The Book Of Quinte Essence Or The Fifth Being (1889) Part 4

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e secreet of alle secretis, is swettere an ony hony, or sugre, or ony oir ing.


[--How to get its Quinte Essence from Man's Blood.--]

The science in the extraccioun of e .5[3] e{ss}encie from blood,

[Footnote 3: 5 for _fifth_, or _quinte_.]

and fleisch, & eggis / To ?ou I seie, at in eu{er}y elementid 4 ing, e .5. e{ss}encie remayne incorrupte: it schal be anne e moost i{n}g of merueyle if I teche ?ou to drawe out at fro mannys blood reserued of Barbouris whanne ei lete blood; also fro fleisch of alle brute beestis, and fro alle eggis, and o{er}e 8

[Man's blood is the perfectest work of nature in us, and its Quinte Essence converts blood into flesh, and works divine miracles of healing.]

suche ingis. for als myche as mannes blood is e p{er}fitist werk of kynde in us, as to e encrees of {a}t at is lost, it is certeyn at nature at .5. e{ss}ence maad so p{er}fi?t {a}t, wioute ony oir greet p{re}p{ar}acioun wioute e veynes, it beri for at blood 12 anoon aftir into fleisch. and is 5 e{ss}ence is so ny? kynde at [it] is moost to haue[4] / Forwhy. in it is merueylous v{er}tu of oure

[Footnote 4: MS. Harl. reads 'and this fifte beinge so nighe kinde it is most to haue.']

[Get from Barbers the blood of young sanguine men; let it stand; pour off the serum; mix the blood with a tenth of prepared salt; put it in an amphora; seal that up; put it in a horse's belly, renewing the dung weekly till all the blood turns into water; distil that; put the outcome on the pounded faeces, and distil over again.]

heuene sterrid, and to e cure of nature of man worchi moost deuyn myraclis, as wii{n}ne I schal teche ?ou / erfore resceyue 16 of Barbouris, of ?ong sangueyn men, or colerik men, wha{n}ne ei be late blood, e which vse good wynes. take at blood aftir {a}t it ha reste, and cast awey e watir fro it, and braie it wi e .10. p{ar}t of co{men} salt p{re}p{ar}ate to medicyns of me{n}; and putte 20 it into a uessel of glas clepid ampho{ra}, e which, sotely seele,

[[* Fol. 17b.]]

and putte it wii{n}ne e [*]wombe of an hors, p{re}p{ar}ate as tofore, and renewe e fyme oonys in e wike, or more, and lete it putrifie til al e blood be turned into watir / and it schal be doon 24 at e mooste in x.x.x. or xl dayes, or aftir, more or / anne putte it in a lembike, and distille it at a good fier / what so euere may ascende, putte at watir vpon e fecis brayed, mey{n}gynge vpon a marbil stoon; putte it a?en, and aftir distille it a?en 28 manye tymes rehersynge / And whanne ?e haue is n.o.ble ing

[Heat the water in the distiller till it comes to a heavenly savour. This Fifth Being works miracles hardly credible unless seen.]

of blood, erof e .5. beynge d{ra}we out / putte a?en e watir in e stillatorie of circulaciou{n} til ?e brynge it to so myche swetnes & an heuenly sauour, as ?e dide e brennynge watir. and is is 32 e 5 beynge of blood deuyn, and miraclis more an man mai bileue but if he se it.


[--To get the Quinte Essence out of capons, beasts, eggs, &c.--]

Now wole I teche ?ou to drawe out e .5 beynge from capou{n}s, he{n}nes, and al man{er} fleisch of Brut beestis, and from al maner eggis of foulis at ben holsum and medicynable

[Grind some of them with a tenth part of prepared salt; put 'em into a horse's belly till they become water, and distil that till it's heaven-sweet.]

to ete for man kynde / Grynde summe of ese ingis 4 forseid, which at ?e wil, as strongly as ?e can in a morter, wi e 10 p{ar}t of hi{m} of sal co{m}e{n} p{re}p{ar}ate to e medicyne of me{n}, as I seide tofore. putte it in e wombe of an hors til it be turned into water. distille as it is aforeseid, and in e stillatorie 8 of circulac{i}ou{n} e watir at is distillid, putte it in a?en til it be brou?t to e swete heuenly sauour and smel aforeseid /


[--To draw the Fifth Being out of each of the Four Elements, and to separate them.--]

The science to drawe out e 5 beynge of eu{er}ych of e .4 elementis, and to schewe eu{er}ych of e forseid ing bi he{m} 12 silf; & {a}t is ri?t merueylous / I wole not leue for a litil to schewe a greet secreet, how ?e may drawe out e 5 beynge of ech of e 4 elementis of al e ing rehersid afore, and p{ro}fitably

[Take any thing rotted and turned into water, as man's blood; put it in a gla.s.s distiller, and distil it over into an amphora.]

