Spalding's Baseball Guide And Official League Book For 1889 Part 21

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Captains or their a.s.sistants who engage in "coaching" base runners, must keep within the lines of their designated position, or if they attempt to coach a runner while standing outside of their position, or to run toward home base outside the lines of their position, they must be fined five dollars for each violation of the rule.


Rule 58 prohibits open betting on all ball grounds of clubs governed by the rules of the _National Agreement_. The penalty for a violation of this rule is the forfeiture of the game which is being played when the rule is violated; and the Umpire must enforce this rule or be amenable to a prompt removal from his position.


Rule 52 states that "the umpire is master of the field from the commencement to the termination of the game; and he is ent.i.tled to the respect of the spectators, and _any person offering any insult or indignity to him must be promptly ejected from the grounds_," under the penalty of a forfeiture of the game.

[**Proofreaders note: the chart has been reformatted to improve readability**].

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Spalding's Baseball Guide And Official League Book For 1889 Part 21 summary

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