Forty Years Of Spy Part 28

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Amongst the most frequent visitors was Lady Cardigan in gayest attire, and usually accompanied by a much-beribboned poodle, the colour of whose furbelows matched her own. I greatly appreciated her hospitality, for she had an inexhaustible fund of good stories which secured many an extra point through her wit in the telling. Just then Prince Battyany was renting Eaglehurst, and I have a very pleasant recollection of being taken to a garden-party there by Lord and Lady Londonderry on their yacht the _Aileen_.

The next time I went to Cowes was on the occasion of the German Emperor's first visit, when the little place was naturally overcrowded, and in consequence I had unusual difficulty in getting into the Squadron. On previous occasions I had had no trouble in being "put up" for the club, but it seemed that every one was full up.

I was extremely disappointed as the proprietor of _Vanity Fair_ (Mr.

Gibson Bowles) had particularly wished me to make a representative group of prominent members of the R.Y.S. I was in a quandary, so I went to the secretary, Mr. Pasley, and told him of my predicament. He said, "They're all full up, I am sorry I haven't the power to let you in, but I will do my best for you. I will speak to the Prince of Wales, he is sure to be here soon." We were talking at the gate of the castle grounds when suddenly the secretary said, "Here he comes."

H.R.H. upon hearing of my dilemma, with his usual good nature sent a message to tell me that he regretted I had not let him know before and that I might come in whenever I liked, and at once if I wished. So I received my pa.s.s in due course.

The late Chevalier Martino was of course "all there" as a guest of the Emperor William on board the _Hohenzollern_. He was a Neapolitan, and of a most impa.s.sioned temperament. I remember meeting him one night at dinner. The conversation fell on the battle of Trafalgar, and, forgetting the dishes which were before him he suddenly rose from the table and started to recite the "Death of Nelson." During the recitation he worked himself to such a pitch of emotion that at the climax of the death scene, he fell to all appearance lifeless upon the floor.

When I met him shortly afterwards, he said, "You must have thought I was mad that evening, but I couldn't help it, I am an enthusiast."

[Ill.u.s.tration: KING EDWARD VII. 1902.]

He was a favourite with both King Edward and the German Emperor, and was marine-painter in ordinary to our Sovereign. In the course of further conversation he told me that he had been in the Italian Navy, and that with his knowledge of s.h.i.+ps he did not require to make more than the very slightest notes preparatory to ill.u.s.trating a naval review. He was an interesting companion and told very good stories.

The Emperor was very sympathetic to Martino who, in consequence of a paralytic trouble with which he was afflicted, found considerable difficulty in rising from the table. He told me that the Emperor would, with one arm, lift him to his feet as though he was a feather, with a strength that was surprising. He always refused to exhibit his pictures, but at his death many of them were collected for public exhibition. His work was thoroughly appreciated by naval men as being so absolutely accurate.

On one occasion, being invited by a member of the Squadron to dine upon his yacht, I was struck by the beauty of the lady to whom I sat next. The Admiral had an excellent _chef_ on board, and consequently we were served with a particularly good dinner, but I appreciated his hospitality rather less when he pa.s.sed me drawing materials with which to depict the lady. I paid her a polite compliment, but wasn't to be "drawn" in this way in return for my dinner.

Lord Albemarle, whom I have portrayed, is a notable yachtsman, and also a clever caricaturist with a great feeling for drawing and sculpture, so he spends much of his spare time in his studio. He served his country in the South African War, as Lieut.-Colonel in the C.I.V., and is Lieut.-Colonel in the Scots Guards (retired), as did Mr. Rupert Guinness, who was also one of my _Vanity Fair_ series, and who took me over the Royal Naval Volunteer training s.h.i.+p (the _Buzzard_) on the Thames embankment, which he commands.

