Veilers - Veiled Target Part 3

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"I don't know about that."

"I do."

"Anything you don't know?" he asked, because despite knowing he shouldn't keep baiting her, he couldn't stop himself. She worried her lips in a most fascinating way when fl.u.s.tered. And when she used them to talk? He wanted to shut her up-the good old-fas.h.i.+oned way-with a kiss.

She eyed him for a few seconds. "I'm on the fence about who's going to win Survivor."

He laughed. Out loud. He couldn't remember the last time a woman had gotten him to do that. And then his eyes betrayed him by roaming down to the low-cut neckline of her dress. A dress she didn't appear comfortable wearing-which only made her more attractive. He took in her tanned, toned arms, watched her drink her ale like it was water and knew without a doubt he'd find her outside doing something physical rather than indoors painting her nails. Which, he noticed, were void of color.

He was about to offer his Survivor prediction when his sense of smell drew him to the entrance of the bar. Dane strolled in, looking tenser than he had earlier in the day. His mouth was drawn tight, his thick eyebrows furrowed. Did he have news about Trey?

So far, Hugh's inquiries into Trey's whereabouts had turned up little. News of the Wolf Seekers initiating a fight continued to circulate, and in light of Trey's absence, the talk was taken seriously this time. The Seekers had never resorted to abduction before, but Hugh wouldn't put it past them.

"A friend of yours?" Tess asked, probably wondering what had led his eyes elsewhere.


"I don't mind if you want to go talk to him." A hint of disappointment sounded in her voice.

"I'll just be a minute." He'd told Dane where he'd be tonight and that if anything important came up to let him know right away. He'd meant by call or text, but far be it for Dane to keep his nose out of Hugh's business.

Before he could get up, though, Dane located his position and took quick strides to the table. His gaze darted to Tess before he spoke.

The flash of appreciation Hugh saw in Dane's eyes as he glanced at Tess sent a jolt of anger through him. His jaw clenched. Sensations he didn't know existed riled his stomach.

"Hey. Sorry to interrupt your date...Trey. But I need to have a few words with you."

Tess didn't hesitate to slide out of the way to make room for Dane. "I'll just go use the ladies room." She smiled at Hugh as she left, but made no effort to hide her scrutiny of Dane.

Hugh's interest in her just shot through the roof.

"What is it?" he barked. For f.u.c.k's sake, he didn't do interest.

Dane took the vacated spot across the table. "I've got a lead on where Trey might be. It's a warehouse not far from here. A couple of guys from the Westside told me they'd gotten wind of a kidnapping. It seems the Wolf Seekers aren't trying to keep a low profile."

"Is it within walking distance?"

"Yeah. About five blocks."

"Give me a few minutes to finish things with Tess and we'll go."

"Did she have any useful information?" Dane's doubtful tone told him he already knew the answer.

Hugh had grown up with Dane, the two only a year apart in age, and he'd never liked his condescending att.i.tude. "I'm not sure yet. She might know something she doesn't realize can help us. I'm thinking about telling her I'm not Trey."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not?"

"The fewer people that know about Trey's disappearance, the better."

He had a point, but Hugh's gut told him he could trust Tess. And more importantly, he couldn't say goodbye to her under false pretenses. Not if he wanted to see her again.

Did he want to see her again? h.e.l.l.

Dane narrowed his eyes. "Don't do it. You came here for one reason and one reason only. To get information. Cut her loose."

For their entire lives, he and Dane had offered each other advice. Nine times out of ten, they each did the opposite. It was a pride thing. An I-know-better-than-you rivalry that existed even though Hugh was in charge of the pack now. But as much as he hated to take the advice, Dane was right. This wasn't a real date. It was a means to an end. He needed to keep up the charade and stop enjoying himself.

"Have a seat at the bar and I'll be ready in five."

Sliding from the seat, Dane said, "I'll give you ten."


He watched Dane leave and wondered if push came to shove whether Dane would remain loyal. He'd made no secret of his anger where Trey was concerned. Dane thought he deserved to be next in line to lead the pack. But before Hugh could give any more thought to that, a flash of blue caught his attention.

