The Piper Part 26

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Which of you longed the most, and dared the most?

Which of you--

[He searches the crowd anxiously with his eyes.]

ALL ( I! I! I!

( We searched the hills!

( We prayed four days!

( We fasted twenty hours-- ( Mine! Mine!

( Mine--mine--mine--mine!

PIPER Not yet.--They all do live Under a spell,--deep in a hollow hill.

They sleep, and wake; and lead a charmed life.

But first of all,--one child shall come again.

[He scans the crowd still]

Where is the wife--of Kurt, the Councillor?

ALL [savagely]

_No, mine, mine, mine_!

MARTIN'S WIFE What, that lame boy of hers?

PIPER Where is the wife of Kurt?

PETER the Cobbler AND OTHERS --Veronika?

The foreign woman? She is lying ill: Sore-stricken yonder-- [Pointing to the house.]

PIPER [gladly]

Bid her come, look out!

[The crowd moves confusedly towards KURT'S house. The PIPER too approaches, calling]

Ho,--ho, within there!

[ANSELM, the priest, appears in the doorway with uplifted hand, commanding silence. He is pale and stern. At sight of his face the PIPER, falters.

ANSELM Silence here!--Good people What means this?

PIPER I have tidings for--the wife Of Kurt--the Councillor.

ANSELM You are too late.

PIPER Bid her--look out!

ANSELM [solemnly]

Her soul is pa.s.sing, now.

[The PIPER falls back stricken and speechless.--The crowd, seeing him humanly overwhelmed, grows brave.

MARTIN'S WIFE 'Tis he has done it!

HANS the Butcher --Nay, it is G.o.d's will.

Poor soul!

PETER the Sacristan [fearfully]

Don't anger him! 'T was Kurt the Syndic With his bad bargain.

AXEL the Smith Do not cross the Piper!

MARTIN Nay, but he's spent. He's nought to fear.-- Look there.

Mark how he breathes! Upon him! Help, help, ho!-- Thou piping knave!

OTHERS Tie--chain him!--Kill him!--Kill him!

[They surround him. He thrusts them off.]

PETER the Cobbler and OTHERS ( Bind him, but do not kill him!--Oh, beware!

( What is he saying?--Peace.

PIPER [brokenly]

The wife of Kurt!

Off! what can you do?--Oh! I came, I came Here, full of peace, and with a heart of love;-- To give--but now that one live Soul of all Is gone!--No, no!

--_I say she shall not die_!

_She shall not_!

ANSELM Hus.h.!.+--She is in the hands of G.o.d.

She is at peace.

PIPER No, never! Let me by!

[ANSELM bars the threshold and steps out.]

ANSELM Thou froward fool!--Wouldst rend with tears again That shriven breath? And drag her back to sorrow?

It is the will of G.o.d.

PIPER --And I say No!

ANSELM Who dare dispute--

PIPER I dare!

ANSELM With death?--With G.o.d?

PIPER I know His will, for once! She shall not die.

She must come back, and live!--_Veronika_!

[He calls up to the lighted window. The people stand aghast: ANSELM bars the threshold.

I come, I come! I bring your Own to you!

Listen, Veronika!

[He feels for his pipe. It is gone.--His face shows dismay, for a moment]

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The Piper Part 26 summary

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