The Book Of Quinte Essence Or The Fifth Being (1889) -
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craumpe as doi oure 5 e{ss}enc{e} aforeseid, or ellis [*]brennynge watir in stede of it.
['14^a. M^e.']
[--To cast poison out of a man's body.--]
The .14. medicyn, to caste out venym fro mannys body / take o{ur}e 5 e{ss}enc{e}, and putte {er}in{e} fleisch of a c.o.k, neysch 4 soden & sotilly brayed, note kirnelis, fyn triacle, radisch,
[Take our Quinte Essence, with c.o.c.k's flesh, nut-kernels, &c., and Quinte Essence of Gold and Pearls.]
& garleek smal brayed, and o{er}e ingis {a}t ben goode to caste out venym, as comou{n} bookis of fisik declari / And also, to comforte e herte, putte yn oure foreseid 5. e{ss}enc{e}, 8 e 5. e{ss}enc{e} of gold and of peerl. and he schal be delyuerid erof & be hool.
['15^a. M^e.']
[--To make a Coward bold and strong.--]
The .15. medicyn, to make a man at is a coward, hardy and strong, and putte a-wey almaner of cowardise and drede / 12 I seye ?ou forsoe {a}t no i{n}g m{a}y telle alle e myraclis vertues at G.o.d h{a} m{aa}d in o{ur}e 5 e{ss}enc{e}, and not al oonly in him, but also in to his modir, at is to seye, fyn brennynge
[Give him our Quinte Essence with twice as much Burning Water, and a little Peony juice and saffron, and Quinte Essence of Gold and Pearl. The coward shall lose all faintness of heart, despise death, and dread no perils. Therefore Christian Princes should have tuns of Burning Water, and give every fighting man a cup before battle with the heathen.]
watir. for to cure is sijknesse, take a litil quant.i.te of oure 5 16 e{ss}enc{e}, & putte erto double so myche of brennynge watir, and a litil q{ua}nt.i.te of e iuys of eerbe pione and of saffron distillid togidere, and a litil of 5 e{ss}enc{e} of gold and of peerl; and ?eue it him to drinke. and aftir sodeynly, as it were by myracle, 20 e coward man schal lese al maner drede and feyntnes of herte, and he schal recou{er}e strenke at ys lost by drede, and take to him hardynesse, and he schal dispise dee; he schal drede no perelis, and pa.s.syngly he schal be maad hardy. is is trewe, for 24 it ha ofte tymes by oolde philosophoris [bene] p{re}ued / {er}fore it were a greet wisdom at cristen p{ri}ncis, in bateilis a?en heene me{n}, hadde wi hem in tonnes brennynge watir, {a}t ei my?t take to eu{er}y fi?tynge man half a ri?t litil cuppe ful 28 {er}of to drynke in e bigynnynge of e batel. & is p{ri}uyte owith to be hid from alle enemyes of e chirche; and also
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[*]p{ri}ncis and lordis ministri{n}ge ese ingis schulde n{o}t telle what it is. 32
['16^a. M^e.']
[--To cure Pestilential Fever (when not sent as a punishment by G.o.d).--]
The .16. medicyn a?ens e feu{er}e pestile{n}cial{e}, and e maistrie to cure it. forsoe holy scripture sei at su{m}me tymes oure lord G.o.d sendi pestilence to sle su{m}me maner of peple, as it is seid deutrono{miu}m 28 in is man{er} "Si 36
[G.o.d says in Deuteronomy xxviii. that if men will not hear His voice and obey His commandments, pestilences shall come on them.]
audire nolu{er}is[11] vocem d{omi}ni dei tui, ut custodias {et} facias
[Footnote 11: MS. volu{er}is.]
om{n}ia mandata eius, ve{n}iant sup{er} te om{n}es maledicc{i}ones; iste maledictus eris in ciuitate &c." {et} infra; "ad-iu{n}gat t{ib}i pestilenc{iam} donec consumat te de t{er}ra, p{er}cuciat te d{omin}us egestate, 4 febre, {et} frigore, ardore {et} estu, {et} aere corrupto ac rubigi{n}e, {et} p{er}seq{ua}tur donec p{er}eas" hec ib{ide}m; {et} infra "p{er}cuciat te d{omin}us vlc{er}e egipti, {et} p{ar}tem corp{or}is p{er} q{uam} stercora eg{er}ant{ur}.
scabie q{uoque}, {et} p{ru}rigine, ita ut curari nequeas; p{er}cuciat te 8 d{omin}us necessitate ac furore mentis" // Therfore a gret fool
[These plagues a man would be a great fool to presume to cure, but all other pestilences from evil planets may be cured by our Quinte Essence with Aloes, Euphorbium, &c., and a laxative Quinte Essence that will send the patient to stool once a day.]
were he at wolde p{re}sume to cure ese plagis of pestilence {a}t ben vncurable, at ben sent of G.o.d to ponysche synne // Also ?e schal vndirstonde {a}t me{n} may die in .iij. maners. in oon 12 maner by naturel dee, in e teerme {a}t is sett of G.o.d / In anoir maner bi violent dee, and also in e .iij. maner occasionaly wii{n}ne e teerme {a}t is sett of G.o.d; as o me{n} {a}t to myche replecioun, or to greet abstynence or by disp{er}aciou{n}, or 16 ellis by necligence, sle hi{m} silf / but sikirly alle o{er}e maner of feueris pestilence at G.o.d suffri to come to ma{n}kynde by p{er}ilous influence of yuele planetis, by e g{ra}ce of G.o.d & good gou{er}nau{n}ce may be curid p{ar}ti{a}ly wi oure 5. e{ss}enc{e}. and 20
['N{ot}a b{e}n{e}.']
