The Callahan's: Secret Sins Part 33

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d.a.m.n, they had to talk. He had to explain her birthmark to her, make the most sense out of what little he knew and still didn't fully understand.

"You said you want to go home-"

"Your home," she finished for him, uncertainty flas.h.i.+ng in her gaze.

Archer nodded, started the vehicle, then slid it into drive and pulled out of the parking spot.

"Was Wayne just crazy?" she asked him.

"Not from what I've seen, Amelia." He glanced over at her quickly. "Driven. Arrogant and bloodthirsty, but I don't think he's crazy at all. Just certain he could have his hobby, keep it a secret, and acquire the Callahans' land in the process."

"No one can acquire the Callahans' land," she stated. "He should have read the fine print."

She had read the fine print, but even more, she understood it. Wayne Sorenson hadn't taken the time to really believe her grandfather and the other Barons would so blatantly f.u.c.k the terms with all the clauses that had been added. It was written to be misleading, and it had been just that.

"Why can't anyone acquire the Callahans' land?" he asked as he pulled into the driveway of his home and turned to look at her. "The Barons tried for years."

"The terms of the estate," she said as she stared down at her hands. "John Corbin and Wayne Sorenson both knew there was no way to acquire that land until I turn twenty-five."

She could almost feel Archer tense, confusion raking the air around him.

"What do you have to do with the estate, Anna?" he asked. "Only Crowe Callahan stood to inherit that portion of the estate."

She shook her head slowly. "So did his sister."

Anna lifted her gaze and stared up at him, expecting to see shock or surprise. Confusion perhaps. What she saw instead was bleak suspicion.

"You know who I am, don't you, Archer?" Had he always known?

"I remembered where I saw the birthmark last night," he finally answered, his voice soft, filled with regret. "Sorenson told you, didn't he?"

Anna could only shake her head as she took a ragged breath and reach for the door latch.

Once again, Archer beat her in exiting the truck. He was around it and standing at the open door to help her out before she could navigate getting out herself.

She turned to face him as he closed the kitchen door behind them, then turned to face her. "Anna?" he questioned her, reminding her of the conversation.

She didn't need a reminder.

"He told Amory," she admitted. "He had no intentions of doing anything but frightening me out of town last night. He just wanted me to leave. He needs me alive until I turn twenty-five. The judge ruled, based on my grandfather's suggestion, of course, that the portion Sarah Ann Callahan would have inherited be held in trust until the end of the year that she would have turned twenty-five. Sarah Ann Callahan would have turned twenty-five three weeks before Anna Callahan. I turn twenty-five at the end of August."

A tear fell down her cheek as all the years of loneliness and unanswered questions began to come together in her head.

It had taken a while for her senses to clear of the sedative Amory had given her. With the slow dissipation of the drug, Anna found herself putting so many things together.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," Archer said.

A second later Anna found herself in his arms, her ear against his chest, the feel and the sound of his heart a comforting beat beneath her head.

"That's why they kept me away from the Callahan cousins," she said. "Away from Crowe and Corbin County. That birthmark."

Shaking her head, she moved away from Archer, turned and faced him again as fists clenched at her side. "Do you know how many times I've heard about the Callahan mark since I moved into Sweetrock? Or how the Callahans were marked so there was no way one of them could hide?" A sharp pain-filled laugh left her lips. "And I was so stupid, because I didn't even think to question the unusual mark I carried myself."

The birthmark resembled a broken arrow with the point pointing toward the middle of her back.

"I hate them," she suddenly screamed, anger pouring through her, from her now. "I hate them. I hate their lies and deceit, and I hate all the years we had to suffer and all the evil that thought it could destroy us. I hate it!"

She was sobbing. Her heart was breaking in her chest as she felt the strength that had kept her upright suddenly leaving her knees. She was sinking and the only thing that kept her from falling to the floor was Archer.

"I have you, baby," Archer said as he caught her and pulled her against him again. "I have you, Anna, and I won't let you go. I swear I won't let you go."

Her hands fisted in his s.h.i.+rt as she held on to him, her tears dampening the fabric.

"It's okay, baby. It's okay, my heart." His words shocked her, stealing her breath for one long, impossibly unreal moment before she forced herself not to question it, not to hope for more.

"You-" She shook her head. "You knew I was a Callahan?"

His hand reached up and cupped her cheek, a thumb brus.h.i.+ng a tear from beneath an eye. "I saw the birthmark, really saw it, last night. I hadn't paid enough attention and I'm sorry for that, sweetheart. I should have known, but to be honest, I've only seen it once, and it was a lot of years ago."

