The Heavenly Father Part 17

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And Shakspeare--

".... Mercy ... is twice bless'd, It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes."

_Merchant of Venice._--[TR.]

[180] Lacordaire. _Conferences de 1848._

[181] _Conferences de 1848_, p. 78.


[182] _La raison et le Christianisme_: twelve lectures on the existence of G.o.d, one vol. 12mo. In the _Philosophie de la liberte_ (2 vols. 8vo.) M. Secretan has set forth, in a severely scientific form, the arguments of which the reader has just seen the oratorical expression from the pen of Pere Lacordaire. This agreement is worth notice, the dates showing that no communication was possible.


Je me couche sans peur, Je m'endors sans frayeur, Sans crainte je m'eveille.

Dieu qui soutient ma foi Est toujours pres de moi, Et jamais ne sommeille.


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The Heavenly Father Part 17 summary

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