By Birth A Lady Part 2

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"Mistake? No, not I, my deah," was the insolent reply. "Give me your ticket, and I'll change it;" and the speaker coolly held out a tightly-gloved hand.

The black veil hid the flush that rose to the pale face, as, glancing rapidly down the line for the train that seemed as if it would never come, the traveller once more quickened her steps and walked to the other end of the platform; for there was no waiting-room at the little wooden station, one but newly erected by way of experiment.

"Now, don't be awkward, my deah," drawled the exquisite, once more overtaking her. "Here we are both going to town together, and I can take care of you. Pretty gyurls like you have no business to travel alone. Now, let me change your ticket;" and again he stretched forth his hand. "I'll pay, you know."

"Are you a gentleman, sir?" was the sudden question in reply to his proposition.

"Bai Jove, ya-a-a-s!" was the drawled reply, accompanied by what was meant for a most killing leer.

"Then you will immediately cease this unmanly pursuit!" exclaimed the lady firmly; and once more turning, she paced along the platform.

"Now, how can you now," languidly whispered the self-styled gentleman, "when we might be so comfortable and chatty all this long ride? Look here, my deah--take my arm, and I'll see to your luggage."

As he spoke, with the greatest effrontery he caught the young traveller's hand in his, and drew it through his arm--the station-master and porter noting the performance, and nodding at one another; but the next moment the former official changed his aspect, for the hand was s.n.a.t.c.hed away, and the young lady hurried in an agitated manner to the booking-office.

"Have you a room in which I could sit down until the train comes?" she exclaimed. "I am sorry to trouble you; but I am travelling alone, and--"

"To be sure you are, my deah," drawled the persecutor, who had laughingly followed, "when you have no business to do such a thing, and I won't allow it. It's all right, station-master--the train will be here directly. I'll see to the lady: friend of mine, in fact."

"Indeed! I a.s.sure you, sir," exclaimed the agitated girl, "I do not know this gentleman. I appeal to you for protection."

Here, in spite of her self-control, a sob burst from her breast.

"Here, this sort of thing won't do, sir," said the youth, shaking his head. "I can't allow it at my station. You mustn't annoy the lady, sir." And turning very pink in the face, he tried to look important; but without success.

"I think you have the care of this station, have you not, my good lad?"

drawled the exquisite.

"Yes, I have, sir," was the reply, and this time rather in anger, for the young station-master hardly approved of being called a "good lad."

"Then mind your station, boy, and don't interfere."

"Boy yourself, you confounded puppy!" exclaimed the young fellow, firing up. "I never took any notice till the lady appealed to me; but if she was my sister, sir, I'd--I'd--I don't know what I wouldn't do to you!"

"But you see she is not your sister; and you are making a fool of yourself," drawled the other contemptuously.

"Am I?" exclaimed the young man, whose better nature was aroused. "I consider that every lady who is being insulted is the sister of an Englishman, and has a right to his help. And now be off out of this office, for I'm master here; and you may report me if you like, for I don't care who you are, nor yet if I lose my place."

Red in the face, and strutting like a turkey-c.o.c.k, the young man made at the dandy so fiercely, that he backed out on to the platform, to have the door banged after him so energetically, that one of the panes of gla.s.s was s.h.i.+vered to atoms.

"Come in here, miss, and I'll see that he don't annoy you again. Why didn't you speak sooner? Only wish I was going up to London, I'd see you safe home, that I would, miss; only, you see, I should lose my berth if I was absent without leave; and that wouldn't do, would it? May p'r'aps now, for that chap's a regular swell: come down here last week, and been staying at old Sir Henry Warr's, at the Beeches; but I don't care; I only did what was right--did I, miss?"

"Indeed, I thank you very, very much!" exclaimed the protected one, holding out a little hand, which was eagerly seized. "It was very kind; and I do sincerely hope I may not have been the cause--"

Here a sob choked further utterance.

"Don't you mind about that," said the young man loftily, and feeling very exultant and self-satisfied. "I'd lose half a dozen berths to please you, miss--I would, 'pon my word. Don't you take on about that.