The dress Tess wore hugged her body like a second skin. While most men might find her walk unladylike, he found it s.e.xy as sin. The way she moved sent a surge of desire straight to his c.o.c.k. He pictured himself pulling the tie in front of the dress and unraveling the wraparound design. Pictured her beneath him. Naked. Writhing with pleasure while he sank inside her, again and again.

Stop. He needed to put a halt to the l.u.s.t bubbling inside him, but G.o.ddammit, just glancing at her made him hot.

"Is everything okay?" she asked, her shoulders looking provocative as they moved back and forth when she sat.

Shoulders, for f.u.c.k's sake.

"Yes, but-"

"Are you sure? Because you look a little funny."

"Yes, but I need to cut our date short." Not want. Need. He stupidly wanted to spend more time with her. Blue eyes that had pierced him with eagerness and warmth now dulled to a muted shade of gray.

"Oh," she said, those s.e.xy shoulders slumping. "I see."

It pained him to hear her sound so dejected. He wasn't rejecting her. "What do you see?"

She threw her head back and laughed as if she didn't give a s.h.i.+t. "I guess I failed at the blind date. You had your friend come in to bail you out if you weren't having a good time. I get it. That's okay. I'm-"

"That's not-"

" -fine with that. Really. It's no big deal." She opened her purse, pulled out a few dollars and slapped them on the table.

Hugh reached out and covered her hand with his. "That's not what's happening here." Wicked-good vibrations shot up his arm and swarmed every inch of his flesh. His breath hitched. He locked eyes with her, and for a moment time stood still.

She didn't move her hand, didn't pull back from him, and he was grateful.

Her eyes studied his like her life depended on it, and he hoped she saw the sincerity there. "Then what is?"

Never before had he wanted to disappear with a woman-to sweep her off her feet, take her to the mountains, and forget anyone else existed but the two of them. His head swam, the muscles in his back tightened.

He'd only just met her.

"A friend of mine is missing and I need to go find him."

He paid close attention as her eyes slid to his mouth, then up again, as if she could read the truth on his lips. Intensity had returned to the swirling blue of her irises.

"I can help you find him," she offered, confidence and solicitude in her voice.

Hugh lifted his hand from hers. "I don't need your help." This wasn't a game. He didn't need any neighborly support. And he sure as h.e.l.l didn't need her around to distract him.

She slowly pulled her arm back, sliding her palm along the table but leaving the money in place. "You don't understand. I really can help you. I'm..." She paused and closed her eyes for a moment. "I'm a private investigator."

He didn't know what he'd expected her to say, but that wasn't it. Her occupation had never entered his mind. However, now that he knew, could she help? Would she be able to offer valuable input? Information was what he'd wanted from the get-go. The only thing different now was her knowledge wasn't personal-it was professional.

"I've rendered you speechless, huh?" she asked when he neglected to give a timely reply. "Did Kensie and Francesca tell you I was a hairdresser or something?"

Remembering his place, he cleared his throat. "Or something." That was the easiest answer he could muster.

"Something like..."

"It doesn't matter. I appreciate your offer, but I don't need your help." It was safer for her if she kept her distance. Safer for him too. "I've got it under control, so no need to worry your pretty little head."

Oh, he'd blown it now. He could take his "pretty little head" and shove it. Tess wasn't about to let him off the hook. She was enjoying the date far more than she antic.i.p.ated, feeling things she never thought she'd feel again, and then he threw in a missing friend? Awesome. This guy was too good to be true. She wanted in on the chase. Wanted to feel the rush of a hunt.

Next to him.

"How about I just tag along and offer my a.s.sistance when you don't need it?" She waited a beat, then added, "Free of charge."

d.a.m.n, she wished she had a camera because his expression was priceless. She'd replay his flabbergasted look in her mind all night. And smile.

He reminded her of his masculinity by puffing out his chest. "Thanks, but no thanks."

At least she thought that was what he was doing. It was rather distracting. A lesser woman would probably swoon.

"Look, I've got nothing better to do tonight, so come on. It could be fun." She didn't like the imploring note in her voice, but she didn't want the elation inside her to end. Something about Trey's proximity brought out the happy, young, mischief-seeking girl she'd once been, and she wanted to keep pretending she was everything she wasn't.

"Are you ready to order?" the waitress asked, sounding impatient as she paused at the table.

