Snowflakes Part 1

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by Esther Nelson Karn.


"Let's dance to the brown old earth to-night!"

Cried one little flake of snow; "The autumn days have all pa.s.sed by,-- I'm tired of my home here in the sky."

So they all agreed to go.

They dressed themselves in a misty film Of purest pearly white; Their feet were clad in velvet down, As soft and white as the filmy gown They wore to the dance that night.

Wrapped 'round with a drape of raveled gauze Were these little fays so fair.

When out from a cloud a pale star beamed, Bright diamonds sparkled, laughed, and gleamed In their fleecy, tangled hair.

All ready, so pretty a crowd were they That naught could their charms enhance; Then softly and quickly they sped away, For the whisp'ring wind was the cab that they Rode in to the snowflakes' dance.

They flew over housetop, hilltop, dell, With dances and with delight.

Though ne'er did sound of their presence tell; Wherever their fairy footsteps fell, All turned to a crystal white.

In the daintiest robes the trees were dressed, That ever you'd wish to see; The wayworn traveler, he was blessed, And stroked, and kissed, and soft-caressed, By these fays in rapturous glee.

Into every crevice and crack they peeped, They danced till the morning light; They left the print of their tiny feet O'er country road and city street, In frolicsome fun that night.

When the rosy face of the morning sun Peeped timidly out to view, He beheld the earth, last night so brown, Arrayed in a snow-white velvet gown That sparkled like dancing dew.


'Tis sunrise o'er the eastern hills.

All hail! thou lovely morn!

Thy tender blush, thy mellow light Proclaim "The autumn's born."

All nature is so wondrous fair, Bedecked with golden sheen-- A fleecy cloudlet, here and there, In azure sky is seen.

The gold and crimson leaves that give The trees their autumn gown, Are scattered by the gentle breeze Upon the meadows brown.

Tho' summer flow'rs that were so fair Have faded, one by one, The goldenrod, in beauty rare, Her reign has just begun.

The grapevines now are laden with Sweet cl.u.s.ters, oh, so blue!

And scattered o'er the orchard ground Are rosy apples, too.

Oh, who could sigh for summer skies, For summer flowers and trees, For singing birds and rainbow showers, 'Mid autumn scenes like these?

As sinks the glorious "King of Day"

Adown the western sky, He bathes the trees and hilltops in A flood of crimson dye.

He sets the westland all aglow Before he sinks away; So endeth, as a beauteous dream, This lovely autumn day.


Welcome, sweet May!

With thy suns.h.i.+ne and showers Thou'st driven away Old winter's dark hours.

Poor fellow! he seemed rather loth to depart, Till thou, with thy suns.h.i.+ne, compelled him to start.

Welcome, sweet May!

Welcome, sweet May!

That bringest to me, Wherever I stray, A sweet memory, When fragrant pink blossoms hung thick overhead, And love lay asleep in a violet bed.

Welcome, sweet May!

Welcome, sweet May!

With thy suns.h.i.+ne and showers, When young love awoke From sleep 'mong the flowers.

Each year, in thy suns.h.i.+ne, 'neath heavens of blue, With thy sweet, fragrant blossoms he's wakened anew.

Welcome, sweet May!


'Tis the dearest, coolest place I can find; There the locust and the wild grape entwined Float their dewy fragrance ever O'er the dancing St. Joe river On the wings of the soft drowsy wind.

In the coziest of homes, neat and new, Dwell its people so kind-hearted and true.

Not a wall or tower high Mars the tender, sunlight sky, Or shuts out the glad rainbow from view.

When a dwelling for his mate is in quest, Does the robin find its shelter the best.

There his sweetest notes he brings, And a flood of music flings O'er your head as you pa.s.s 'neath his nest.

There are morning-glories dripping with dew, And the dogwood blossoms hang over you.

In a drowse of rapture sweet Does this vale look up to meet, And to bask in the smile of the blue?

Would your soul free from troubles be made?

All its worries and its burdens unlade?

From the tumult and the heat Of the noisy city street, Take yourself to the bliss of its shade.

There you'll drink till you stagger as you plod, Of the sweets from the blossom-spangled sod, While your weary frame is drenched, And your thirsty soul is quenched, In a shower of the great love of G.o.d.

[1] The above is a description of the Lakeside addition to Ft.

Wayne, Ind.


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Snowflakes Part 1 summary

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