[[* Fol. 18.]]

schewe hem / And e man{er} ys [*]is / take {a}t ing putrified 16 and brou?t into watir, what so eu{er}e ?e wole, as I tau?te ?ou tofore; and at ing be mannes blood brou?t into watir, of e which ?e wole drawe out e 4 elementis / putte {er}fore at wat{er}, or at blood putrified, in a stillatorie of glas, and sette 20 it wii{n}ne a pott of watir, and ?eue vndirnee a fier til e watir of blood be distillid by e pipe of e lembike into a glas clepid

[When no more vapour rises, you have drawn out the water.]

ampho{ra}, ri?t clene / And whanne no ing may more by at fier ascende, for certeyn ?e haue of blood drawen out al oonly e 24 element of watir / Forwhi. fier of at bath hath no strenke to

[Put the other 3 elements for 7 days into the same bath, then into a coal fire, and the water shall rise as oil s.h.i.+ning like gold, the air remaining at the bottom like oil of gold. Put these aside.]

sublyme eyr, or fier, or ere. and so [take] o re elementis, and sette in e same bath by .vij. dayes at ei be weel meyngid, & so cloos {a}t no ing be distillid / aftir e .vij. dayes take e 28 stillatorie, and putte it to e fier of aischen, {a}t is strongere a{n} fier of bath clepid marien; and e watir schal ascende in foorme of oyle schynynge as gold / and aftirward {a}t no ing more schal ascende, ?e haue anne in e ampulle .ij. elementis, at is to seie, 32 watir and eyr. & oon from anoir ?e schal dep{ar}te in e bath, puttynge yn a?en wher al-oonly e cleer watir schal ascende / and e eyr schal al-oonly remayne in e botu{m} of e vessel in lijknesse of oyle of gold. e which oyle at is gold, e which oyle 36


[To separate fire from the earth, put 4 lbs. of water on 1 lb.

of earth; place it in the Marian bath for 7 days; then in hot flames; red water shall ascend and black earth fall.]

at is ayr / putte it aside. anne {er} leeue ?itt fier wi ere.

to dep{ar}te fier from ere, putte e element of watir, at is to seye .iiij ? of watir, vpon j ? of mat{er} / and putte by .vij. daies

[Put the red water into the distiller; pure water shall rise; red water, or fire, shall remain; so you have the 4 Elements separate.]

to encorp{er}e wel as tofore in e bath of marien / Aftirward 4 putte it to e fier of flawme ri?t strong, and e reed wat{er} schal

[[* Fol. 18b.]]

ascende. e which gadere togidere as longe as ony [*]ing ascendi.

and to ?ou schal remayne an ere ri?t blak in e botum. e which gadere togidere aside / anne e redeste watir ?e schal take. forwhy. 8 er be .ij. eleme{n}tis, at is to seie, e element of watir and fier.

a{n}ne yn e stillatorie, to e fier of ba, cleer watir schal asende.

and in e botu{m} schal remayne e reed watir, at is, e element of fier. and so ?e haue now first oon oyle, at is, ayer o side, and 12 watir, and fier, and ere. and note ?e weel {a}t {er}fore e element of watir is putt a?e{n} to drawe out from ere fier and eyr, for ei

[Distil each into its Quinte Essence, or rectify it, and thank our glorious G.o.d for this bit of knowledge.]

wole not ascende, but oru? e help of element of watir. brynge a?e{n} eu{er}ych into 5 beynge wi e vessel of circulacioun as tofore 16 / or ellis rectifie, makynge oon ascende .7 tymes bi an oir / but first ?e moste e ri?t blak ere of oon hide[5] nature, in e furneys of glas mon[6], or ellis reu{er}berac{i}ou{n}, xxj. dayes calcyne /

[Footnote 5: of vnkinde natuer. Harl. 853.]

[Footnote 6: of made. Harl. 853.]

And for a cause I speke to ?ou nomore of this science. but 20 ioie ?e, and thanke oure glorio{us} lord G.o.d of ese ingis at ?e haue had.

[--To fix all earthly things in our Quinte Essence.--]

The science to fixe alle erely ingis in n{ost}ra 5ta e{ss}encia, at is to seie, o{ur}e heuene, at by her influence ei may ?eue 24 erto er p{ro}p{er}tees and her hid vertues / oure glorious G.o.d

[G.o.d has given it the power of drawing all the virtues out of every thing in 3 hours.]

ha ?eue sich a uertu to oure q{ui}nta e{ss}ence, at it may drawe out of euery matier of fruy?t / tree / rote / flour, herbe / fleisch, seed & spice / And eu{er}y medicynable ing, alle e v{er}tues, 28 p{ro}pirtees, and naturis, e whiche G.o.d made in he{m}; and at wii{n}ne .iij. houris.

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The Book Of Quinte Essence Or The Fifth Being (1889) Part 4 summary

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