Of course, in these sea-days I very frequently enjoyed sailing with my more intimate friends. I had great times with my old friend, Harry McCalmont, who was a whole-hearted sailor, as was his father before him. He was always very much to the fore at Cowes in the yachting season, and it will be remembered that he built the _Geralda_, which eventually became the royal yacht of Spain. He afterwards presented me with her white ensign, and it was on her deck that I portrayed him in a large oil picture which I painted some time before his death. He, like Lord Albemarle, served in South Africa and was in the Scots Guards. I spent many delightful hours too, with Charlie Brookfield on his little cutter, sailing here and there from one point to another, around the Isle of Wight.

When Sir Thomas Lipton first built _Shamrock_, it was obvious that he should appear in the series of _Vanity Fair_ celebrities. He sat to me in my studio when, during conversation, he told me of his implicit belief in the uses of advertis.e.m.e.nt, which he considered the corner-stone of success.

I have been particularly fortunate in my opportunities for observation when at work on the Royal yachtsmen, among whom was King Edward himself. The Prince was always most kind and courteous, and when I had the honour of receiving a sitting from him, he did not forget to inquire after my father, whose health was not all that could be desired at the time, and later on when my father died I received the following letter of sympathy:--


"I am desired by the Prince of Wales to write and let you know how sincerely sorry he is to hear of the terrible affliction which has fallen upon you, and to a.s.sure you that you have his unfeigned sympathy in your sorrow.

"He had known your father so long that he could not help letting you know what he felt on this sad occasion.

"Believe me, "Yours truly, "FRANCIS KNOLLYS."

In many indefinable ways the King never missed an opportunity of showing his kindness for which I was always grateful. When I made a portrait of him as Prince of Wales I received a letter of acknowledgment from which I may quote the following extract:--"The King thinks the portrait an excellent one, and there is nothing in it to alter."

Some years after when he had begun to show signs of _embonpoint_, a fact of which he was fully aware, I had the honour of a sitting, and he said laughingly:--

"Now let me down gently."

"Oh, but you've a very fine chest, sir," I replied.

He laughed and shook his head at me, as though he found my aim at diplomacy more entertaining than convincing.

Queen Alexandra also sat to me at Marlborough House, where I made the drawing in black and white for _Vanity Fair_, but when I took it to the editor he decided that it must be coloured, as were all the previous cartoons. The Princess of Wales, as she then was, had been so kind in giving me sittings that I dared not suggest more, so I attempted to colour my sketch from memory, and in my anxiety to get the flesh tint I spoilt it, as I found it impossible to obtain the clearness of colour over the pencil work, and in trying to do so I ruined the sketch. Later on I met the Prince (Edward VII.) and he asked me what I had done with the drawing of the Princess. On my informing him of the fate of the sketch, and the circ.u.mstance of its destruction, he said, seeing my concern and embarra.s.sment: "Well, don't worry yourself. No one has yet succeeded in making a satisfactory portrait of the Princess--not even Angeli," although one or two successful portraits have been painted of Her Majesty since then both as Princess of Wales and Queen.

One of my very early caricatures was one of her brother, the late King of Greece, done from memory. Comparatively recently, Prince Louis of Battenberg (a handsome subject), whom I had studied beforehand at the Admiralty, came to my studio, and he brought the Princess Louise and Princess Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein to see the result with which they expressed themselves much pleased, and the drawing is now in their possession.

In 1875 I was interested in making a study of the Prince Imperial at Chiselhurst, and I have a very vivid recollection of my introduction to him, which took place at a dance given by Lord and Lady Otho Fitzgerald at Oakley Court. I had been invited with the other members of my family, and it chanced that my dress clothes were in the hands of my tailor, who failed to return them at the promised hour. Leaving word that the parcel was to be forwarded immediately I went down to Windsor to inform my sisters that there was but a poor chance of my being able to join them. They were almost weeping over the news as my father and mother were away from home and they were relying on my escorting them to the ball. However, at the last moment the parcel arrived, but on putting on the coat and waistcoat I discovered that they were not mine, but were undoubtedly intended for a person at least twice my size.

Everybody was in despair, but my sisters said, "You must go!" So I had to swallow my pride and entered the ball-room awkwardly enough as I had buckled back my waistcoat as far as I could, but with the coat there was nothing to be done but take a lappel over each arm and do my best to conceal the ill-fitting garment (which I could have folded twice round my body) by holding it out of sight. I kept well in the background through the early part of the evening, but after supper I felt bolder, and decided to dance at any price.

