Chess Fundamentals Part 10

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That, at least, is what the ideal middle-game play should be, if it is not so altogether in these examples.




Before we revert to the technique of the openings it will be advisable to dwell a little on general theory, so that the openings in their relation to the rest of the game may be better understood.


As the pieces are set on the board both sides have the same position and the same amount of material. White, however, has the move, and the move in this case means _the initiative_, and the initiative, other things being equal, is an advantage. Now this advantage must be kept as long as possible, and should only be given up if some other advantage, material or positional, is obtained in its place. White, according to the principles already laid down, develops his pieces as fast as possible, but in so doing he also tries to hinder his opponent's development, by applying pressure wherever possible. He tries first of all to control the centre, and failing this to obtain some positional advantage that will make it possible for him to keep on hara.s.sing the enemy. He only relinquishes the initiative when he gets for it some material advantage under such favourable conditions as to make him feel {78} a.s.sured that he will, in turn, be able to withstand his adversary's thrust; and finally, through his superiority of material, once more resume the initiative, which alone can give him the victory. This last a.s.sertion is self-evident, since, in order to win the game, the opposing King must be driven to a position where he is attacked without having any way of escape. Once the pieces have been properly developed the resulting positions may vary in character. It may be that a direct attack against the King is in order; or that it is a case of improving a position already advantageous; or, finally, that some material can be gained at the cost of relinquis.h.i.+ng the initiative for a more or less prolonged period.


In the first case the attack must be carried on with sufficient force to guarantee its success. Under no consideration must a direct attack against the King be carried on _a outrance_ unless there is absolute certainty in one's own mind that it will succeed, since failure in such cases means disaster.

EXAMPLE 50.--A good example of a successful direct attack against the King is shown in the following diagram:

In this position White could simply play B - B 2 and still have the better position, but instead he prefers an immediate attack on the King's side, with {79} the certainty in his mind that the attack will lead to a win. The game continues thus:[6]


12. B P ch K B 13. Kt - Kt 5 ch K - Kt 3 14. Q - Kt 4 P - B 4

Best. P - K 4 would have been immediately fatal. Thus: 14...P - K 4; 15 Kt - K 6 ch, K - B 3; 16 P - B 4 ! P - K 5; 17 Q - Kt 5 ch, K Kt; 18 Q - K 5 ch, K - Q 2; 19 K R - Q 1 ch, Kt - Q 6; 20 Kt P, K - B 3 (if K - K 1, Kt - Q 6 ch wins the Queen); 21 R Kt, Q R; 22 R - B 1 ch, K - Kt 3 (if K - Q 2 mate in two); 23 Q - B 7 ch and mate in five moves.


15. Q - Kt 3 K - R 3 16. Q - R 4 ch K - Kt 3 17. Q - R 7 ch K - B 3

If K Kt; Q Kt P ch and mate in a few moves.

18. P - K 4 Kt - Kt 3 19. P P P P 20. Q R - Q 1 Kt - Q 6 21. Q - R 3 Kt (Q 6) - B 5 22. Q - Kt 3 Q - B 2 23. K R - K 1 Kt - K 7 ch

This blunder loses at once, but the game could not be saved in any case; e.g. 23...B - K 3; 24 R B ch, Kt R; 25 Kt - Q 5 mate.

24. R Kt Q Q 25. Kt - R 7 ch K - B 2 26. R P Q R - R 1 27. Kt - Kt 5 ch K - B 3 28. P - B 4 Resigns

EXAMPLE 51.--Another example of this kind:

[Ill.u.s.tration] {81}

In the above position the simple move Kt P would win, but White looks for complications and their beauties. Such a course is highly risky until a wide experience of actual master-play has developed a sufficient insight into all the possibilities of a position. This game, which won the brilliancy prize at St. Petersburg in 1914, continued as follows:--

21. B - R 4 Q - Q 2 22. Kt B Q R 23. Q - Q 8 ch Q - K 1

If K - B 2; 24 Kt - Q 6 ch, King moves; 25 mate.

24. B - K 7 ch K - B 2 25. Kt - Q 6 ch K - Kt 3 26. Kt - R 4 ch K - R 4

If 26...K - R 3; 27 Kt (Q 6) - B 5 ch, K - R 4; 28 Kt P ch, K - R 3; 29 Kt (R 4) - B 5 ch, K - Kt 3; 30 Q - Q 6 ch and mate next move.

27. Kt Q R Q 28. Kt P ch K - R 3 29. Kt (Kt 7) - B 5 ch K - R 4 30. P - K R 3 !

The climax of the combination started with 21 B - R 4. White is still threatening mate, and the best way to avoid it is for Black to give back all the material he has gained and to remain three p.a.w.ns behind.

The student should note that in the examples given the attack is carried out with every available piece, {82} and that often, as in some of the variations pointed out, it is the coming into action of the last available piece that finally overthrows the enemy. It demonstrates the principle already stated:

_Direct and violent attacks against the King must be carried _en ma.s.se_, with full force, to ensure their success. The opposition must be overcome at all cost; the attack cannot be broken off, since in all such cases that means defeat._


Failing an opportunity, in the second case, for direct attack, one must attempt to increase whatever weakness there may be in the opponent's position; or, if there is none, one or more must be created. It is always an advantage to threaten something, but such threats must be carried into effect only if something is to be gained immediately. For, holding the threat in hand, forces the opponent to provide against its execution and to keep material in readiness to meet it. Thus he may more easily overlook, or be unable to parry, a thrust at another point. But once the threat is carried into effect, it exists no longer, and your opponent can devote his attention to his own schemes. One of the best and most successful manoeuvres in this type of game is to make a demonstration on one side, so as to draw the forces of your opponent to that side, then through the greater mobility of your pieces to s.h.i.+ft your forces quickly {83} to the other side and break through, before your opponent has had the time to bring over the necessary forces for the defence.

A good example of positional play is shown in the following game:

EXAMPLE 52.--Played at the Havana International Masters Tournament, 1913.

(French Defence.) White: J. R. Capablanca. Black: R. Blanco.

1. P - K 4 P - K 3 2. P - Q 4 P - Q 4 3. Kt - Q B 3 P P 4. Kt P Kt - Q 2 5. Kt - K B 3 K Kt - B 3 6. Kt Kt ch Kt Kt 7. Kt - K 5


This move was first shown to me by the talented Venezuelan amateur, M.

Ayala. The object is to {84} prevent the development of Black's Queen's Bishop _via_ Q Kt 2, after P - Q Kt 3, which is Black's usual development in this variation. Generally it is bad to move the same piece twice in an opening before the other pieces are out, and the violation of that principle is the only objection that can be made to this move, which otherwise has everything to recommend it.

7. ........ B - Q 3 8. Q - B 3


B - K Kt 5 might be better. The text move gives Black an opportunity of which he does not avail himself

8. ........ P - B 3

P - B 4 was the right move. It would have led to complications, in which Black might have held his own; at least, White's play would be very difficult. The text move accomplishes nothing, and puts Black {85} in an altogether defensive position. The veiled threat B Kt; followed by Q - R 4 ch; is easily met.

9. P - B 3 O - O 10. B - K Kt 5 B - K 2

The fact that Black has now to move his Bishop back clearly demonstrates that Black's plan of development is faulty. He has lost too much time, and White brings his pieces into their most attacking position without hindrance of any sort.

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Chess Fundamentals Part 10 summary

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