Flemish Legends Part 19

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"Ah," exclaimed the lady Gonde, "I am growing anxious; where is she then?"

And she went off to search the castle thoroughly.

But coming back she said to Sir Roel: "She is nowhere in the house; she has defied our orders and gone to Halewyn."

"Wife," said Roel, "that cannot be. Children, in this country, were always obedient to their parents."

"Toon," said she, "where is she? Toon, do you not know?"

"The Miserable," he answered, "fears the beautiful maid; whom G.o.d leads he leads well."

"Roel," cried out the lady Gonde, "he knows where our Magtelt has gone!"

"Son, answer," said Sir Roel.

The Silent answered:

"The sword of the crusade fell from the wall at the maid's feet. Whom G.o.d guides succeeds in everything."

"Toon," cried the lady Gonde, "where is Magtelt?"

"The virgin," he said, "rides without fear, she goes faster than the armed man: whom G.o.d leads he leads well."

The lady Gonde groaned:

"Ah," she said, "our Magtelt will be killed, even now she is stiff frozen, sweet Jesus! The sword of the crusade is of no avail against Siewert Halewyn."

The Silent answered:

"He glories in his strength, thinking himself invincible, but when the beast goes with a.s.surance the hunter follows more easily."

"Wicked son, how couldst thou think to send the little bird to the hawk, the virgin to the enemy of virgins?"

The Silent answered:

"She will come whither none looks to see her: whom G.o.d leads he leads well."

"Sir," said the lady Gonde to Roel, "you hear what he says; she has gone to Halewyn, and 'tis this wicked son that gave her leave."

Sir Roel going to Toon:

"Son," said he, "we had here but one joy, that was our Magtelt. Thou hast abused thy privilege in giving her leave to go thither. If she comes not back to us by nightfall I will curse thee and banish thee from my house. May G.o.d hear me, and take from thee, in this world bread and salt, and in the other thy portion in Paradise."

"G.o.d," said the Silent, "will guide the sword. Whosoever has done wrong, on him let fall the punishment."

Gonde began crying out, weeping and making dole. Roel bade her be silent, and sent a goodly troop of men-at-arms in the direction she had taken.

But they came back without having seen anything of Magtelt, for they had not dared to go into the territory of Halewyn by reason of the spell.

XXVIII. The riding of the maid Magtelt.

Singing and winding her horn, rides the n.o.ble damosel.

And she is beautiful with a beauty from heaven; fresh and rosy are her cheeks.

And straight she carries her crown.

And her little hand holds fast beneath her keirle the good sword of Roel the Lion.

And wide open are her fearless eyes, searching the forest for Sir Halewyn.

And she listens for the sound of his horse.

But she hears nothing, except, in the heavy silence, the still sound of snowflakes falling quietly like feathers.

And she sees nothing, except the air whitened with snow, and white also the long road, and white also the leafless trees.

What is it makes the flame glow in her clear brown eyes? It is her high courage.

Why does she carry so straight her head and her crown? Because of the great strength in her heart.

What is it so swells her breast? The cruel thought of Anne-Mie, and her brother's shame and the great crimes of Sir Halewyn.

And ceaselessly she looks to see if he be not coming, and if she can hear nothing of the sound of his horse.

But she sees nothing, except the air whitened with snow, and white also the long road, and white also the leafless trees.

And she hears nothing, except, in the heavy silence, the still sound of snowflakes falling quietly like feathers.

And she sings.

Then, speaking to Schimmel, she said: "Together, good Schimmel, we are going to a lion. Canst not see him in his cavern, awaiting pa.s.sers-by, and devouring poor maids?"

And Schimmel, hearing her, whinnied joyously.

"Schimmel," said Magtelt, "thou art glad, I see, to be going to the revenge of Anne-Mie with the good sword."

And Schimmel whinnied a second time.

And Magtelt sought Sir Halewyn everywhere as she went through the forest. And she listened well for the sound of his horse, and looked to see if he were nowhere coming.

And she saw nothing, except the air whitened with snow, and white also the long road, and white also the leafless trees.

And she heard nothing, except, in the heavy silence, the still sound of snowflakes falling quietly like feathers.

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Flemish Legends Part 19 summary

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