"No, actually. We're leaving, so just the check please." Trey pulled on his leather jacket and slid closer to the edge of the booth.

The waitress nodded and scurried off, disappearing into a crowd Tess hadn't noticed on her trip back from the restroom. Probably because she'd had her eyes on him.

"I'm very good at what I do," she said, hating being told no.

"I'm sure you are. But I don't need a PI." By his bullheaded look and forbidding note in his voice, Tess was s.h.i.+t out of luck.

She silently cursed. Besides practically begging to help him, she couldn't believe she'd told him she was an investigator. She'd never told anyone that. Not even Jason- until he'd proposed, and look where that got him. Her cover was second nature; production a.s.sistant rolled off her tongue like cheeseburger with fries. s.h.i.+t. s.h.i.+t. s.h.i.+t. She'd forgotten who she was.

And liked it.

But she couldn't afford to do that. Not now. Not with a new a.s.signment and her a.s.s gra.s.s if she failed.

"Because pilots are so good at finding people?" Apparently she didn't mind if her a.s.s was gra.s.s. She couldn't let it go. Couldn't let him go. She wasn't acting reasonable or mature or respectable. And she didn't give a c.r.a.p. She wanted to escape. Just for tonight.

Something flashed in his eyes, changing the color from blue to a dark greenish brown, and he snarled. "You don't like to take no for an answer."

"No. Not-"

"And for your information, I'm very good at finding people. I do a lot of search and rescue. So I'm perfectly capable of locating my friend on my own."

"Sorry. I didn't mean to imply you weren't capable. Just that two heads are usually better than one." Wow. The words coming out of her mouth were completely foreign to her. When the h.e.l.l had she ever wanted or needed a partner?

"I've got that covered. The friend that interrupted us is waiting for me."

"He seems pretty occupied to me." She nodded in the direction of the wood-paneled bar. The guy had a pretty redhead practically sitting in his lap and c.o.c.ktail dangled from their hands. "And not at all inclined to leave anytime soon. I'd make a much better sidekick."

After he glared at the bar, his disposition softened slightly. His hunched shoulders relaxed, and his eyes darkened. His gaze fell to her lips when he said, "What I'd like you for isn't the sidekick position."

Regardless of how hard she tried to remain cool, she was positive her cheeks turned ruby red. The corners of her mouth also betrayed her, pulling up against her will. And did her eyelashes actually flutter without her permission? Bad eyelashes.

"I'm quite certain you'd benefit from any of my positions. It's just a matter of how I can best serve you right now."

He hit her with a smile that made her forget her own name. "I, uh, don't doubt that. But right now your safety is my main concern."

"I'm a big girl and can more than take care of myself." If he only knew.

"I'm sure you can. But I'm not taking you with me."

The waitress dropped off the check and he pulled out his wallet. Tess glared at him, hoping he'd reconsider. He left more than enough money on the table and slid her bills back to her.

Fine. She put the money in her purse and got up to leave. If he wanted to play it that way, she'd play. She'd walk out of the bar, pretend to leave, and then...follow him. He didn't know it, but he'd presented a challenge. And she never backed down from those. Add in an element of danger and she was all over it. Her sense of adventure wanted in. Already, her blood was pumping through her veins a little bit faster. Besides, what harm could come from following him?

"Thanks for the drinks," she said.

He scooted out and stood beside her and his nearness ramped up her pulse faster than if she'd been standing on the edge of a mountain, ready to hang glide. His woodsy yet fresh-as-rain scent drew her like a fish to a wormed hook. She wanted to bury her face in his broad chest and breathe him in.

"You're welcome. It was a pleasure meeting you."

"Likewise." She took a step away.

"I'll walk you to your car."

"That's really not necessary."

His arm came around her back. Tingles shot up her spine. "It is." He guided her through the crowded bar, pausing for a moment to track down his friend. "Wait just a minute."

He wove his way to the bar. When he planted a firm pat on his friend's back, the guy jumped to attention, jostling the woman from his lap without a second thought. Either Trey had caught him by surprise, or more likely, he followed Trey's lead.

"Hey, babe. Can I buy you a drink?"

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Veilers - Veiled Target Part 3 summary

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