Emperor’s Domination Chapter 5952: The Return Of The Saint

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Chapter 5952: The Return Of The Saint

“We are at the alliance’s territory now.” A disciple looked around after crossing through Ancient Step and reported.

Li Qiye looked around and said: “So much decline, dao lineages moved here, one after another, all impoverished.”

This comment offended many people but the Chu’s members didn’t dare to say anything.

An ancestor smiled wryly and said: “Young n.o.ble, you’re right. Our eight sects have fallen.”

He let out a sigh and still recalled the glorious memories of Insane Court during its peak. Now, Insane Court became Insane Gate, a tiny sect. Similar things happened to all the lineages in this area.

Although the Chu had no affiliation with Insane Gate, they still harbored a special relations.h.i.+p with it due to the past.

If Insane Court had still been around, they would have returned to become Chu Camp once more.

“Don’t be dejected.” Li Qiye told them: “Your ancestor doesn’t worry about this matter, you all just need to live well.”

The group had an awkward smile and didn’t dare to respond. Li Qiye was right - their ancestor had reached an incredible power.

Long, long ago, news of her becoming a Grand Emperor had reached their clan. They had no idea of her current cultivation and didn’t dare to ask.

Some speculated the actual level. Twelve dao fruits? Or the origination level? Could she have the mythical anima?

All in all, they only knew that she was incredibly strong. It wouldn’t be a problem for her to revitalize the clan. With her presence, they would grow to be as strong as Ancient Step in no time at all.

Unfortunately, some of them didn’t know she returned to sever the ties before departing on the next journey.

“We’re at Heaven Calculating Observatory, Insane Gate is near.” A clan member remarked while looking at an old building.

As they were pa.s.sing by, someone awaited them on the road.

“How blessed we are to have you return, venerable saint.” The person prostrated and shouted.

This alarmed the clan members, causing them to stand up with weapons drawn.

Once they got a good look at him, one of them said: “What are you doing, Incense Daoist?”

He was in charge of Heaven Calculating, another of the eight sects.

“Saint, please enter our humble abode for our ancestor awaits you.” The daoist shouted, prompting a smile to appear on Li Qiye’s face.

The old man’s daoist robe was old with numerous patches, making him look wretched. His hair with white streaks was tied up by a pin. His face was covered in wrinkles but his eyes remained bright like well-polished gemstones.

A trigram could be seen on the chest area - a sign of a daoist seer.

“Young n.o.ble, Incense Daoist is in charge of Heaven Calculating Observatory.” A Chu member explained.

“Stand.” Li Qiye smiled.

“Thank you, Saint. I am blessed to be in your presence.” The daoist smiled happily, causing his wrinkles to stack up.

“Saint?” Li Qiye shook his head.

“Saint, I am not being nonsensical. Our ancestor’s spirit suddenly returned so I knew of your arrival, hence my wait.” He explained.

“Your ancestor?” Li Qiye was curious.

“This is our lineage, Heaven Calculating Observatory.” The daoist leaned and pointed at the building behind him: “Our ancestor returned in spirit while I was sweeping, something unprecedented.”

“Enough of your crazy nonsense. The young n.o.ble is an esteemed guest of our ancestor, so mind your words, we cannot protect you if you dare to disrespect him.” A member of the Chu whispered to the daoist.

They didn’t believe him due to his unreliable and irresponsible reputation. Because of this, he became the only one left in the observatory.

During time immemorial, this lineage was a powerful dao lineage. Now, only this building was left.

Nevertheless, it had a fair amount of disciples until Incense Daoist’s generation. Many left and he chased off the last one.

This sect was the weakest but due to old ties, the alliance didn’t remove it from their ranks.

“I’m right this time.” Incense Daoist sincerely told everyone: “Brother, this is our territory, let me be a good host.”

“You all can go now, tell your ancestor I wish her well.” Li Qiye smiled and waved his hand, turning his sight upon the observatory.

The Chu members listened and prostrated to show their respect before leaving, albeit unwillingly.

“Saint, please enter and bless us with your presence.” Incense Daoist exclaimed in excitement and invited Li Qiye.

“You said your ancestor’s spirit returned? How much of your ancestor’s abilities have you learned?” Li Qiye smiled.

Incense Daoist turned red as he responded: “Saint, I am ashamed to admit how little I’ve learned. Our ancestors’ arts are lost with time, we can only do a little fortune-telling so everyone left to live in the mortal world, I am the only one here.”

“Want to do a little fortune-telling then?” Li Qiye asked.

The daoist was horrified and waved his hands repeatedly: “Saint, please, if I dare to read your fortune, lightning will strike me dead immediately.”

Although he couldn’t compare to his ancestors, he understood the risk. He could calculate mortals and cultivators but not this so-called Saint.

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Emperor’s Domination Chapter 5952: The Return Of The Saint summary

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