In the ball-room I felt a fool indeed, like "Auguste" at the circus, and on asking one fair lady for a dance noticed her furtive glance sweep over me; I hastened to explain the reason of my unfortunate plight, at which she took pity on me and gave me a dance. I was young then and took a pride in well-fitting clothes, yet it was under these most trying circ.u.mstances that I was presented to the Prince Imperial and, with both my arms fully occupied, pride of speech and ease of demeanour were far from me at that difficult moment.

Lord Otho being a prominent member of the R.Y.S., the burgee of that club usually flew from the flagstaff of Oakley Court. _ propos_ of this Captain Bay Middleton, one of the guests, who could never resist a practical joke, persuaded the Prince Imperial to accompany him, in the small hours of the morning following the dance, to the summit of the tower, where he, having procured a towel hoisted it in place of the R.Y.S. Banzee. The Prince thought this was a great joke, but I never heard that the owner shared his opinion.

Shortly afterwards I was driving along a dusty road _en route_ to Ascot Races when I pa.s.sed Lord Otho's coach with the Prince Imperial upon it, but as I was covered with dust I certainly did not expect the latter to recognize me. However, when we met by appointment at Charing Cross to travel to Chiselhurst the first thing he said, with a smile, was, "Why did you cut me the other day on the road to Ascot?" Of course I had nothing to say.

On the journey the Prince talked most interestingly, and I gathered that he felt sanguine as to the belief of his ultimate succession to the throne of France. From his charm of manner and general conversation I could quite understand his popularity with his brother officers in the British Army. He did not strike me as being particularly smart in dress or general appearance, although he wore his hat well tilted on one side, and he clicked his heels in French fas.h.i.+on, as he had evidently been taught to do from boyhood.

On arriving at Chiselhurst we drove together to the residence of the Empress Eugenie where he gave me every opportunity of studying his characteristics, and upon the publication of his cartoon I received a letter of appreciation with a signed photograph of himself which is still unfaded, and which I greatly value.

[Ill.u.s.tration: SIR JOHN ASTLEY (_The mate_).


[Ill.u.s.tration: PETER GILPIN (_Gentleman Trainer_).


[Ill.u.s.tration: "JIM" LOWTHER, M.P.


[Ill.u.s.tration: EARL OF MACCLESFIELD.


I have drawn and caricatured and made portraits of the numerous foreign rulers, who have visited our islands from time to time. When Don Carlos (the Pretender to the Spanish throne) came to England in 1876 I visited him at Claridge's, where he was staying, to study him for _Vanity Fair_. I found him a very picturesque and striking figure in his uniform, which he put on for me, including the Order of the Golden Fleece. He was very obliging, and offered to lend me his uniform to use for further details, also the Order, which he begged me to treasure with the greatest possible care, as he stated that it had been handed down in his family for generations, and was, of course, of great value to him. I promised to be very careful that nothing should befall it, and when the uniform and the Order arrived I sought for a model, preferably a soldier; and incidentally asked Colonel Fred Burnaby if he knew a man big enough to wear it. He very kindly permitted his soldier-servant, who was a very fine man to stand for me, and when he came to the studio, and had donned the uniform I entrusted him with the Order of the Golden Fleece, and cautioned him to handle it very carefully. Taking it up to fasten round his neck he straightway dropped it on the floor, where it broke in half. When it snapped in two imagine my horror. It was with difficulty that I restrained my anger. On finding it broken I hurried off with it to Hanc.o.c.ks, the jewellers in Bond Street, who promised to mend it to the best of their ability. On the return of the decoration I could detect no flaw; it appeared exactly as it was, but the accident was costly.

Needless to say I soon returned it and was thankful to hear no more about it.