I'm your humble servant to command; and let's see if he'll speak to you again on my platform, that's all!"

Here the young man--very young man--breathed hard, stared hard, and blushed; for his anger having somewhat evaporated, he now began to think that he had been very chivalrous, and that he had fallen in love with this beautiful girl, whom it was his duty to protect evermore: feelings, however, not at all shared by the lady, who, though very grateful, was most earnestly wis.h.i.+ng herself safely at her destination. The embarra.s.sing position was, however, ended by the young station-master, who suddenly exclaimed:

"Here she comes!"

Then he led the way, pulling up his collar and scowling very fiercely till they reached the platform, where the exquisite was languidly pacing up and down.

"Now, you take my advice, miss," said the protector: "you jump into the first cab as soon as you get into the terminus, and have yourself driven home: I'll see that you ain't interfered with going up. I wish I was going with you; and, 'pon my word, miss, I should like to see you again."

"Indeed, I thank you very much," said the stranger. "You have acted very n.o.bly; and though you may never again be thanked by me, you will have the reward of knowing that you have protected a _sister_ in distress."

She laid a stress upon the word "sister," as if referring to the young fellow's manly reply to the dandy. But now "she"--that is to say, the train--had glided up, when, turning smartly--

"See those boxes in, Joe!" exclaimed the station-master; and then catching the traveller's hand in his, he led her to the guard. "Put this young lady in a compartment where there's more ladies," he said.

"She's going to London, and I want you to see that she's safely off in a cab when she gets there. She's my sister."

"All right, Mr Simpkin--all right," said the guard.

"Good-bye, miss--good-bye!" exclaimed the young man confusedly, shaking her hand. "Business, you know--I must go."

Just at that moment a thought seemed to have struck the dandy, who made as if to get to where the porter was thrusting the two canvas-covered trunks into the guard's van; but he was too late.

"Now, then, sir, if you're going on!" exclaimed the station-master.

"Third-cla.s.s?" he asked by way of a sneer.

"Confound you! I'll serve you out for this--bai Jove I will!" muttered the over-dressed one, jumping hastily into a first-cla.s.s _coupe_, when, looking out, he had the satisfaction of seeing the young station-master spring on to the step of a third-cla.s.s carriage, and ride far beyond the end of the platform, before he jumped down and waved him a triumphant salute as the train swept by.

The dandy made a point of going up to that carriage at every stopping-- station where sufficient time was afforded; but the fair young traveller sat with her face studiously turned towards the opposite window.

"I've a good mind to ride third-cla.s.s for once in a way," the gentleman muttered, as he pa.s.sed the carriage during one stoppage.

Just then a child cried out loudly; and a soldier, smoking a dirty black pipe, thrust his head out of the next compartment with a "How are you, matey?"

"Bai Jove, no! Couldn't do it!" murmured the exquisite, with a shudder; and he returned to his seat, to look angry and scowling for the rest of the journey.

He had made up his mind, though, as to his proceedings when they reached London; but again he was doomed to disappointment; for on his approaching the object of his pursuit in the crowd, he found the stout guard a guard indeed in his care of his charge; when, angrily turning upon his heel, he made his way to the luggage-bar, where, singling out the particular trunks that he had seen at Littleborough, he pressed through the throng, and eagerly read one of the direction-labels.

"Bai Jove!" he exclaimed, with an air of the most utter astonishment overspreading his face; and then again he read the direction, but only again to give utterance to his former e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n--"Bai Jove!"

He seemed so utterly taken aback that he did not even turn angrily upon a porter who jostled him, or upon another who with one of the very boxes knocked his hat over his eyes. The cab was laden and driven off before his face so slowly that, once more alone, he could have easily spoken to the veiled occupant. But, no: he was so utterly astounded that when he hailed a hansom, and slowly stepped in, his reply to the driver as he peered down through the little trap was only--

"Bai Jove!"

"Where to, sir?" said the man, astonished in his turn.

"Anywhere, my good fellow."

"All right, sir."

"No, no--stop. Drive me to the Wyndgate Club, Saint James's-square."

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By Birth A Lady Part 2 summary

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