The Age of the Reformation Part 75

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John Knox: _The History of the Reformation of Religion within the realm of Scotland_. (First incomplete edition, 1586; critical complete edition by D. Laing, 1846, in vol. 1 of Knox's Works. Cf. A. Lang: "Knox as Historian," _Scottish Historical Review_, ii, 1905, pp. 113 ff).

John Foxe: _Acts and Monuments of the Christian Martyrs_. _1563_.

(The MS that I have compared with Fox is Harleian MS 419 of the British Museum, endorsed: "John Fox's Collection of Letters and Papers on Theological Matters," fol. 125).

Nicholas Sanders: _De origine et progressu schismatis Anglicani_. 1585.

Edward Hall: _The Union of the n.o.ble and Ill.u.s.trious Families of Lancaster and York, 1542_. Published as Hall's Chronicle, 1809.

Raphael Holinshed: _Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland_. Vol.

1, 1577.

John Stow: _The Chronicles of England from Brute unto this present year of Christ 1580_. Second edition, _The Annals of England_, 1592.

SECTION 3. _Political Theory_


Erasmus: _Inst.i.tutio principis christiani_, in Opera omnia, 1703, iv, 561.

_The Utopia of Sir Thomas More_ (English and Latin) edited by G.

Sampson with an introduction by A. Guthkelch. 1910.

N. Machiavelli: _The Prince_. (Innumerable editions and translations).

H. Jordan: _Luthers Staatsauffa.s.sung_. 1917. (Extracts from his works).

Zwingli: _De vera et falsa religione_, Werke ed. Egli, Finsler und Kohler, iii, (1914), 590 ff.

Calvin: _Inst.i.tutio_, ed. 1541, cap. xvi.

L. Vives: _De communione rerum_. 1535.

_Vindiciae contra Tyrannos, sive de principis in populum populique in principem legitima potestate_. Stephano Iunio Bruto Celta Auctore.


Francisci Hotmani: _Francogallia_. _Nune quartum ab auctore recognita_. 1586.

E. de la Boetie: _Discours de la servitude volontaire_. In Oeuvres completes pub. par P. Bonnefon. 1892, pp. 1 ff.

_De Jure Magistratuum in subditos_ [by Beza]. 1573

_The Works of Mr. Richard Hooker_, ed. J. Keble. 3 vols. 1888.

J. Bodin: _Les six livres de la republique_. 1577.

G. Buchanan: _De Jure Regni apud Scotos_. 1579.

J. de Mariana: _De rege et regis inst.i.tutione_. 1599.


Lord Acton: "Freedom in Christianity," (1877), in _The History of Freedom and other Essays_, ed. J. N. Figgis and R. V. Lawrence. 1907.

W. A. Dunning: _A History of Political Theories_. _Ancient and Medieval_. 1902. _From Luther to Montesquieu_. 1905.

J. N. Figgis: _Studies in Political Thought from Gerson to Grotius_.[2]


J. Mackinnon: _A History of Modern Liberty_. Vol. 2. The Age of the Reformation. 1907.

L. Cardauns: _Die Lehre vom Widerstandsrecht des Volkes gegen die rechtma.s.sige Obrigkeit im Luthertum und im Calvinismus des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts_. 1903.

R. Chauvire: _Jean Bodin, Auteur de la Republique_. 1914.

J. Kreutzer: _Zwinglis Lehre von der Obrigkeit_. 1909.

F. Meinecke: "Luther uber christlichen Geminwesen und christlichen Staat," _Historische Zeitschrift_, Band 121, pp. 1 ff, 1920.

J. Faulkner: "Luther and Economic Questions," _Papers of the Am. Ch.

Hist. Soc._, 2d ser. vol. ii, 1910.

K. D. Macmillan: _Protestantism in Germany_. 1917.

K. Sell: "Der Zusammenhang von Reformation und politischer Freiheit."

_Abh. in Theolog. Arbeiten aus dem rhein. wiss. Predigerverein_. Neue Folge. 12. 1910.

L. H. Waring: _The Political Theories of Martin Luther_. 1910.

G. von Schulthess-Rechberg: _Luther, Zwingli und Calvin in ihren Ansichten uber das Verhaltnis von Staat und Kirche_. 1910.

K. Rieker: "Staat und Kirche nach lutherischer, reformierter, moderner Anschauung," _Hist. Vierteljahrschrift_, i, 370 ff. 1898.

E. Troeltsch: _Die Soziallehren der christlichen Kirchen und Gruppen_.


H. L. Osgood: "The Political Ideas of the Puritans." _Political Science Quarterly_, vi, 1891.

E. Treumann: _Die Monarchomachen_. _Erne Darstellung der revolutionaren Staatslehren des xvi Jahrhundert 1573-1599_. 1885.

A. Elkan: _Die Publizistik der Bartholomausnacht und Mornays Vindiciae contra tyrannos_. 1905.

H. D. Foster: "The Political Theories of the Calvinists," _American Historical Review_, xxi, 481 ff. (1916).

Paul van d.y.k.e: "The Estates of Pontoise," _English Historical Review_, 1913, pp. 472 ff.

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