Races And Immigrants In America Part 14

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Wealth Production and Immigration, 119, 159.

Welfare Work, 219.

Wilc.o.x, Professor, 227.


[1] Bluntschli, "Theory of the State," pp. 108-181.


[2] _Atlantic Monthly_, May, 1903, p. 649.

[3] Shaler, p. 651.

[4] Ripley, "The Races of Europe."

[5] Ripley, Chs. XVII and XVIII.

[6] See the interesting series of articles by H. N. Ca.s.son, _Munsey's_, 1906.

[7] Lodge, p. 138.

[8] "History and Topography of New York," Address at Cornell University, June 30, 1870.

[9] These figures are probably exaggerated, but authorities agree upon the magnitude of the migration. Fiske, "Old Virginia," Vol. II, p. 594.

[10] Hanna, "The Scotch-Irish," Vol. II, p. 2.

[11] Tillinghast, "The Negro in Africa and America."

[12] Burgess, pp. 45, 225; Fleming, pp. 380, 433.

[13] Burgess, p. 207.

[14] See Ch. VIII, "Politics."

[15] Commission of Education _Report_, 1900-1901, Vol. I, p. ci.

[16] Hugh M. Browne, A.M.E., _Zion Church Quarterly_, April, 1894, quoted by Tillinghast, p. 186.

[17] Fannie B. Williams, _Charities_, October 7, 1905, p. 43.

[18] _Atlanta University Publications_, No. 7, p. 188.

[19] Bureau of Labor, _Bulletin_, No. 35.

[20] _Atlanta University Publications_, Nos. 3 and 8.

[21] _Atlanta University Publications_, No. 3, pp. 153-178.

[22] Twelfth Census, _Supplementary a.n.a.lysis_, p. 203.

[23] Willc.o.x, "Census Statistics of the Negro," _Yale Review_, 13:279 (1904).

[24] "The Negro Farmer," p. 90.

[25] Pp. 9, 10.

[26] Dabney, Commissioner of Education, _Report_, 1902, Vol. I, p. 797.

[27] Twelfth Census, _Supplementary a.n.a.lysis_, pp. 305, 307.

[28] _Supplementary a.n.a.lysis_, p. 204.

[29] Pp. 16, 17; Wood, "American in Process," p. 218.

[30] Twelfth Census, Vol. III, p. lxix.

[31] _Atlanta University Publications_, No. 1, p. 24.

[32] _Atlanta University Publications_, No. 2, p. 9.

[33] Twelfth Census, Vol. III, p. lx.x.xii.

[34] P. clxxvi.

[35] P. ccxviii.

[36] Pp. cxix, cxxiii, cxxvii.

[37] Hoffman, p. 70.

[38] Twelfth Census, _Supplementary a.n.a.lysis_, pp. 496, 497.

[39] _Atlanta University Publications_, No. 1, p. 26.

[40] Figures for 1883.

[41] Less than one-tenth of one per cent.

[42] This is the number according to race; the table gives the number according to last place of residence.

[43] _Review of Reviews_, 33:491 (1906).

[44] Statistics mainly from King and Okey, "Italy To-day."

[45] _Review of Reviews_, 33:491 (1906).

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