Emperor’s Domination Chapter 6083: Living Too Long Isn't Great

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Chapter 6083: Living Too Long Isn’t Great

“I’m afraid I don’t have much time left. Enigma requires everyone’s support in the future.” Endlaw sighed and told Six-style.

“You worry too much, you can still live for another ten thousand years or longer.” Six-style shook her head.

“As far as I can tell, it is coming much sooner.” He disagreed.

Although cultivation was often an indicator of lifespan, it didn’t always apply perfectly. Some emperors or desolate G.o.ds could live longer than primal ancestors and heaven-slayers. Alas, none could live forever.

Power didn’t matter in the face of death. Past mental preparation seemed insufficient. These beings have fought on the battlefield and weren’t afraid of death.

However, running out of lifespan was different than dying in battle. Fear surfaced and they tried to avoid it by all means necessary. One of the methods could be found in the major ghost market.

The old woman earlier was a prime example. Her past was filled with divinity and glory. Now, she became an abomination living a borrowed life. Endlaw might also fall to this degeneracy in due time.

“The fear of death only increases with age, I am definitely not prepared for it. How shameful.” He sighed.

“It happens to all.” She sympathized because although she didn’t fear death now, this might change with age.

“Young n.o.ble, the dynasty will need your a.s.sistance.” He kneeled before Li Qiye.

“I am just a pa.s.serby.” Li Qiye smiled and shook his head.

Endlaw glanced at Enigma Loops on Li Qiye’s wrist and didn’t believe him.

“I am not your Hidden Ancestor.” Li Qiye repeated.

“Even if you aren’t Hidden Ancestor, you must have deep ties with our dynasty since you have the loops.” Endlaw said.

“That’s not wrong.” Li Qiye nodded.

“I am glad to hear that, its future is in your hands.” Endlaw spoke as if this was his last wish.

“It can only rely on its members, as I’ve said, I’m just a pa.s.serby.” Li Qiye repeated.

Endlaw sighed after hearing this. Nevertheless, he bowed and said: “Thank you for saving Six-style.”

“Have to play along with fate.” Li Qiye smiled.

Six-style felt a sense of dread as if something bad was about to happen to their dynasty. Although they were one of the three great dynasties, a collapse wasn’t out of the question.

Endlaw felt the same way. He had lived so long and worried about the dynasty just as much as death.

“What will you do now?” Six-style asked.

“I have to try Darkmoon. Given the danger looming there, I don’t think I’m returning but since I don’t have much time left, I must give it a shot.” Endlaw made up his mind and stared at the sacred temple.

“I pray for your success.” Six-style bowed and didn’t try to convince him otherwise since it would be futile. Moreover, the chance of success wasn’t zero.

Endlaw bid goodbye to her and then bowed to Li Qiye before leaving.

“It’s truly not easy facing death.” Six-style sighed after he was gone. She grew up watching him dominate but now, he seemed powerless.

“Living too long isn’t great. The older, the more one runs from death but it will latch on like one’s shadow.” Li Qiye said.

Six-style couldn’t quite grasp the sensation of fear due to her age.

“Young n.o.ble, where do we go now to find Fog Emissary?” She asked.

“Very easy.” Li Qiye smiled and conjured a thought in his mind: “Come.”

“Poof!” A fog appeared before them.

“Sigh, just a bit more and I would have caught him.” Fog Emissary complained.

“As if you can get him to talk.” Li Qiye said.

“Well, that’s true.” He agreed.

“Then what’s the point in catching him?” Li Qiye said.

“He must know so many things.” He still didn’t want to give up.

“Aren’t you the most knowledgeable here?” Li Qiye smirked.

“Sir, I do know the ghost market like the back of my hand, but certain things still elude me.” He said.

“Such as your past?” Li Qiye said.

“Yes, I don’t remember anything about my past life.” He said.

“And that’s why you’re looking for karma through me.” Li Qiye said.

“Intuition tells me that we are related.” He told the truth.

“All that boasting for nothing, we wasted one hundred million coins on you.” Six-style interjected.

“Ah… it’s not that serious.” He smiled awkwardly.

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Emperor’s Domination Chapter 6083: Living Too Long Isn't Great summary

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