Mother Goose in Prose Part 18

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So quickly she started the mouse to give chase, And over the clover they ran a great race.

But just when it seemed that p.u.s.s.y would win, The mouse spied a hole and quickly popped in; And so he escaped, for the hole was so small That p.u.s.s.y-cat could n't squeeze in it at all.

So, softly she crouched, and with eyes big and round Quite steadily watched that small hole in the ground "This mouse really thinks he 's escaped me," she said, "But I 'll catch him sure if he sticks out his head!"

But while she was watching the poor mouse's plight, A deep growl behind made her jump with affright; She gave a great cry, and then started to run As swift as a bullet that 's shot from a gun!

"Meow! Oh, meow "our poor Puss did say; "Bow-wow!" cried the dog, who was not far away.

O'er meadows and ditches they scampered apace, O'er fences and hedges they kept up the race!

Then p.u.s.s.y-cat Mew saw before her a tree, And knew that a safe place of refuge 't would be; So far up the tree with a bound she did go, And left the big dog to growl down below.

But now, by good fortune, a man came that way, And called to the dog, who was forced to obey; But Puss did not come down the tree till she knew That the man and the dog were far out of view.

Pursuing her way, at nightfall she came To London, a town you know well by name; And wandering 'round in byway and street, A strange p.u.s.s.y-cat she happened to meet.

"Good evening," said p.u.s.s.y-cat Mew. "Can you tell In which of these houses the Queen may now dwell?

I 'm a stranger in town, and I 'm anxious to see What sort of a person a real Queen may be."

"My friend," said the other, "you really must know It is n't permitted that strangers should go Inside of the palace, unless they 're invited, And stray p.u.s.s.y-cats are apt to be slighted.

"By good luck, however, I 'm quite well aware Of a way to the palace by means of a stair That never is guarded; so just come with me, And a glimpse of the Queen you shall certainly see."

Puss thanked her new friend, and together they stole To the back of the palace, and crept through a hole In the fence, and quietly came to the stair Which the stranger p.u.s.s.y-cat promised was there.

"Now here I must leave you," the strange p.u.s.s.y said, "So do n't be 'fraid-cat, but go straight ahead, And do n't be alarmed if by chance you are seen, For people will think you belong to the Queen."

So p.u.s.s.y-cat Mew did as she had been told, And walked through the palace with manner so bold She soon reached the room where the Queen sat in state, Surrounded by lords and by ladies so great.

And there in the corner our p.u.s.s.y sat down, And gazed at the scepter and blinked at the crown, And eyed the Queen's dress, all purple and gold; Which was surely a beautiful sight to behold.

But all of a sudden she started, for there Was a little gray mouse, right under the chair Where her Majesty sat, and p.u.s.s.y well knew She 'd scream with alarm if the mouse met her view.

So up toward the chair our p.u.s.s.y-cat stole, But the mouse saw her coming and ran for its hole; But p.u.s.s.y ran after, and during the race A wonderful, terrible panic took place!

The ladies all jumped on their chairs in alarm, The lords drew their swords to protect them from harm, And the Queen gave a scream and fainted away-- A very undignified act, I must say.

And some one cried "Burglars!" and some one cried "Treason!"

And some one cried "Murder!" but none knew the reason; And some one cried "Fire! they are burning the house!"

And some one cried "Silence! it 's only a mouse!"

But p.u.s.s.y-cat Mew was so awfully scared By the shouting and screaming, no longer she dared To stay in the room; so without more delay She rushed from the palace and scampered away!

So bristling her fur, and with heart beating fast, She came to the road leading homeward at last.

"What business," she thought, "has a poor country cat To visit a city of madmen like that?

"Straight homeward I 'll go, where I am well fed, Where mistress is kind, and soft is my bed; Let other cats travel, if they wish to roam, But as for myself, I shall now stay at home."

And now over hills and valleys she ran, And journeyed as fast as a p.u.s.s.y-cat can; Till just as the dawn of the day did begin She, safely at home, stole quietly in.

And there was the fire, with the pot boiling on it, And there was the maid, in the blue checkered bonnet And there was the corner where p.u.s.s.y oft basked, And there was the mistress, who eagerly asked:

"p.u.s.s.y-cat, p.u.s.s.y-cat, where have you been?"

"I 've been to London, to visit the Queen."

"p.u.s.s.y-cat, p.u.s.s.y-cat, what did you there?"

"I frightened a little mouse under her chair!"

How the Beggars Came to Town

How the Beggars Came to Town

Hark, hark, the dogs do bark, The beggars are coming to town: Some in rags, and some in tags, And some in velvet gown.

Very fair and sweet was little Prince Lilimond, and few could resist his soft, pleading voice and gentle blue eyes. And as he stood in the presence of the King, his father, and bent his knee gracefully before His Majesty, the act was so courteous and dignified it would have honored the oldest n.o.ble man of the court.

The King was delighted, and for a time sat silently regarding his son and noting every detail of his appearance, from the dark velvet suit with its dainty ruffles and collar to the diamond buckles on the little shoes, and back again to the flowing curls that cl.u.s.tered thick about the bright, childish face.

Well might any father be proud of so manly and beautiful a child, and the King's heart swelled within him as he gazed upon his heir.

"Borland," he said to the tutor, who stood modestly behind the Prince, "you may retire. I wish to sneak privately with his royal highness."

The tutor bowed low and disappeared within the ante-room, and the King continued, kindly,

"Come here, Lilimond, and sit beside me. Methinks you seem over-grave this morning."

"It is my birthday, Your Majesty," replied the Prince, as he slowly obeyed his father and sat beside him upon the rich broidered cus.h.i.+ons of the throne. "I am twelve years of age."

"So old!" said the King, smiling into the little face that was raised to his. "And is it the weight of years that makes you sad?"

"No, Your Majesty; I long for the years to pa.s.s, that I may become a man, and take my part in the world's affairs. It is the sad condition of my country which troubles me."

"Indeed!" exclaimed the King, casting a keen glance at his son. "Are you becoming interested in politics, then; or is there some grievous breach of court etiquette which has attracted your attention?"

"I know little of politics and less of the court, sire," replied Lilimond; "it is the distress of the people that worries me."

"The people? Of a surety, Prince, you are better posted than am I, since of the people and their affairs I know nothing at all. I have appointed officers to look after their interests, and therefore I have no cause to come into contact with them myself. But what is amiss?"

"They are starving," said the Prince, looking at his father very seriously; "the country is filled with beggars, who appeal for charity, since they are unable otherwise to procure food."

"Starving!" repeated the King; "surely you are misinformed. My Lord Chamberlain told me but this morning the people were loyal and contented, and my Lord of the Treasury reports that all taxes and t.i.thes have been paid, and my coffers are running over."

"Your Lord Chamberlain is wrong, sire," returned the Prince; "my tutor, Borland, and I have talked with many of these beggars the past few days, and we find the t.i.thes and taxes which have enriched you have taken the bread from their wives and children."

"So!" exclaimed the King. "We must examine into this matter." He touched a bell beside him, and when a retainer appeared directed his Chamberlain and his Treasurer to wait upon him at once.

The Prince rested his head upon his hand and waited patiently, but the King was very impatient indeed till the high officers of the court stood before him. Then said the King, addressing his Chamberlain,

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Mother Goose in Prose Part 18 summary

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