"I'm scared, Archer." A bitter, broken sob escaped her lips.

Thankfully, she was able to hold the rest of them back. She didn't want to cry now, not now. First she wanted to figure out how to handle it all.

"Even knowing what we're going to face when all this blows up," she said, "will you still want Sarah Ann Callahan?"

Would he ever be able to love her?

As the question left her lips, she saw Archer's gaze lift to a point behind her as he suddenly stiffened, his golden brown eyes narrowing.

Anna jerked around in his arms, staring at the three men standing in the kitchen doorway at the foyer, staring back at her with anger so deep and black that for a moment, one helpless moment, she felt consumed by it.

Then Crowe blinked. He blinked and swallowed tightly, glancing away for a second as his cousins stared back at her in shock.

"He couldn't help but love you," Crowe said, turning back to her, his tone as bleak as his expression. "Just as I couldn't help but love you, even when I believed you were my cousin and no better than any other Corbin you lived with."

His voice was so hoa.r.s.e, so ragged, Anna flinched.

"You didn't know?" she'd wondered, feared he had and hadn't wanted her.

"If I had known, you would have never been left alone all those years," he swore, his wolf eyes burning with inner fury and pain. "G.o.d help me, I would have given it all up. I would have given those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds whatever they wanted, Anna, to know you were alive and to protect you from the isolation you suffered. If I had known-" As though he couldn't bear his thoughts or the sight of her any longer, Crowe turned and stalked away.

Seconds later, the slam of the front door caused her to flinch violently and a sob to escape her lips as she faced her cousins.

They were her cousins too, not just Crowe's. They were her family.

Logan and Rafer stared back at her as though she were an apparition, a ghost so insubstantial they couldn't be certain she was actually standing there.

"John Caine told us to be here." Logan cleared his throat as he glanced at Archer, s.h.i.+fting his stance and running his fingers through his hair with a rough movement. "We weren't eavesdropping. When you came in, we came looking for you." He shrugged uncomfortably.

"It's okay, Logan," Archer breathed out roughly.

Logan's lips tightened before, with a jerky movement, he was suddenly stalking across the room.

Anna didn't know what she expected, but she hadn't expected Logan to pull her away from Archer and into an almost desperate hug. "Welcome back, cuz," he murmured at her ear. "It's d.a.m.ned good to see you."

As he stepped back, Rafer was there as well to pull her into his embrace.

"Crowe will come back, you'll see," he told her. "When he was a kid, he would hide and cry for his little lost sister just as much as he hid and cried for his parents. He'll be back."

She nodded as he released her.

"Archer." Rafer extended his hand. "I hope we're welcoming you into the family, man, because you break her heart, and Crowe just might kill you. I know for a fact we will." He grinned.

"I wouldn't expect anything less," Archer promised as he accepted the handshake.

He turned back to Anna then. "Crowe will be back when he can think again. I promise."

Anna nodded, then watched as the two men left the kitchen through the foyer. Seconds later, the front door closed firmly.

She turned back to Archer slowly. "You were going to tell them, weren't you?" she asked.

"Only after I told you," he promised, his rough features tightening into a grimace. "It's been kept from the four of you too long now. You deserved to know."

Reaching up, she laid her hand against his hard jaw as he stared down at her, all the emotions, the gentleness and the love she had dreamed of seeing clearly reflected in his eyes.

"I thought I'd lost you." He lifted a hand and covered hers, holding it against his face. "When I realized Callie had been attacked to draw me away from you, I felt everything in my world turn dark, Anna. I've loved you all along and I wasn't even smart enough to realize it."

"Of course you realized it," she told him with a teary smile. "You haven't let me go even once since you came after me, Archer. You knew, you were just too stubborn to admit it."

He nodded slowly. "Okay, we can work with that explanation," he promised, a smile tugging at his lips. "We can work with that."

His lips touched hers. "I can work with anything but losing you."

What had started as a soothing kiss became something more, something far deeper than Archer had expected.

His lips brushed hers, parted them, let the taste of her draw him in, and the sudden feeling of a connection, a bonding he hadn't known how to describe before, tightened around them again.

It had always been there, he realized. Since the first moment his lips touched hers, it had been there.

Her breathing accelerated, her cheeks flus.h.i.+ng a delicate pink as her pert little tongue swiped nervously over her lips, brus.h.i.+ng against his and sending a surge of l.u.s.t to explode in his senses.

