Anna could feel her juices easing from her aching v.a.g.i.n.a as her c.l.i.t throbbed in painful need.

Electric fingers of sensation raced over her nerve endings, sensitizing every inch of her flesh. The fingers of one hand tightened at his hip while the other weighed and caressed his

Her mouth followed the guiding motions of his hands and thrusting c.o.c.k as he f.u.c.ked past her lips. The muscles of his thighs bunched as his drew closer to the base of his c.o.c.k, and the crown filling her mouth throbbed.

She couldn't hold back a muted cry as the subtle taste of his release teased her tongue and his c.o.c.k throbbed again.

She sucked at the thick head hungrily, wanting more. Her tongue rubbed and stroked as the need for the taste of him overwhelmed her.

She needed more of him.

She ached for more of him.

Archer was dying.

The need for release was torturing his b.a.l.l.s, drawing them tight beneath his d.i.c.k as his thighs clenched to iron hardness. Holding back the release throbbing in the tight sac was torture.

Groaning, torn between the hunger to take her as he'd always dreamed of taking her and the knowledge of her innocence, he was caught in a battle between the two impulses that he had no idea how to ease.

"f.u.c.k, enough, Anna," he groaned, pulling his d.i.c.k back from the temptation of her mouth and the come threatening to spill from his b.a.l.l.s.

Spill, h.e.l.l-if he let it go, he'd explode in her mouth with a force that could have him shouting with the pleasure.

"Archer, please," the plea for more, for exactly what he wasn't yet ready to give her, almost broke the control he was exerting over his l.u.s.t. "Don't stop."


"Stop? Not in this lifetime." Archer groaned as he pushed her back to the bed, coming over her and taking her lips with his own in a kiss that burned through his senses like a laser through b.u.t.ter.

With one hand still buried in the thick silkiness of her hair, Archer pulled her head back, his tongue sinking past her lips to find hers in a dance of s.e.xual heat.

She arched into his hold, her slender, fragile body seeking his as the heavy width of his erection pressed demandingly against the silken flesh of her thigh.

Kisses weren't enough.

The need raging through him now was impossible to resist. As sweet and soft as her lips were, the swollen globes of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with their hard-peaked nipples drew his hunger. They were yet another fantasy. A tempting sin he'd often found himself imagining, pressed close together, his d.i.c.k tunneling between them.

h.e.l.l, he could f.u.c.k those pretty t.i.ts as he taught her to lower her head, to part her lips, and take the thick crest as it emerged from them. He could feel the silk of them, play with her tight nipples and watch her face as he spilled his release into her hungry mouth.

But not tonight. There was no time, no chance, for every fantasy he'd ever had where her body and his d.i.c.k were concerned.

But there was the chance to taste her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, to devour the hard tips of her tight, candy-pink nipples.

Easing down her body he caught one of the little buds between his teeth to nibble at it. Rasping it with the edge of his teeth, he couldn't help but watch the sensual, feminine hunger in her face. Watched her lashes flutter closed as her body stretched beneath him, arching to him as though to push her nipple deeper into his mouth.

Instead, he released the tight little tip, his head lifting to stare down at her demandingly.

"Watch me!" he growled as her lashes lifted. "Watch how much I love pleasuring this sweet, perfect little body of yours."

Anna forced her lashes to stay open, her whimpering cry shocking her with the husky, pleading sound of it.

A surge of clenching, overwhelming sensations flooded her p.u.s.s.y. They struck at her swollen c.l.i.t and sent spasms racing through her aching v.a.g.i.n.a as his head lowered, his gaze still locked with hers as his tongue curled around the hard tip of one nipple.

With his free hand Archer flattened his palm against her thigh, the calloused rasp of his touch smoothing up her sensitive flesh. Electric pinpoints of fierce pleasure raced through her nerve endings and fired exquisite flares of sensation through her body.

Arching, her hips rolling, desperate to have his stroking fingers against the swollen folds of her p.u.s.s.y, Anna tightened her fingernails against his hard shoulders. Kneading the powerful muscles as his palm stroked and caressed her thigh, edging closer to the heated center of her s.e.x, Anna couldn't hold back her whimpering moan of rising need.

Moving from one nipple to its mate, Archer groaned as he covered the hard tip. Anna gave a matching cry as his fingers met the slick, heated juices beginning to dampen her inner thighs. Her legs parted further, her vision blurring as pleasure crashed and clashed through her senses.

Hard flares of sensation raced from her nipples to her c.l.i.t, striking into her v.a.g.i.n.a and sending her juices rus.h.i.+ng past clenched muscles to further dampen the folds.

"Oh G.o.d, Archer," she moaned, her hands moving from his shoulders to his hair, her fingers clenching in the strands as he released her nipple and began spreading heated kisses lower.

Moving down her body, his gaze held hers as his lips kissed, his tongue licked her sensitive flesh. Anna felt intoxicated by the rising pleasure and the desperate sensations building inside her.

With her fingers buried in his hair, his gaze holding hers, she could only watch, her breathing restricted, as his kisses began moving across her stomach to her abdomen, and moving inexorably to the aching flesh between her thighs.

