Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda: Vol 8 Part 40

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1st November, 1895.

DEAR FRIEND (Mr. E. T. St.u.r.dy),

The tickets of the Balleren (?) Society are 35 in number.

The subject is "Indian Philosophy and Western Society". Chairman blank.

As you did not ask me to send them over, I do not. I got your letters properly.

Yours in the Sat,



2nd November, 1895.

DEAR FRIEND (Mr. E. T. St.u.r.dy),

I think you are right; we shall work on our own lines and let things grow.

I send you the note of the lecture.

I shall come on Sunday if nothing extraordinary prevents me.

Yours with love,




BLESSED AND BELOVED (Mr. E. T. St.u.r.dy), So far the journey has been very beautiful. The purser has been very kind to me and gave me a cabin to myself. The only difficulty is the food - meat, meat, meat. Today they have promised to give me some vegetables.

We are standing at anchor now. The fog is too thick to allow the s.h.i.+p to proceed. So I take this opportunity to write a few letters. It is a queer fog almost impenetrable though the sun is s.h.i.+ning bright and cheerful. Kiss baby for me; and with love and blessings for you and Mrs. St.u.r.dy,

I remain, Yours,

VIVEKANANDA. PS. Kindly convey my love to Miss Mller. I left the night s.h.i.+rt at Avenue Road. So I shall have to do without any until the trunk is brought out of the hold.



8th December, 1895.

DEAR FRIEND (Mr. E. T. St.u.r.dy), After ten days of a most tedious and rough voyage I safely arrived in New York. My friends had already engaged some rooms at the above where I am living now and intend to hold ere long. In the meanwhile the Theosophists have been alarmed very much and are trying their best to hurt me; but they and their followers are of no consequence whatever.

I went to see Mrs. Leggett and other friends, and they are as kind and enthusiastic as ever.

Did you hear anything from India about the coming Sannyasin?

I will write later fuller particulars of the work here.

Kindly convey my best love to Miss Mller and to Mrs. St.u.r.dy and all the other friends and kiss baby for me.

Yours ever in the Sat,


To Miss Josephine MacLeod


8th December, 1895.

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Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda: Vol 8 Part 40 summary

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