What Came to Mind During My Third Time in Another World Was to for Now, Get Naked. Chapter 99

What Came to Mind During My Third Time in Another World Was to for Now, Get Naked. -

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After being chewed out from the awarding ceremony I safely took the reward money.

And the rumor of me winning the tournament of has already spread in

Of course they would be celebrating.
I’m the only one who answered the call of her motherland in times of danger, and has been branded as a victor of the tournament.


“Good work Kazuha-sama”

I breathe a sigh of relief as Erinu hands over the usual lemonade to me in her room.

Drinking this always puts my heart at ease.

“… Even so your people really do know how to brighten things up… And I think during they didn’t celebrate for me like this during the time I won the tournament in my 2nd time…”

I blow on the lemonade tea as I drink it.
This sweetness is the best.

“Fufu, of course they would. You do know it too right, Kazuha-sama? The reason why they are celebrating…”

“Hmm… Well, yeah”

As expected Erinu is one step of what I’m thinking.

She really is a capable.
My brilliant *boing boing wife, Erinu.

“I’m h.o.r.n.y”


Erinu say to me as she let her cup down.
The boat is more or less departing tomorrow, so I won’t let you sleep tonight!

“Is today a good day?”

“I’ll have the special course”

“Fufu… Oh Kazuha-sama…”

We flirt within the futon.
Being a normie is the best!

“I too shall formally go to

“Wuht you said? [I’m your ex-wife Erinu -desu!] is what you’ll say?”

“No. …  Is that what you want me to say? Is that what it is Kazuha-sama…? ”

“Nope don’t. That will cause a lot of problem!”


I attack.

Oh how marvelous it is to be human!

“Jeez… You’re like a child Kazuha-sama… if you look at me with those adorable eyes”

I startle as Erinu licks my cheek.

There goes Erinu’s switch…

I am now the receiver.

“Please be careful Erinu-san…”

“Yes. Of course. I know very well that Kazuha-sama is an M…”

Erinu whispers to my ear as she playfully bites it.

Maybe it’s because the voice is that of a women that it feels odd

Then we――.

The next morning.

I said my farewell to Erinu and refuse the escorts as I head northwards from
Queen Zemel see me off but that eccentric King Azerlaims didn’t even come out.

He didn’t even laud me at the tribute yesterday.

He really is a stubborn father.

“I’ll ask Erinu when she comes and visit… Maybe he won’t come though”

Maybe I’ll have Zegius jii-san or Graham talk with the king.
Those 2 would probably humor the king.

“Haa… Even so, last night was great… Erinu really is erotic…”

For her to “this” and “that”…
Oh my… It was like a dream…

I then continue past .
After pa.s.sing the town 4 shadows enter my vision.

“Ah! We finally found you! Kazuha-sama!”

The elf dog, I mean Airi waves her hand.
Beside her is――

“Why are you 4 together… Are you having a picnic?”

“Why would you even say that. Stupid s.h.i.+tty queen”

“Who’s the s.h.i.+tty queen! Who is!”

Deborg says with a disgusted expression while he spit on the ground.

“You… even though you almost wet yourself when you were told that Kazuto is a queen”


“Now, now both of you”

Yuuri somehow manage to calm the two of them.
They’re wonderfully disorganized…

“The truth is Kazuha-sama, we 4 have decided to become a [mercenary group]! With the name of

“Don’t arbitrarily name it yourself, ero elf!”

“Wh-who is the ero-ero Airi! ”

“… No one said that”

I retort at Deborg and Airi’s exchange.

Even though I’ll ask them to join my mercenary group…

“…That’s it. We didn’t win but our [names] are pretty much known and we did get a bit of reward money. Maybe we’ll defeat the

“…I see. So the 3 of you were invited. …What are you planning Yuuri?”

I glare at Yuuri.
It might be meaningless but I think I’ll buy a new eyepatch.

“Hmm, are you curios? The reason is simple”

As Yuuri say so he whispers to my ear.

“(It’s to make [your heart] mine. My dear [war maiden], Queen Kazuha-sama)”

“Woah! Don’t whisper it to me!”

My heart races making me blush.

Oh my… What a great scent……. AH!


“…What is it Airi-san”

Those two are still arguing behind me while Airi stares at me.
I don’t get it.

“Somehow… I feel like a pet that has her master being taken away….”

She then crouches don as she stares at me.
I don’t get it.

“Haha, I’m sorry Airi. I’ll treat you to mont blanc pudding later”

“I’m full of energy!”

“Hey… Don’t pamper her that much… good grief…”

I don’t get Yuuri’s [real intentions] but I don’t think it’s something bad, so it’s fine…

Buy your own pudding!

“Ok. We’ll meet again one day. We’ll definitely make our [mercenary group] known throughout the world”

We shake each others hands.

“M-me too!”

Airi joins in.

“They’re … kinda a lot of pain so let’s leave them be”

We ignore Deborg and Lumeria arguing and ――

―― I separate with them and head towards the port city .

Dangit it was so awkward translating this …. XD hahahah

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What Came to Mind During My Third Time in Another World Was to for Now, Get Naked. Chapter 99 summary

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