By Birth A Lady Part 14

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"But there's no bridegroom to dandle his bonnet and plume," laughed Charley.

"There's an ungallant cavalier!" said Nelly, with her wicked eyes dancing with glee. "Now, if it had been Miss Bed--ha, ha, ha!" she shrieked, as Charley made a dash at her by forcing his mare half-way up the bank. "Don't you do that, Charley, or you'll go down again, and have to be carried on a gate--and I don't want you to be hurt any more,"

she said seriously. "But there, I must go back and save my poor dear darling Miss Bedford from being bored to death by old stupid. I'm glad I've seen you, though; it's done me ever so much good. I say, Charley Vining, isn't Miss Bedford nice?"

"I daresay she is; but I know very little of her," said Charley coolly.

"O, there's a story!" exclaimed downright Nelly. "I know you think ever so much of her, or else you would not stop looking miserable after her.

There, I've done, and I won't tease you any more; but I do want to borrow sixpence. Old Max wouldn't lend me one if I was starving. Thank you! O, a s.h.i.+lling!" exclaimed Nelly, actively catching the coin he threw. "Now I'm going; but, I say, do come and see us. You would like my Miss Bedford so!"

Before Charley Vining could answer, Nelly had dashed off, taking a short cut, and he saw her no more; but from that day Charley's spirits rose; and when once or twice more he encountered the walking party, he did not feel so troubled of heart, but rode gaily up, saluting all, taking the first opportunity of frowning and shaking his head at merry laughing Nelly.

Volume 1, Chapter XIV.


"Surely, Miss Bedford, you never think of going to Sir Philip Vining's party such a figure as that!"

It was the day of the Blandfield Court invitation, and the ladies were a.s.sembling in the drawing-room. For, some days before, in accordance with his promise, Sir Philip had been over to the Elms, taking Laura quite by surprise when he supplemented his invitation by a request that Miss Bedford might also be of the party.

"Miss Bedford--our governess!" stammered Laura, completely taken aback.

But she was herself again the next instant, as she saw through the arrangement.

"Sir Philip has been deceived," she thought; "but I am not so easily put off, nor yet cast off," she muttered.

What should she do? Display open anger, or temporise until Ella Bedford could be dismissed--ignominiously dismissed--from her situation?

Laura Bray was angry, and therefore she talked to herself in strong language, and called things by unpleasant names. But she must act in some way, she thought; it would never do for her to give up all for which her ambitious nature thirsted. She had set herself upon being Lady Vining, and after a fas.h.i.+on she loved Charley, who, from being free and friendly, and on happy laughing terms with her, seemed daily to be growing more and more distant; for she was not deceived by his a.s.sumed sociability. She herself had acted so as to try and efface the past; but there was still the recollection of the conservatory scene, and though she tried to set it down as merely a bit of flirtation--one that she ought to pa.s.s over without notice--her heart would not accept of the flattering unction; for she knew Charley Vining to be too sterling, too generous a man to trifle with the feelings of any woman.

Then why was he trifling with her? she exclaimed vehemently. Had she no claims to his consideration? There was a dull heavy feeling came over her, as she thought of how he had never been more than friend to her, and that the warmth had been entirely on one side.

But she felt that it would not do to show her anger--kindness would perhaps work a change; and until her rival--no, she would not dignify her with that t.i.tle--till this governess had gone, she would a.s.sume an appearance of sorrow, trying the while to win Charley back from his pa.s.sing fancy. She could have bitten her tongue for the ill-judged hasty words she had spoken; but O, if she could but detect this Miss Bedford in some light coquettish act, some behaviour too frivolous for her position, it should go hard with her!--for at the present--probably on account of the dislike openly shown--Mrs Bray and her hopeful son seemed disposed to treat their dependent with more consideration, which was really the case on the part of the former, whose mental const.i.tution was such that she could not conceive the possibility of any one holding a paid position to perform certain duties possessing the sensitiveness and thoughts of a lady.

Laura had determined to temporise, and also to counterplot. It struck her that Sir Philip had been deceived, and hurriedly rising, she left the room.

It was evident to her sharpened perceptibilities that it was Charley's doing that Miss Bedford was invited; and she determined Sir Philip Vining should see who was the lady his son wished to be of the party.

Laura's heart beat quickly, as, with a.s.sumed kindness and gentleness of mien, she returned from the schoolroom with Ella, and introduced her to Sir Philip.

"I thought that Miss Bedford would like to thank you herself, Sir Philip, for your kind invitation," she said, by way of explanation of her sudden act; and then she watched attentively the effect produced.

She was right. Sir Philip was startled, and as he rose to cordially greet and repeat his invitation, he gazed almost wonderingly at the sweet mien and gentle face before him, raising Ella's hand, and with all the grace of an old courtier, kissing it respectfully, moved by the true homage he felt for so much youth and beauty. But as he released her hand, there was a troubled puzzled look in the old gentleman's face--a look that was still there when at last he took his leave to go thoughtfully homeward; for now it again struck him that Charley's impressive demand that the governess should be asked was a little strange, though here was the key.