She had come to him, had given every part of herself, even believing he didn't believe in love. He could see it in her eyes every time he had touched her; he had seen the hunger and need for his love, the need to love him fully, openly.

There was no way he could turn from the aching feminine need that matched the hardcore vein of emotion throbbing inside him.

Archer brushed his lips against hers.

Holding her gaze with his, he watched as the agony slowly eased from her eyes, the inner pain and conflict being replaced with a slow, easy quest for pleasure.

That was what he wanted. He wanted that dark pain eradicated, and if this was the only way to do it, then who was he to deny her? After all, there was nothing he ached for more than her heart, her touch, her kiss.

His c.o.c.k throbbed with aching insistence beneath his jeans as he eased the kiss into a deeper caress. Brus.h.i.+ng against her lips again, again using his own lips to slowly part hers, he watched the pleasure build in her gaze.

Archer took her kiss slow and easy.

Leaning into her, his head tilted as she lifted hers up to him, giving him unlimited access, giving him everything he could have ever wanted in life.

His kiss was hot and tempting. The need beginning to flame through her body, arrowing between her thighs and striking at her c.l.i.toris and v.a.g.i.n.a, rose with the knowledge that she didn't just love, she was loved in return.

Each time his lips sipped at hers, his tongue licked at hers, sensation swirled at the sensitive, nerve-laden flesh between her thighs as though ghostly kisses were being laid at her p.u.s.s.y as well.

Tightening her thighs, a little whimper escaped her and slipped into the air around them. Beneath her fingers the hard muscles of his shoulders bunched, flexed as though the battle to hold his hunger back was as much physical as mental and emotional.

Anna, innocent though she might be, had been kissed before Archer. She hadn't just accepted that she belonged to Archer. She had often at least attempted to find pleasure, to find happiness without him.

It just hadn't existed without him, that was all.

Pressing her lips further apart, Archer's tongue licked against hers, teasing her to play.

She wasn't completely certain how to play yet, but following his lead, she licked back at him, retreating quickly, only to lick at his lips as he eased back, to s.h.i.+ft her head just enough to evade a full possession of his lips before nipping at his lower lip when he returned.

At that little nip Archer's arms tightened around her. Pulling her closer to the hard strength of his chest while his lips covered hers, taking them, possessing them with his lips and tongue as a moan escaped her throat.

Pinpoints of sensation began to p.r.i.c.kle through her body, charging her nerve endings with hot, dancing jolts of pleasure.

Hunger raged through the kiss now. Pleasure licked over her senses, charging her nerve endings and awakening parts of her body she'd never imagined could be so sensitive.

Such as the skin at her side where her s.h.i.+rt and the band of her jeans separated: calloused fingertips stroked and smoothed the sensitive flesh. Pleasure washed over her in waves, the need for more growing with ever increasing demand.

More of his kisses and more of his touch. She wanted his body fully against her. Turning in the chair to press into him, she gasped as he gripped her, his head pulling back to growl, "Straddle me."

A second later Anna found her legs embracing his thighs as she straddled his hard body, the wedge of his c.o.c.k pressing into the mound of her p.u.s.s.y through the layers of denim.

His lips immediately returned to hers, growing excitingly rougher and more demanding. His tongue was less playful and more intent. His hands became questing and entirely serious in their explorations as one palm pushed beneath the hem of her s.h.i.+rt to find the swollen curve of her breast.

The heat of his palm seared her flesh through the lace of her bra, creating an exciting friction as his thumb found the swollen tip of her nipple and rubbed it slowly.

Arching into the touch, her hands buried in his hair, Anna heard her own whimper of pleasure and could barely believe she would ever make such a pleading sound.

"Please." She might as well actually beg.

As he pulled back, his lips moving over her jaw to the side of her neck, finding the ultra-sensitive nerve endings there as he licked and kissed a meandering path to the lobe of her ear.

"Archer, it's so good," she moaned, the sensual lethargy that overtook her more intoxicating than the liquor she had consumed earlier.

His hands tightened on her sides, holding her still as his hips arched to grind his c.o.c.k harder into the vee of her thighs.

Exquisite pain raced through her p.u.s.s.y. Her c.l.i.t throbbed with an ache she had no idea how to ease. Riding the hard length of his erection with their jeans separating them was an exquisite agony she wondered if she could bear for much longer.

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The Callahan's: Secret Sins Part 33 summary

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