Emperor’s Domination Chapter 6056: What Merchandise Do You Have?

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Chapter 6056: What Merchandise Do You Have?

Li Qiye took a closer look - the statue seemed to be alive somehow. He narrowed his eyes, intending to understand it.

The noise from the statue woke up the shop owner. He was the only one so he served all roles; the run-down shop didn’t resemble the soup ghost’s description of it.

The owner was almost bald with no hair to the front or middle. Only a few spa.r.s.e patches stubbornly persisted to his left and right. How much longer could they last?

He didn’t look like a ghost but more of a greasy merchant often seen in any market. He wore a white, sleeveless robe and a pair of shorts. He didn’t look like an important figure at all with his straw sandals.

“Esteemed guests, what are you looking for?” The owner ran out and bowed to Li Qiye, fawning all over him.

Li Qiye glanced at him before turning toward the old woman statue: “Is this for sale?”

“Uh…” The enthusiastic owner paused for a moment before shaking his head repeatedly: “Young n.o.ble, this is our lucky charm that can attract distinguished patrons, it’s how we earn a living, so it’s not for sale.”

He seemed willing to sell Li Qiye anything else in the shop, just not the lucky woman. This was a sensitive issue.

“That’s fine, I don’t have any money anyway.” Li Qiye smiled.

“...” The man was left speechless momentarily. After a second, he said: “That’s not a problem at all, you don’t have money now but you will have some soon. My lucky statue only attracts the best customers, come, please take a look at all my peerless merchandise and take what you fancy.”

“But I only have one coin.” Li Qiye casually revealed.

“That’s perfectly fine. I will hold the items for you and you can return when you have money.” The man said: “Moreover, Young n.o.ble, I also accept treasures or personal items. The price will be more than fair.”

“Why are you only talking to the young n.o.ble and not me?” Six-style was amused by his enthusiasm.

His expression immediately changed - the sunny smile turned into indifference. He stared at her as if he was looking at a fly buzzing and preventing him from showing his hospitality.

Six-style wondered if his att.i.tude was the reason for the shop’s lack of customers.

“Do you treat all guests like this?” She was only curious, not offended.

“My shop only deals with esteemed guests, not regular customers.” He said.

“Who are considered esteemed guests?” She asked again.

“Heh, like this young n.o.ble.” He said: “As long as our lucky statue refers to them as esteemed guests, then they must be. As for you…”

He paused and gave her a look of derision: “Just take a look around.”

His expression made people want to slap him. Who would buy anything from this dilapidated shop? Six-style didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Back when she was an emperor, she had never been insulted this directly before.

“What merchandise do you have?” Li Qiye asked.

The man turned into a sycophant again, no longer having an arrogant demeanor.

“I’m sure you are looking for something special, hence your visit to our market.” The man winked.

“Something special?” Li Qiye’s brows furrowed.

“You know what I mean.” His expression became increasingly sleazy and gave Six-style gooseb.u.mps.

“I don’t.” Li Qiye smiled.

“Come on, we men know what I’m talking about.” The man insisted.

Six-style felt the urge to kick the man out of the shop.

“Forget it, I’ll just take a look myself.” Li Qiye shook his head, chuckling.

“Yes, yes.” The man didn’t dare to go against Li Qiye.

In theory, the ghosts in the market were mighty figures once with incredible backgrounds. Alas, this greasy man didn’t look or act the part.

“Are you really a ghost?” Six-style asked since he didn’t have any yin energy.

“Obviously, do I look like a living person?” The man’s smile disappeared immediately, treating her as a penniless beggar. He had no intention of serving someone who couldn’t afford anything.

She found this amusing because Li Qiye was just as penniless yet his att.i.tude towards them was completely different.

The shop was crammed and small so it didn’t take long for Li Qiye to finish. He found that it was filled with all sorts of strange things, just not divine artifacts and weapons. They just weren’t desirable by any visitor.

One of them was a red undergarment for women, a block of green copper, and a talisman with ghastly runes…

At first, Six-style considered them as worthless junk that had been discarded. As time went on, she discerned unusual property about them - a subtle yet undeniable connecting type of power.

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Emperor’s Domination Chapter 6056: What Merchandise Do You Have? summary

You're reading Emperor’s Domination. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Yan Bi Xiao Sheng,厌笔萧生. Already has 105 views.

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