History of Human Society Part 4

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III. Method of Economic Stages.

1. The Nomadic Stage.

2. The Hunter-Fisher Stage.

3. The Pastoral Period.

4. The Agricultural Period.

5. The Commercial Period.

6. The Period of Industrial Organization.

IV. Progress Estimated by the Food Supply.

1. Natural subsistence Period.

2. Fish and sh.e.l.l fish.

3. Cultivation of native grains.

4. Meat and milk.

5. Farinaceous foods by systematic agriculture.

V. Method of Social Order.

1. Solitary state of man (hypothetical).

2. The human horde.

3. Small groups for purposes of a.s.sociation.

4. The secret society.

5. The religious cult.

6. Closely integrated groups for defense.

7. Amalgamated or federated groups.

8. The Race.

VI. The Family Development.

1. State of promiscuity (hypothetical).

2. Polyandry.

3. Polygamy.

4. Patriarchal family with polygamy.

5. The Monogamic family.

VII. Progress Measured by Political Organization.

1. The organized horde about religious ideas.


2. The completed family organization.

_a_. Family.

_b_. Gens.

_c_. The Phratry.

_d_. Patriarchal family.

_e_. Tribe.

3. The Ethnic state.

4. State formed by conflict and amalgamation.

5. International relations.

6. The World State (Idealistic).

VIII. Religious Development.

1. Belief in spiritual beings.

2. Recognition of the spirit of man and other spirits.

3. Animism.

4. Anthropomorphic religion.

5. Spiritual concept of religion.

6. Ethnical religions.

7. Forms of religious wors.h.i.+p and religious practice.

IX. Moral Evolution.

1. Race morality (gang morality).

2. Sympathy for fellow beings.

3. Sympathy through blood relations.h.i.+p.

4. Patriotism: love of race and country.

5. World Ethics.

X. Progress Through Intellectual Development.

1. Sensation and reflex action.

2. Instinct and emotion.

3. Impulse and adaptability.

4. Reflective thought.

5. Invention and discovery.

6. Rational direction of human life.

7. Philosophy.

8. Science.

XI. Progress Through Savagery and Barbarism.

1. Lower status of savagery.

2. Middle status of savagery.

3. Upper status of savagery.

4. Lower status of barbarism.

5. Middle status of barbarism.

6. Upper status of barbarism.

7. Civilization (?).



1. In what other ways than those named in this chapter may we estimate the progress of man?

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History of Human Society Part 4 summary

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