The Age of the Reformation Part 77

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Articles, "Geography" and "Map" in _Encyclopaedia Britannica_.

L. Gallois: _Les geographes allemands de la Renaissance_, 1890.

_N. Copernici De caelestium_ libri vi. (First edition 1543; I use the edition of Basle, 1566).

L. Prowe: _Nikolaus Coppernicus_. 3 vols. 1883-4. (Standard).

Wohlwill: "Melanchthon und Kopernicus," in _Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften_, iii, 260, 1904.

_Luther on Copernicus_, Bindseil: Lutheri Colloquia, 3 vols. 1863-66, vol. ii, p. 149. (This is the best text; the stronger form of the same saying, in which Luther called Copernicus a fool, seems to have been retouched by Aurifaber).

A. D. White: _The Warfare of Science and Theology_, 2 vols. 1896.

Vol. i, pp. 114 ff.

A. Muller: _Nikolaus Copernicus_. 1898.

Dorothy Stimson: _The Gradual Acceptance of the Copernican Theory of the Universe_. 1917. (Excellent).

W. W. Bryant: _History of Astronomy_. 1907.

Article, "Navigation," in _Encyclopaedia Britannica_.

SECTION 5. _Philosophy_

The Works of Luther, Melanchthon, Calvin, Zwingli, &c.

_The Workes of Sir Thomas More_, 1357. (Pa.s.sage quoted, p. 329h).

_De Trinitatis Erroribus per M. Servetum_. (Printed, 1531; I use the MS copy at Harvard).

_M. Serveti Christianismi Rest.i.tutio_. (I use the MS copy at Harvard).

E. P. K. Muller: _Die Bekenntnisschriften der reformierten Kirche_.


_Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent_, translated by T. A.

Buckley. 1851.

Thomas Cajetan's commentary on Aquinas, in the standard edition of the _Summa_, 1880 ff.

_Catechism of the Council of Trent_, translated into English by J.

Donovan. 1829.

Altensteig: _Lexicon Theologic.u.m_. 1583.

A. Harnack: _A History of Dogma_, translated from the third edition by N. Buchanan. 7 vols. 1901.

A. Harnack: _Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte_.[4] 1910. Vol. iii.

E. Troeltsch: _Geschichte der christlichen Religion_. 1909. (Kultur der Gegenwart).

E. M. Jones: _Spiritual Reformers of the 16th and 17th Centuries_.


O. Ritschl: _Dogmengeschichte des Protestantismus_, i, ii, Halfte, 1912.

A. C. McGiffert: _Protestant Thought before Kant_. 1911.

J. Gottschick: _Luther's Theologie_. 1914.

Francis Bacon: _Novum Organum_, Bk. I, aphorisms xv, lxv, and lxxix; Essays i, (Truth), iii, (of Unity in Religion), x.x.xv, (Prophecy).

Advancement of Learning, Bk. ix.

_Montaigne's Essays_, pa.s.sim (numerous editions and excellent English translation by Florio).

W. Lyly: _Euphues and Atheos_ (edited by E. Arber, 1904).

R. Ascham: _The Schoolmaster_. 1761.

_Janssen-Pastor_[20] ii, 461f (on the G.o.dless Painters of Nuremberg; cf. also M. Thausing: A Durer, translated by F. A. Eaton, 1882, ii. 248 f.)

Francois Rabelais: _Oeuvres_ (numerous editions and translations).

J. M. Robertson: _A Short History of Freethought_.[2] 2 vols. 1906.

_Colloque de Jean Bodin des Secrets caches et des Choses Sublimes_.

Traduction francaise du Colloquium Heptaplomeres, par R. Chauvire.


F. von Bezold: "Jean Bodins Colloquium Heptaplomeres und der Atheismus des 16. Jahrhunderts," _Historische Zeitschrift_, cxiii, 260-315.

_Jordani Bruni Opera_, ed. Fiorentino. 3 vols. 1879-91.

_Giordano Brunos Gesammelte Werke, verdeutscht und erlautert von L.

Kuhlenbeck_. 6 vols. 1907-10.

W. Boulting: _Giordano Bruno: His Life, Thought and Martyrdom_. (1916).

L. Kuhlenbeck: _Giorduno Bruno, seine Lehre von Gott, von der Unsterblichkeit und von der Willensfreiheit_. 1913.

W. Pater: _Gaston de la Tour_. 1896.

J. R. Charbonnel: _L'ethique de Giordano Bruno et le deuxieme dialogue de s.p.a.ccio_, traduction. 1919.

J. Owen: _The Skeptics of the Italian Renaissance_.[2] 1893.

J. Owen: _The Skeptics of the French Renaissance_. 1893.

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