The Ruined Cities of Zululand Part 45

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The mutineers wavered, stopped dead, while with a cheer the gallant tars loaded the gun.

Over the din, came the well-known shout, "Men of the 150th prepare to charge."


And once more the indomitable British line hurled itself on the foe, who broke and fled just as the tramp of cavalry was heard, and three troops of the Lancers, among whom could be seen the brilliant uniforms of Brigadier Hope Grant's staff, came sweeping over the plain.

The fight had lasted two hours, and was the only attack made on the British picket. The punishment inflicted by the Lancers was severe, and the 24-pounder took an active part in the pursuit.

Volume 2, Chapter XIII.


"Officers in command of regiments are requested to meet the Commander-in-chief at ten o'clock this evening.

"_December 6_, 1867."

Such was the order placed in Major Hughes's hands a few days after the desperate attack on the out-picket had been so gallantly repulsed. The loss of the regiment had been severe; but the men were in high spirits, and ready for everything, being proud both of themselves and of their commanding officer, whom the old soldiers of the corps had known as a youngster, and had learned to trust and to love.

Sir Colin Campbell, as he entered the tent which was to serve as the council-room, held out his hand, advancing to meet him as he did so. "I congratulate you, sir, on the gallant behaviour of your regiment. Your name will appear in General Orders to-morrow with an appointment as lieutenant-colonel of your corps, pending her Majesty's approbation."

The tell-tale blood flushed his cheek as he grasped the hand held out to him, and one and another of the men who stood around him added their congratulations to those of the rough but true-hearted old soldier.

There stood Brigadier Hope Grant talking eagerly to the officer commanding Hodgson's Horse, but who found time for a cordial shake of the hand; Captain Middleton, who, with his field battery, had ever been among the foremost; Brigadier Greathead; Captain Peel, of the gallant Naval Brigade; Captain Remington, of the Horse Artillery; the Commanding Officers of the Cavalry; of the 4th, 5th, and 6th Infantry Brigades, and of the Royal Engineers, all men trained in a school of actual warfare; and it was with difficulty Hughes could suppress his emotion, as one after another advanced and shook his right hand, congratulating him on a firmness and steadiness which had perhaps saved the little force, but, at all events, kept open the communications with Allahabad.

"Oh, that Isabel could have been here!" he thought. But Isabel was away, and far better that it was so, for stern work was yet to be done.

"Be seated, gentlemen," said Sir Colin, motioning with his hand. A momentary bustle ensued and then a dead silence, broken only by the boom of an occasional gun from the town.

"I dare say you have wondered not a little," said the fine old soldier, "why I have remained so long inactive. My object has been to disembarra.s.s my force from the incubus of non-combatants. The want of foresight of the enemy in leaving us the bridge of boats permitted the attempt to be made. The true British pluck and gallantry of the 150th Regiment has enabled me to carry it out completely."

All eyes turned towards Hughes, who again blushed with pleasure.

"I intend, gentlemen, to strike our tents at sunrise to-morrow, and attack the enemy."

Sir Colin paused, and a general murmur of pleasure and gratification ran round the table, as he continued, with a smile on his war-worn countenance,--

"Ay, ay; you have all been grumbling at me in your hearts, but we'll make up for lost time. My attack will be on the enemy's right, and if we can drive that from its position, the day will be ours.

"Here are the instructions for the Cavalry and Horse Artillery, who will act together. Brigadier Greathead, here are yours. You will call in the out-pickets of the 150th, and direct that regiment to join your brigade, holding the centre of our line. You hear me, Colonel Hughes,"

said the veteran, as he turned to the officers he addressed, those named rising and each receiving his written instructions.

"Officers commanding Infantry Brigades, you will parade your regiments in contiguous columns in rear, and under cover of the cavalry barracks half an hour before sunrise, according to seniority. And now, gentlemen, good night, for I have much to do," continued Sir Colin.

"The enemy muster twenty-five thousand men, with all the guns of the Gwalior Contingent. We can count only about four thousand and thirty-two guns."

"And quite enough, too," exclaimed the gallant Peel, replying to his chief, utterly against all military etiquette. "We'll have more before we pipe to supper to-morrow night. I say, Hughes, you can answer for how my fellows do their work? Eh!"

There was a general laugh, a few hearty shakes of the hand, as the officers of the force crowded round their beloved leader, and the council of war broke up.

"Let General Wyndham have this order, Ogilvie," were the last words Hughes heard, as he took his way into the night. "It will tell him to open the heaviest fire he can from his entrenched camp before sunrise."

Some one touched him on the shoulder. It was General Greathead.

"Are you well enough to take command of your regiment?" asked the General, pointing to the left arm, which was in a sling.

"I would not relinquish the honour for any reward the world could give me," was the reply.

