The Book Of Quinte Essence Or The Fifth Being (1889) -
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viscous humouris, as a litil of euforbie, or turbit, or sambucy.
& anne wioute doute, if G.o.d wole, e p{ar}alitik man schal be hool wi comfortynge and restorynge of kynde, if ?e make him 32
['No{t}a yue sauge.']
a stewe hoot and moist with herbis, at is to seye, eerbe yue, & sauge, at haue an heuenly strenke to comforte e joynctis,
[Failing Quinte Essence, let him drink Burning Water in fine wine, and wash all over with burning water.]
& e senewis, and e vertu motyue. and if ?e haue not redi p{re}p{ar}ate oure 5 e{ss}enc{e}, anne take fyn brennynge watir til it 36
be redy, and lete e pacient drynke erof a litil i{n} fyn wiyn.
and also he schal waische al his body and his extremytees wi brennynge watir ofte tymes. and lete him vse is a good while, & he schal be hool. / 4
['5. M^e.']
[[* Fol. 20b.]]
[--To fatten lean and consumptive men.--]
[*]The .5 medicyn for a man at is almoost al co{n}sumed, & waastid in al his body, and ri?t leene, as {a}t man {a}t hath e tisik & e etik / Forsoe e v{er}ry cure to heele him is oure 5 e{ss}enc{e} / Forwhi. it comforti e feble nature; and 8
[Mix with our Quinte Essence a little celandine water; give it the patient, and he shall soon be wonderfully fat.]
e nature at is lost it restori, & so restorid it p{re}serue / And {er}fore if ?e wol restore e fleisch of a leene mannys body
almoost consumed awey, drawe anne a watir of celidoyne, and take {er}of a litil q{ua}nt.i.te, and meynge wi oure 5 e{ss}enc{e} if ?e 12 haue it redy, or brennynge watir in stide {er}of, and ?eue it hi{m} to dri{n}ke; and wii{n}ne fewe dayes he schal be wondirfully restorid and fat.
['.6. M^e.']
[--To cure Frensy, Gout, and troubles from Devils.--]
The .6. medicyn for pa.s.siou{n}s of frenesie, foly, ymagynac{i}ou{n}s 16 and noyous vexac{i}ou{n}s of deuelis, and also for e goute als weel hoot as coold. certeyn exp{er}ience techi at
'blake coler.'
[Dark melancholy men are troubled more with anxieties than any others, being born under 'Saturne, a wykyd planete.']
colerik me{n} ?eue to su{m}me ymagynac{i}ou{n}s; and sangueyn me{n} be{n} ocupied aboute su{m}me o{er}e ymagynaciou{n}s; & ?itt 20 flewmatik men aboute o{er}e / but o me{n} at habounde in blak coler, at is, malencoly, ben occupied a {o}usa{n}d p{ar}t wi mo ou?tis an ben men of ony o{er} complexiou{n} / Forwhi. {a}t humour of blak coler is so noyous, {a}t if it a-bounde and a-sende 24 vp to e heed, it troubli alle e my?tis of e brayn, engendrynge
['Nota sequentia.']
noyous ymagynaciou{n}s, bryngynge yn horrible ou?tis boe wakynge and slepinge; and siche man{er} of men ben born vndir e constillacioun of saturne, the wickide planete / Forsoe, to 28 siche me{n} deuelis wole gladly appere, & mi{ni}st{er} to hem[*] her
[[* MS. hom]]
[Devils gladly appear to them and tempt them, so that they often fall into despair and kill themselves.]
[[* Fol. 21.]]
p{ri}uy te{m}ptaciou{n}s wii{n}ne e cours of her ou?tis; and ese men us [*]turmentid wi e pa.s.siou{n}s of malencoly comou{n}ly speke wi hem, stryue and dispute wi hem silf whanne ei be 32 a-loone, {a}t ofte tymes o{er}e folk may heere it / These maner of me{n} at ben {us} turmentid, as weel by pa.s.sioun of malencoly as of deuelis, ofte tymes falle in dispeir, and at e laste sle hem silf / e p{er}fi?t cure of alle ese is oure 5 e{ss}encie auri {et} 36
[The cure is our Quinte Essence of Gold and Pearls, with a little senna or lapis lazuli.]
p{er}ela{rum}, or ellis brennynge watir in stide {er}of, in e whiche ?e fixe gold as it is aforeseid, wheri{n}ne be putt a litil of sene or watir of f[u]mit{er}, or poudre of lapis lasuly, or ellis medulla{m} ebuli, and vse it discreetly. forwhy. not al oonly oure q{ui}nte 4
[Burning Water, with a purge, will also cure these diseases.]
e{ss}enc{e} auri {et} p{er}ela{rum} heelith ese disesis. / but also brennynge watir in e which gold is fixid, heeli hem, wi a litil of o ingis {a}t purgen and casten out blak coler sup{er}flue, & heli e splene. 8
[These medicines put away wicked thoughts, and bring in merry ones; they dispel devils' temptations and despair, and bring a man to reason.]
Forsoe ese medicyns putti awey wickid ou?tis and an heuy herte malencolious; ei gladith and clense e brayn and alle hise my?tis, and brynge yn gladnes and merye ou?tis.
ei putte awey also e craft of e feendis temptac{i}ou{n}s, and 12 ymagynaciouns of dispeir. ei distroie, & make a man to for?ete almaner of yueles, and naturaly bryngi him a?en to resonable
['Saturne. ?.']
[Saturn is an enemy to all creatures, and has power over foul solitary places, as Vitas Patrum says.]
witt. and for as myche as saturne e planete naturaly ys coold and drye, and is enemye to al kynde / Forwhy, euery snow, 16 euery hayl, euery tempest, & also e humour of malencoly come of hi{m}. & he ha his influence vpon derk leed, & vpon derk [*]placis vnder e erf[8], foul{e} and stynkynge, and derke
[[* Fol. 21b.]]
[Footnote 8: Erf = ere.]
wodis, and vpon foule, horrible, solitarie placis, as it is pr{e}ued in 20 vitas patru{m}, at is to seye, in lyues & colac{i}ou{n}s of fadris /
[The Moon too is full of bane.]
And also e moone, naturely coold and moist, ha his influence vpon e ny?t, and vpon myche moisture, and vpon e placis wha{n}ne 4. weyes meti togidere. forsoe in alle siche placis ei 24 wole a-bide and schewe hem to her foloweris / but forsoe o
['Jubiter and Sol .B.']
[Jupiter and Sol, on the other hand, make devils flee, and betoken the joy of heaven, as Saturn and the Moon do h.e.l.l.]
ingis at ben of e nature of Iubiter and of sol, goode planetis, arne displesynge to hi{m}, and contrarie, and naturaly deuelis fle awei fro he{m}, for ei haue greet abhominaciou{n} of er v{er}tuous 28 influence / {er}fore it schewi weel {a}t o ingis at ben in is world, su{m}me er ben at bitokene e glorious yoie of heuene, and su{m}me ing at figure e derknesse of euerlastynge peynes of h.e.l.le / Forsoe e su{n}ne and iubiter, goode planetis, & 32 gold, pure metal, and alle pure i{n}gis at gladen a man, figurynge by resou{n} e ioie of heuene / and blak Saturne, and e spotty moone, figure & bitokene e condicioun of h.e.l.le / and