{er}i{n}ne putte a litil of aloes epatik & euforbij, & a litil of ierapigra galieni & of 5 e{ss}enc{e}, of e rote of lilie and also
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of gold & peerle, capilli ven{er}is [*]and ysope; for ese i{n}g{is} ben nedeful to siche feueris & apostemes / it is nedeful also 24 {a}t wi ese ingis er be sich a q{ui}nta e{ss}encia laxatyue at wole purge e sup{er}flue humouris at abounde; and at e pacient so myche resceyue in a natural day {er}of at he may go weel oonys to sege; and so lete him vse is laxatif .3. i{n} e 28
woke; But be weel war {a}t he take wi oure q{ui}nta e{ss}encia but ri?t a litil q{ua}nt.i.te of e laxatif at oonys, as I tolde ?ou
[He must also take every morning an egg-sh.e.l.l-full of Burning Water, and 2 or 3 pestilence pills in our Quinte Essence, and smoke his house with frankincense, &c.]
tofore, for peril {a}t mi?te bifalle. & eu{er}y day take he by e morowe an eye-sch.e.l.le ful of good brennynge watir, and e corrupt 32 eyr schal not noye hi{m}; & also vse in e dayes, two or re smale pelotis pestilenciales in oure 5 e{ss}encia, or in brennynge watir; & al e hous of e pacient schal be encensid
[Page 25: MAY THIS BOOK {rest of line illegible} ]
strongly .iij in e day wi frank-encense, mirre, & rosyn, terbe{n}tyn & rewe.
and is is p{er}fi?t cure for e feu{er}e pestilence / And us ?e may, wi is 5 e{ss}encijs, cure alle ese sijkness{es} aforeseid, and manye o{er}e, as it were by myracle, if ?e 4
[Here is an end of this most sovereign of all secrets.]
worche disc[r]eetly as I haue toold ?ou tofore / Now here I make an eende of is tretis at is clepid e mooste & e sou{er}eyneste secrete of alle secretis, and a pa.s.synge tresour
[What ills will befall if it gets into tyrants' and reprobates' hands and prolongs their life in evil. I will keep it for holy men alone; and I commend it to Christ's keeping now and ever.]
at may nou?t fayle // O quantu{m} malu{m} foret, si hic 8 liber p{er}ueniret ad ma.n.u.s ho{m}i{nu}m mundano{rum}, ad noticia{m} tiranno{rum}, {et} ad s{er}uiciu{m} rep{ro}bo{rum}! q{ui}a, si{c}ut s{anct}i p{er} hunc libru{m} pot{er}unt continuare op{er}a vite {christian}i diuci{us} {et} vehemenci{us}, ita {et} rep{ro}bi possent p{er}u{er}so vsi diuci{us} 12 p{er}seu{er}are in malo. ego aute{m}, q{ua}ntu{m} in me est, p{ro}pt{er} solos s{an}c{t}os libru{m} hunc co{n}st.i.tuo, {et} ip{su}m custod[iae] ih{es}u {Christ}i c{om}mendo nunc et in eternu{m} // = //
Explicit librum de maximis secretis e{ss}encie quinte &c. 16
[[_leaf_ 26]]
-- Philosofirs puttyn 9 sper{is} vndirewritten; but Diuinis puttin e tene sper{e}, where is heuyn empir{e}, in e whiche, angel{is} & sowl{is}[1] of seynt{is} seruen G.o.d; i{n} e whiche is crist, in e same forme that he walkid i{n} ere, and also owr{e} lady, & seynt{is} that arosen w{i}t{h} criste.
[Footnote 1: l{is} is the MS. l with a line at right angles to it.]
-- e first spere of e 9 is clepid 'p{ri}mu{m} mobile,' e first mevabil thyng.
-- e .ij. spere of sterr{is}: Arie{s} .1. e rame. -- the secund hows of Mars, e bool, -- e secund hows of Venus, Gemini, -- e secund hows of Mercuri, Canc{er}. -- e hows of e mone, leo. e hows of e sonne, Virgo. // e first hows of M{er}cury, Libra // e first hows of Venus, Scorpio // e first hows of Mars, Sagittari{us} // e first hows of Iubit{er}, Cap{ri}cornus // e first hows of Saturne, Aquari{us} // e secund hows of Saturne, Piscis. / e secunde hows of Iubit{er} [[_no more_]].
-- Saturn is a planete evel-willid and ful of sekenes. Wherfore he is peyntid w{i}t{h} an hooke, for he repe dow{n)} grene thyng{is} / he fulfilli his course in x.x.x ?eere.