"Very well, Colonel Hughes, then good night. We shall meet at sunrise, and a memorable day it will be. Good night!" and shaking hands heartily, as men do under such circ.u.mstances, the two separated, taking their way to their respective commands, challenged at every few paces by the watchful sentries, the boom of an occasional gun from the town breaking the stillness of the night.

Morning dawned bright and beautiful, with that freshness in the air so well known to all who have inhabited hot countries. The guns in the town and entrenchments were for once silent, as the domes and minarets of Cawnpore flashed back the first rays of the rising sun. The river rolled its sacred waters lazily along, and the trees in the compounds, and on its banks, hardly moved in the breeze. The Ganges ca.n.a.l alone separated the out-pickets of the two forces, the ring of an occasional shot breaking the calm stillness of the morning.

Behind the Cavalry Barracks, and close to the Allahabad road, corps after corps formed up. There were Hope's and Inglis's brigades.

Shoulder to shoulder stood the men of those two splendid regiments, the 42nd and 93rd Highlanders, and there, too, laughing, joking, and putting all notions of discipline at utter defiance, were the gallant tars of the Naval Brigade.

Sir Colin Campbell seemed in high spirits, as regiment after regiment marched past, and took up the position a.s.signed it, the whole movement being concealed from the enemy by the large buildings called the Dragoon Barracks.

"How well the 2nd and 3rd battalions of the Rifles look, Biddulph," he said to the quartermaster-general, who stood by his side. "Captain Wheatcroft, let Wyndham know that his guns should open."

Saluting with his sword, the dragoon officer dashed away, and in a few minutes the calm silence of the morning was broken by the loud boom of a single gun, quickly replied to from the town, and followed by one after another, until the whole of Wyndham's artillery was hotly engaged, and the firing on both sides the heaviest during the siege. Seated on his horse, watch in hand, Sir Colin calmly listened to the deafening uproar.

"Captain Remington," said he, at last, beckoning to his side an officer commanding a troop of horse artillery, "take the cavalry and with your guns cross the ca.n.a.l higher up, threatening the enemy's rear. I think, Biddulph, the fire from the entrenchments slackens, let the infantry deploy into line."

All was now bustle and excitement as the orders to deploy were given, and the various brigades were put into motion, the bugles of the Sikh Infantry sounding merrily on the breeze, as the gallant fellows spread over the plain in skirmis.h.i.+ng order.

"The 53rd Regiment to support skirmishers," shouted Captain Dalzell of the 93rd, and the regiment indicated moved off at the double.

To the light lay Brigadier Greathead's brigade, consisting of the 8th and the 150th Regiments, and the 2nd Punjaub Infantry.

The whole line was now in motion, the enemy having been completely deceived, the heavy firing from the entrenchments causing them to expect an attack on their centre, which lay fully prepared right in front of Greathead's regiments. So silently and so skilfully had the movement been conducted, under shelter of the great buildings of the Dragoon Barracks, that the whole force was hurled on their right flank, before they knew anything about it.

"There go Walpole's and Smith's guns," said the chief, as a heavy firing was heard among the brick-fields and kilns under the city walls; "let the whole line advance, I long to hear the scream of my brave Highlanders."

Over the ca.n.a.l bridge poured regiment after regiment. Brigade after brigade appearing in great confusion for a moment, and the next re-forming their ranks, as regularly as though on parade. The long line of the enemy's force lay before them, as pouring in volley upon volley, the skirmishers being driven in, the British line struggled forward.

Colonel Biddulph was shot down. The gallant Dalzell, of the 93rd Highlanders, was lying on the ground dead; he fell as he was leading his regiment to the charge. Captain Wheatcroft, of the 6th Dragoons, Hardy of the Royal Artillery, were moistening the plain with their hearts'

blood. Sir Colin Campbell himself was wounded, and eight of the staff around him were more or less hurt. The Naval Brigade working their twenty-four pounder, as though it were a plaything, had been dreadfully cut up, but still above the roar of the guns, and the pattering of the musketry, came the shout, "Forward!" not a man thought of retreat.

"Brigadier Greathead is hard pressed, Sir Colin," said a mounted officer, das.h.i.+ng up.

"I can't spare a man, Major Robertson," replied the chief. "Tell him to look to himself."

"Captain Heale, this for Sir Hope Grant; tell General Mansfield I want him."

While the battle was thus hotly contested on the left, Brigadier Greathead's little force found itself opposed to the enemy's centre.

Walpole's guns, it is true, were steadily clearing the brick-fields, driving the enemy before them, but the Punjaub Infantry had already lost ninety-five men, and the 150th were severely cut up.

"Within five minutes of receiving this you will charge the enemy's centre, such are the chief's orders," exclaimed a staff officer, galloping up, and handing over a small pencilled note.

The thing seemed impossible, and the Brigadier, amid the roar of the battle, for a moment doubted his ears. The next, the word of command was given, and pouring a shattering volley into the enemy's line, the little brigade dashed on with the bayonet.

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The Ruined Cities of Zululand Part 45 summary

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