She could barely breathe. Held mesmerized by his gaze, by the incredible pleasure building inside her, she could only watch as he placed stinging, roughened kisses on her thighs.

"Archer, please." Arching to him as he paused just above the throbbing bud of her c.l.i.t, his gaze still holding hers, Anna tried to lift herself to the heat of his lips.

"Please what, Anna?" he tempted her, brus.h.i.+ng his chin against the sensitive mound. "Tell me what you want. Tell me how you want it."

What she wanted?

How she wanted it?

Moaning, she shook her head. How the h.e.l.l was she supposed to do that? She'd never been touched like this before. Reading about it, or watching it, didn't give her a clue what she wanted or how she wanted it.


"What do you want, sweetheart?" he tempted her further. "Tell me, and I'll give it to you."

Tightening her fingers in his hair as she licked her dry lips, Anna fought to push past the need to cry out at the rising desperation building in her body, in her senses.

"Please, please, Archer." Finally forcing words past her swollen lips, she arched to him again, needing his lips there, his tongue, his kiss.

"Tell me what you want, Anna." His voice was more demanding, rougher than ever, as the brush of his breath against the sensitive flesh drove a shaft of searing sensation racing through her p.u.s.s.y and throbbing through her c.l.i.t.

"G.o.d. Archer, please. Like my nipples. Take my c.l.i.t like you did my nipples." She couldn't bear the need any longer.

Hunger trumped shyness and sent her racing headlong toward the flames threatening to consume her. "I want your tongue, Archer. Your lips." Her breathing hitched on a moan. "Now, Archer. Please, G.o.d, put your lips on my c.l.i.t."

The words were no more past her lips than his tongue found her. Swiping through the saturated slit, rasping the sensitive flesh hungrily as Anna felt such ecstatic sensations tearing through her that she would have screamed if she'd had the breath to do so.

She didn't have the breath.

Parting her legs further, her knees lifting and spreading as her heels dug into the mattress, she fought to get closer to him. Anna lifted to his questing tongue. As Archer licked with hungry demand around her throbbing c.l.i.t, it felt as though a thousand suns exploded through her taut muscles and over sensitive flesh.

A wail tore from her lips, only to be caught halfway as his lips suddenly clamped on the exploding nubbin. His thumb pressed into the clenching entrance of her v.a.g.i.n.a, barely penetrating, stroking as his lips, tongue, and the suckling heat of his mouth sent her hurtling through ecstasy.

She couldn't cry out.

Anna lost her breath to the incredible sensations tearing through her unprepared senses. Even her own fingers, her knowledge of her own body, had never produced such rapture. She was locked in it, her body shuddering, jerking against him as his suckling mouth, his rasping tongue, and knowing fingers delivered such sensual chaos that Anna could only ride the fury of the sensations as they tore through her.

Rapid bursts of ecstasy were still firing inside her as he moved. Ignoring her desperate cry of denial, Archer came to his knees between her thighs, his knees pressing her legs further apart as he gripped the base of his c.o.c.k and covered her shuddering body.

The wide, pulsing c.o.c.k head pressed against the clenched entrance, stretching her slowly as his kisses began to devour her lips.

She could taste herself on his kiss, but rather than pulling her free of her arousal, it only built it.

Flames of pleasure-pain began tearing through her as the blunt, engorged head of his c.o.c.k pushed inside her, stretching the tender entrance. The impalement of previously untouched muscles burned her flesh as he worked the blunt head slowly inside.

The iron-hard crest raked across previously hidden nerve endings, striking at her senses with so many alternating sensations that she could barely process them.

"Oh G.o.d, Archer!" Crying out his name, Anna watched through pleasure-blurred eyes as his head lifted, his fierce eagle gaze locking onto hers as his hips moved again.

Pulling back, pressing deeper, Archer worked the thick, hard flesh against the clenched, untried muscles of her p.u.s.s.y. He possessed her with a single-minded intent that stole all semblance of control.

As he pulled back again, Anna felt the throbbing crest poised at the entrance of her v.a.g.i.n.a as his thighs tightened and the muscles of his hips bunched. A second later he was surging inside her with a fierce, hard thrust that sent the thick shaft pus.h.i.+ng past the veil of innocence she had been saving for him.

Anna could only hold on for the ride.

Her fingers tightened on his shoulders, ragged cries falling from her lips as he began to move with powerful thrusts, pus.h.i.+ng deeper inside her with each inward movement. Anna arched her hips toward him, desperate to take all of him.

Every sensation, every harsh groan, every stroke of his thick erection shafting inside her sent ecstatic explosions converging on her senses as ecstasy built higher inside her.

Driving into the clenched depths of her p.u.s.s.y, past previously untouched flesh and bared nerve endings, Archer drove his erection in to the hilt. Pleasure ruptured with blazing force inside her, each explosion ripping through her senses and marking her soul.

He was possessing her.

Dominating her every response.

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The Callahan's: Secret Sins Part 10 summary

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