By Birth A Lady Part 6

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"But it seems such a shame to send you away through all this rain!" said Laura loudly.

"Fudge!" laughed Charley, as, putting his mare at the hedge in front, she skimmed over it like a bird, and her owner galloped across country, to the great disadvantage of several crops of clover.

"What a pity!" sighed Laura to herself, as she watched the retreating form. "And the rain will be over directly. I wonder whether he'll come back!"

"Do you think we need wait?" said her companion gently. "The rain has ceased now, and the sun is breaking; through the clouds."

"O, of course, Miss Bedford!" said Laura pettishly. "It would be so absurd if the carriage came and found us gone;" when, seeing that the dark beauty evidently wished to be alone with her thoughts, the other remained silent.

"Who in the world can that be with her?" mused Charley, as he rode along. "Might have had the decency to introduce me, anyhow. Don't know when I've seen a softer or more gentle face. Splendid hair too! No sham there: no fear of her moulting a curl here and a tress there, if her back hair came undone. No, she don't seem as if there were any sham about her--quiet, ladylike, and nice. 'Pon my word, I believe Laura Bray would make a better man than Max. Seem to like those silver-grey dresses with a black-velvet jacket, they look so--There, what a m.u.f.f I am, going right out of the way, while that little darling is getting wet as a sponge! Easy, la.s.s! Now, then--over!" he cried to his mare, as she skimmed another hedge. "Wonder what her name is! Some visitor come to the flower-show, I suppose--_fiancee_ of Long-ears probably. Steady, then, Beauty!" he cried again to the mare, who, warming to her work, was beginning to tear furiously over the ground; for, preoccupied by thought, Charley had inadvertently been using his spurs pretty freely.

But he soon reduced his steed to a state of obedience, and rode on, musing upon his late encounter.

"Can't be!" he thought. "A girl with a head like that would never take up with such a donkey! Ah, there he goes, drenched like a rat! Ha, ha, ha! How miserably disgusted the puppy did look! Patronising me, too--a gnat! Advising me to go into society, etcetera! Well, I can't help it: I do think him a conceited a.s.s! But perhaps, after all, he thinks the same of me; and I deserve it.

"Dear old dad," he mused again after awhile. "Like to see me married and settled, would he? What should I be married for?--a regular woman-hater! Why, in the name of all that's civil, didn't Laura introduce me to that little blonde? Like to know who she is--not that it matters to me! Over again, my la.s.s!" he cried, patting the mare as she once more bounded over a hedge, this time to drop into a lane straight as a line, and a quarter of a mile down which Maximilian Bray could be seen hurrying along--Charley's short cut across the fields having enabled him to gain upon the fleeing dandy.

"May as well catch up to him, and tell him what I've seen," said Charley, urging on his mare. "No, I won't," he said, checking. "Better too, perhaps. No, I won't. Why should I send the donkey back to them?

Not much fear, though: he'll be too busy for a couple of hours restoring his damaged plumes--a conceited popinjay!"

He cantered gently on now, seeming to take the shower with him, for he could see, on turning, that it was getting fine and bright. But the rain had quite ceased as he rode up to the door of the Brays' seat--a fine old red-brick mansion known as the Elms--just as a groom was leading the ambling palfrey to its stable at the King's Arms--there not being accommodation in the paternal stables--a steed not much more than half the size of the great rawboned hunter favoured by Max's masculine sister.

"Why, here's Mr Charley Vining!" cried a shrill loud voice, from an open window. "How de do, Mr Vining--how de do? Come to lunch, haven't you? So glad! And so sorry Laura isn't at home! Caught in the shower, I'm afraid."

The owner of the voice appeared at the window, in the shape of a very big bony lady in black satin--bony not so much in figure as in face, which seemed fitted with too much skull, displaying a great deal of cheek prominence, and a macaw-beaked nose, with the skin stretched over it very tightly, forming on the whole an organ of a most resonant character--one that it was necessary to hear before it could be thoroughly believed in. In fact, with all due reverence to a lady's nose, it must be stated that the one in question acted as a sort of war-trump, which Mrs Bray blew with masculine force when about to engage in battle with husband or servant for some case of disputed supremacy.

"Ring the bell, girls," shrieked the lady; "and let some one take Mr Vining's horse. Do come in, Mr Vining!"

"How do, Vining--how do?" cried a little pudgy man, appearing at the window, but hardly visible beside his lady--Mrs Bray in more ways than one eclipsing her lord. "How do? How's Sir Philip?"

"Quite well, thanks; but not coming in," cried Charley, from his horse's back. "Miss Bray and some lady caught in the rain--under tree--bad shelter--want the brougham."

"Dear me, how tiresome!" screamed Mrs Bray. "But must we send it, Ness?"

Mr Bray, named at his baptism Onesimus, replied by stroking his cheek and looking thoughtfully at his lady.

"The rain's about over now, and they might surely walk," shrieked Mrs Bray. "Dudgeon grumbles so, too, when he has to go out like this, and he was ordered for two o'clock."