An amusing _contretemps_ occurred when I was sent by my editor to "stalk" General Ignatieff, who was at Claridge's Hotel. I had thought the best plan would be to stay there for a day or two, in order to obtain good facilities for studying him, so I arrived with my portmanteau, and endeavoured to ascertain something of the habits of the general. My curiosity resulted in old Mr. Claridge politely ordering my bag to be removed. When I informed him of my ident.i.ty and disclosed the reason for my interest in the General's movements, his reply was somewhat as follows:--

"I know there is such a person as 'Spy' because I can show you a lot of his cartoons in my room, I do not doubt your word, but I have no proof and would rather that you went." But he was considerate in giving what information he could as to his whereabouts, and after saving my hotel bill I managed to catch my victim on his way from Hatfield.

In 1877 my editor was anxious to procure a drawing of Midhat Pasha for _Vanity Fair_, and as there was a great difficulty in obtaining an interview, I was smuggled into his presence by Mr. Gibson Bowles, who had an official appointment with him. The Pasha, it will be remembered, had just been exiled from his own country and this opportunity offered me every facility for making close observation of him who was, at the same time, ignorant of my ident.i.ty or purpose.

I was fortunate in the case of Mooh-ton-oolk, Sir Salar Jung, Minister of the Nizam of Hyderabad. Sir Salar was received with great acclamation in England on account of the excellent service he had rendered to the English in the suppression of the mutiny. He also did much to break down caste prejudice. I attended his wonderful breakfast at that residence in Piccadilly which is now the Bachelor's Club. Sir Salar had brought with him to England his curry-cook who provided us with innumerable curries, of which very few were familiar to me although I enjoyed them considerably, more than that I was much interested in the distinguished company who were present. Following the breakfast my eminent host gave me an opportunity of making a sketch of him.

Some little time afterwards I accepted an invitation to dinner, which was given on a magnificent scale at the "Star and Garter," Richmond, and organized for him by a mutual friend, a lady whose husband owned the house that Sir Salar Jung temporarily occupied.

Over a hundred guests sat down to the banquet, which was arranged should be followed by a dance. It chanced that I drove down in a hansom and a violent thunder storm came on so that in spite of all precautions the front of my dress s.h.i.+rt became hopelessly splashed with mud. As it was too late to retrace my steps I decided to buy a (this appendage being a novelty to me), and fix it over the damaged s.h.i.+rt front. Twice after I imagined it was safely fixed it flew up with surprising suddenness, and when my hostess asked me to help her with the dance that she had arranged should follow the dinner that evening, I felt more than a shade of embarra.s.sment as I feared the might betray me and my movements were therefore cautious, though with an additional pin I managed to secure it and all went well in the end.

H.H. Ras Makunan, K.C.M.G., who was cousin and heir-apparent to the Emperor Menelik of Abyssinia, was also a warrior and a sportsman, and represented the Emperor at King Edward's coronation.

He was persuaded to make an appointment with me at my studio, and arrived at the early hour of 8 a.m. with his attendant, previous to breakfasting with the officers of the Horse Guards at the Knightsbridge barracks.

Before his visit I had been given the tip to have in readiness a bottle of good port wine, but upon pouring out a gla.s.s I was told that he judged it wiser to delay any refreshment until after breakfast. In the meantime small boys had collected at the entrance to my studio, being attracted by the Royal carriage waiting at the door. When they saw the chief occupant enter it they simply stared in amazement with open mouths. Finding a second interview necessary, which was arranged for at the Westminster Palace Hotel, I called at the appointed hour, but being kept waiting for a very considerable time sent up a reminder. Sir John was very angry at the delay, and after persuading the Ras that it was not the custom to treat gentlemen in such a manner he came out from an inner room (where he had been busily occupied sorting coloured silks) and did his duty to me, in fact sat in quite a stately manner, holding his long gun characteristically. During the process of sketching him I was given the hint not to make him quite as black as nature had painted him.

A kind of levee (if I may say so) was occasionally held by Cetewayo when he visited England and was housed in Melbury Road. As I wanted to see him I procured an invitation to one of these receptions.

[Ill.u.s.tration: CHINESE AMBa.s.sADOR.



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Forty Years Of Spy Part 28 summary

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