The Village Coquette; Or, The Supposed Lottery Part 7

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Lucas Yes, I understand.

Lisette And, I alone am going to find Mr. Argon. You finish one side, I will finish the other.

Lucas Wow! That's very good. I will marry them both before the notary.

Lisette As for me, when both contracts are drawn up--I will see. The first one to sign--that's the one I'll take.

Lucas You will take hastily. It's the chance of the game. Let's sign two contracts soon, for fear we will lack one.

Lisette Mr. Argon's waiting for me. I'm off.

(Exit Lisette.)

Lucas (alone) Go, quick, go. But how can she get that all out of her own head? I believe she must have two brains, for she always amazes me. Yes, she's only my daughter. By G.o.d, her wit is already far ahead of mine.

(Enter Girard)

Girard (aside) Let's latch on to the father. I risk nothing, for without him the Baron can conclude nothing. By making him read this phony list, let us disturb his head. Let's throw the dice. (counterfeiting the newsboys) Lists, lists of winners!

Lucas Lottery winners! Let's see a bit. What did you say there?

Girard Let's see if this lottery came out good.

Lucas What do I see there? Don't I see the seal?

Girard Clever. Are you curious? (putting the list on the side where Lucas is not) Read here.

Lucas Very well. But show me better then.

Girard To an avaricious reader--oh beautiful thought. May a happy fool with a lucky number--

Lucas Ha, ha, that's it!

Girard Yes, it is. Hum, hum.

Lucas Let's see that.

Girard (turning the list to the other side) With pleasure. Let's see.

Lucas Eh! I can't see anything that way.

Girard (turning the other side even worse) Let's read. Let's see. Ah!

(Girard is moving and raising and lowering the paper so Lucas can't see.)

Lucas (with a little joy) What is it? Show me then, friend.

Girard No. I was mistaken. But, hum, hum. I hope-- (letting Lucas see the paper) G.o.d, I don't see a thing.

Lucas Ah, by G.o.d, I see. Let's see quickly there, Girard. I see something about me.

Girard (hiding the list) No, it's nothing at all.

Lucas (joyfully) And I have seen. My name is there!

Girard Take it easy. You probably have won nothing. I will give you a hundred francs at best.

Lucas No, no. I've seen what I've seen. Lucas, it's my name.

Girard If you have, at least I want to be reimbursed. Return my money, it's my only resource.

Lucas All right. Show quickly.

Girard It's one of the numbers. It's at least a thousand francs. I have seen several zeroes.

Lucas Several zeroes? I intend to see as many as grains of sand.

Girard You're a man insatiable for zeroes.

Lucas (joyous) Ah, it's ten thousand francs.

Girard Curious, yes, I see. But, if that isn't the numeral?

Lucas By G.o.d, I'm really frightened.

Girard Let's confirm.

Lucas (thoughtful) Yes, there it is, the fifth.

Girard (giving the list) Read it over, and calculate it yourself.

Lucas (taking the list, upset) My heart beats--beats. I am quite transported. I'm afraid to have seen double, and to have counted too many. One, two, three, four, and five.

Girard Let's say--

Lucas (upset) One, two, three, did I say three?

Girard Yes.

Lucas Ah, I see the number that's formed. I'm a bit overwhelmed.

Girard In short, Lucas has the Grand Prize?

Lucas Ouf!

Girard (relaxing) Relax. Take off your coat.

Lucas The Grand Prize!

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The Village Coquette; Or, The Supposed Lottery Part 7 summary

You're reading The Village Coquette; Or, The Supposed Lottery. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Riviere Dufresny. Already has 604 views.

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