The New Woman Part 50

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What chance have we? we, who love with our hearts! we, who are simply what G.o.d made us--women! we, to whom love is not a cult--a problem, but just as vital as the air we breathe. Take love away from us, and you take life itself. You have your books, your sciences, your brains!

What have we?--nothing but our broken hearts!


Broken hearts heal! The things that _you_ call hearts! One love is dead, another takes its place; one man is lost, another man is found.

What is the difference to a love like yours? Oh, there are always men for such women as you!

_By degrees re-enter omnes, R., L., and C., gradually, except GERALD._


But if the love is not dead? if it's stolen? what is our lot then--ours, whose love's alive? We, who're not skilled to steal--who only want our own----


Not skilled to steal! have you not stolen mine?


I have one husband, and I want no other!


LADY WARGRAVE [_restraining her_].

Calm yourself, dear!


I have been calm too long!


Remember, you are my niece.


That's what I do remember! [_Murmurs continue._] I am Gerald's wife!

That's what she doesn't forgive me! [_Addressing MRS. SYLVESTER._] You call yourself a New Woman--you're not New at all. You're just as old as Eve. You only want one thing--the one thing every woman wants--the one thing that no woman's life's worth living without! A true man's love! Ah, if we all had that, there'd be no problem of the s.e.xes then.

I had it once. Heaven help me, I have lost it! I've done my best--it isn't much, but it's the best I can. I give it up! If you have robbed me of his love, my own is left to me; and if the future's yours, the past is mine. He loved me once, and I shall love him always!

[_Exit, C._


_A Month Later._

SCENE:--_An orchard at Mapledurham. Farmhouse at back, C. Paths off, R. and L. front. A cl.u.s.ter of trees, R., at back. A few stumps of trees to serve as seats._

_MARGERY discovered, standing on a ladder placed against one of the trees, gathering apples, which she throws into a basket below. She is dressed in peasant costume._





Yes, dad!

ARMSTRONG [_comes underneath the tree and roars with laughter_].

Here's a slice of luck! That fellow in London wants the grey mare back again!

MARGERY [_who has come down_].

The grey mare, father?


Old Dapple! you remember her?


Of course! but what about her?


Bless me, haven't I told you? I sold old Dapple to a chap in London.

MARGERY [_reproachfully_]

You sold old Dapple?


She's too good for hereabouts. True, she's a splint on the off leg, but what's a splint? I sold her without warranty, and buyer took her with all faults, just as she stood.


Well, dad?


Darn me, if the next day he didn't cry off his bargain!

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