Sir Philip dismissed the thought that oppressed him, though. Charley was too n.o.ble to be moved by any disloyal acts; and as to stooping-- pooh! it was absurd! He was growing an old woman, full of nervous fears and fancies; and casting his "whimsies," as he called them, away, he entered with all his heart into the preparations for the little fete.

And now the day had arrived, and the ladies were a.s.sembling in the drawing-room, where Mr Bray and "Mr Maximilian" were already waiting.

Mrs Bray had sailed and rustled into the room in a tremendously stiff green brocade dress, to be complimented by her lord as resembling a laurel hedge, and by her son for her May-day aspect and Jack-in-the-green look. But Mrs Bray was satisfied, and that was everything. Her satisfaction was evident by the way in which she swept round the room, making a vortex that caught up the light chairs and loose articles that came within its reach.

"Bai Jove, there, why don't you mind!" exclaimed Max, as the glossy hat left upon the couch was sent spinning across the room. "Why don't you sit down?"

Mrs Bray did not reply, but she would not have sat down in that dress, save in the carriage, upon any consideration--at all events, not until after it had been seen at Blandfield.

Max's hat was made smooth sooner than his temper, and he was still muttering and grumbling when Nelly and her sisters came bounding in, like three tall, thin, peripatetic tulips, followed closely by Laura, glorious with black hair, flas.h.i.+ng eyes, amber moire, and black lace.

Mr Onesimus Bray placed his hands in his pockets and walked smilingly round his daughter, in whom he took immense pride; but the attempt that he made to kiss her was received with a shriek of horror, his daughter darting back beyond his reach, and at the same time bringing forth an oath from her brother's lips, as she swept the glossy, newly-brushed hat from the marqueterie table whereon it had been placed for safety.

"For shame, Max!" exclaimed his mother.

"Bai Jove, then, it's enough to make an angel swear! How would you like a fellow to tread on your bonnets?"

The ladies shuddered.

"Never mind, then--a poor old Max!" exclaimed mischievous Nelly, who had but a few minutes before been snubbed by her brother; and, stooping down, she picked up the unfortunate hat, and, before she could be arrested, carefully brushed all the nap up the wrong way, Max sitting completely astounded the while at the outrage put upon him.

What he would have said remains to this day unknown. His mouth had gasped open after the fas.h.i.+on of an expiring aquarium pet, and he was about to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e, when he stopped short; for Ella Bedford came quietly into the room, the centre, as it were, of a soft cloud of grey barege, which gave to her pale gentle features almost an ethereal expression, but which called forth from the gorgeous amber queen the remark standing at the head of this chapter:

"Surely, Miss Bedford, you never think of going to Sir Philip Vining's party such a figure as that!"

Ella coloured up, and then said gently: "Shall I change the dress for a plain muslin, Miss Bray?"

"O, I'm sure I don't know!" exclaimed Laura, with a toss. "I think--"

"I think the dress looks uncommonly nice, Miss Bedford--I do, bai Jove!"

drawled Max, fixing his gla.s.s in his eye, and staring furiously.

It was the first act of kindness Max Bray had done for many a long day; but it caused a shrinking sensation in her for whom it was intended, while Laura darted at her a fierce look of hatred, and then an angry glance at her brother.

Ella looked inquiringly at Mrs Bray, as if for instructions; but that lady always sided with son Max, as did Mr Bray, as far as he dared, with his daughter.

"I almost think--" he ventured to observe.

"Don't talk stuff, Ness!" shrieked his lady. "What do you know about a lady's dress? If it was a fleece or a pig--There, I think Miss Bedford's things will do very nicely indeed; and if some people would only dress as neatly, it wouldn't half ruin their parents in dressmakers' bills."

Laura did not condescend to answer, but throwing herself into a chair, she took up a book, pretending to read, but holding it upside down, till Nelly laughingly called attention to the fact.

"Pert child!" exclaimed Laura fiercely.

"Don't care!" laughed Nelly. "So the book _was_ upside down; and I'd rather be a pert child than a disagreeable, sour old maid!"

"You'd better send that rude tom-boy to bed--you had, bai Jove!" drawled Max.

"Ah!--and I'd rather be a rude tom-boy than a great girl, bai Jove, Mr Max!" cried Nelly; whereupon Mr Bray laughed, Mrs Bray scolded, and Nelly pretended to cry, directing a comical look the while at her father, who, whatever his weakness, was pa.s.sionately fond of his girls.

The crunching of the gravel by the wheels of the wagonette put a stop to the rather unpleasant scene, when, to Laura's surprise, Max jumped up and handed Ella down to the carriage, returning afterwards for his sister, who favoured him with a peculiarly meaning look; one which he replied to in as supercilious a manner as he could a.s.sume.

"What does it mean, Max?" she whispered, as they descended the stairs.

"More affection for your little sisters?"

"My dear Laura," drawled Max, "will you take my advice and adopt a motto?"

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By Birth A Lady Part 14 summary

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