"Better send, my dear," whispered Mr Bray, with a meaning look.

"Vining won't like it if you don't."

Mrs Bray evidently approved of her husband's counsel; for orders were given that the brougham should be in immediate readiness.

"They won't be long," she now screamed, all smiles once more. "But do come in and have some lunch, Mr Vining: don't sit there in your wet clothes."

"No--no. I'm all right," cried Charley. "I'm off again directly."

But for all that, he lingered.

"You'll be at the flower-show to-morrow, won't you?" said Mrs Bray.

"Well, yes, I think I shall go," said Charley. "I suppose everybody will be there."

"O, of course; Laura's going. I suppose you send some things from the Court?"

"Yes," said Charley; but he added, laughing, "What will be the use, when you are going to send such a prize blossom?"

"For shame, you naughty man!" said Mrs Bray. "I shall certainly tell Laura you've turned flatterer."

"I say, Charley Vining," squeaked a loud voice from the next window, "we're going to beat you Court folks."

"We are, are we?" laughed Charley, turning in the direction of the voice, which proceeded from a very tall angular young lady of sixteen--a tender young plant, nearly all stem, and displaying very little blossom or leaf. She was supported on either side by two other tender plants, of fourteen and twelve respectively, forming a trio known at the Elms as "the children." "I'm very glad to hear it, Miss Nell; but suppose we wait till after the judge's decision. But there goes the carriage.

Good-bye, all!"

And turning his horse's head, he soon overtook the brougham, when, after soothing Mr Dudgeon, the driver, with a s.h.i.+lling, the progress was pretty swift until they reached the tree, where, now finding shelter from the sun instead of the rain, yet stood Laura Bray and her companion.

"O, how good of you, Mr Vining! and to come back, too!" gushed Laura, with sparkling eyes. "I shall never be out of debt, I'm sure. I don't know what I should have done if it had not been for you!"

"Walked home, and a blessed good job, too!" muttered Mr John Dudgeon.

"Don't name it!" said Charley. "Almost a pity it's left off raining."

"For shame--no! How can you talk so!" exclaimed Laura, shaking her sunshade at the speaker. "But I really am so much obliged--I am indeed!"

Charley dismounted and opened the carriage-door, handing in first Miss Bray, who stepped forward, leaned heavily upon his arm, and then took her place, arranging her skirts so as to fill the back seat, talking gus.h.i.+ngly the while as she made play at Charley with her great dark eyes.

But the glances were thrown away, Charley's attention being turned to her companion, who bent slightly, just touched the proffered hand, and stepped into the brougham, taking her seat with her back to the horse.

"So much obliged--so grateful!" cried Laura, as Charley closed the door.

"I shall never be able to repay you, I'm sure. Thanks! So much!

Good-bye! See you at the flower-show to-morrow, of course?


"She's getting a precious deal too affectionate! Talk about wanting me to marry _her_, why she'll run away with _me_ directly!" grumbled Charley, as Mr Dudgeon impatiently drove off, leaving the young man with the impression of a swiftly pa.s.sing vision of Laura Bray showing her white teeth in a great smile as she waved her hand, and of a fair gentle face bent slightly down, so that he could see once more the rich ma.s.sive braids resting upon a shapely, creamy neck. "Have they been saying anything to her?" said Charley, as the brougham disappeared.

"She's getting quite unpleasant. Grows just like the old woman: regularly parrot-beaked. Why didn't she introduce me? Took the best seat, too! Looks strange! I say, though, 'bai Jove'--as that sweet brother says--this sort of thing won't do! I should like to please the dad; but I don't think I could manage to do it 'that how,' as they say about here. She quite frightens me! Heigho! what a bother life is when you can't spend it just as you like! Wish I was out in Australia or Africa, or somewhere to be free and easy--to hunt and shoot and ride as one liked. Let's see: I shall not go over to the town now--it's nearly lunch-time, and I'm wet."

He had mounted his horse, and was about to turn homeward, when something s.h.i.+ning in the gra.s.s caught his eye, and leaping down, he s.n.a.t.c.hed up from among the glistening strands, heavy with raindrops, a little golden cross--one that had evidently slipped from velvet or ribbon as the ladies stood beneath that tree.

"That's not Miss Laura's--can't be!" muttered Charley, as he gazed intently at the little ornament. "Not half fine enough for her."

Then turning it over, he found engraved upon the reverse:

"E.B. From her Mother, 1860."

"E.B.--E.B.--E.B.! And pray who is E.B.?" muttered Charley, as, once more mounting, he turned his horse's head homeward. "Eleanor B. or Eliza--no, that's a housemaid's name--Ernestine, Eva. Who can she be?

Not introduced--given the back seat--hardly spoken to, and yet so ladylike, and--There, get on, Beauty! What am I thinking about? We sha'n't be back to lunch."

He cantered on for a mile: and then as they entered a sunny lane--a very arcade of gem-besprinkled verdure--he drew rein, and taking the little cross from his pocket, once more read the inscription.

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By Birth A Lady Part 6 summary

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