Boy Scouts in Southern Waters Part 42

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A captivating story of how Teddy, a village boy, helped to raise the mortgage on his mother's home, and the means he took for doing so. The obstacles his crabbed uncle placed in his way; his connection with the fakirs at the County Fair; his successful Cane and Knife Board venture; his queer lot of friends and now they aided him; and how he finally outwitted his enemies.



A highly entertaining story of the adventures of a boy who a.s.sisted a United States officer of the law in working up a famous case. The narrative is both interesting and instructive in that it shows what a bright boy can accomplish when thrown upon his own resources, and also portrays the manner in which such officers do their work.



Relates the experience of a faithful messenger boy in a large city, who in answering a call was the means of ferreting out a band of criminals who for years had baffled the police and detectives. The story tells of the many dangers and hards.h.i.+ps these boys have to undergo, the important services they often render by their clever movements; and how by his fidelity to duty, Messenger Boy No. 48 rose to a most important position of trust and honor. It teaches boys that self-reliance, pluck and the faithful performance of duties are the real secrets of success. 241 pages.

These books are bound in cloth: have attractive cover designs stamped in two colors, with t.i.tles stamped in gold, ill.u.s.trated; 12mos.

For sale by all Book and Newsdealers, or will be sent to any address in the U.S., Canada or Mexico, postpaid, on receipt of price, $1.00 each, in currency, money order or stamps.

M.A. Donohue & Co. 701-733 S. Dearborn St., CHICAGO.

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Boy Scouts in Southern Waters Part 42 summary

You're reading Boy Scouts in Southern Waters. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): G. Harvey Ralphson. Already has 703 views.

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