The Beth Book Part 12

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"What other 'things like that' do you know, Beth?"

"The song of the sea in the sh.e.l.l, The swish of the gra.s.s in the breeze, The sound of a far-away bell, The whispering leaves on the trees,"

Beth burst out instantly.

"Who taught you that, Beth?" her father asked.

"Oh, no one taught me, papa," she answered. "It just came to me--like this, you know. I used to listen to the sea in that sh.e.l.l in the sitting-room, and I tried and tried to find a name for the sound, and all at once _song_ came into my head--_The song of the sea in the sh.e.l.l_. Then I was lying out here on the gra.s.s when it was long, before you cut it to make hay, and you came out and said, 'There's a stiff breeze blowing.' And it blew hard and then stopped, and then it came again; and every time it came the gra.s.s went--swish-h-h! _The swish of the gra.s.s in the breeze._ Then you know that bell that rings a long way off, you can only just hear it out here--_The sound of a far-away bell_. Then the leaves--it _was_ a long time before anything came that I could sing about them. I used to try and think it, but you can't sing a thing you think. It's when a thing comes, you can sing it. I was always listening to the leaves, and I always felt they were doing something; then all at once it came one day. Of course they were whispering--_The whispering leaves on the trees_. That was how they came, papa. At first I used to sing them by themselves; but now I sing them all together. You can sing them three different ways--the way I did first, you know, then you can put _breeze_ first--

The swish of the gra.s.s in the breeze, The whispering leaves on the trees, The song of the sea in the sh.e.l.l, The sound of a far-away bell.

Or you can sing--

The sound of a far-away bell, The whispering leaves on the trees, The swish of the gra.s.s in the breeze, The song of the sea in the sh.e.l.l.

Which way do you think the nicest?" She had rattled all this off as fast as she could speak, looking and pointing towards the various things she mentioned as she proceeded, the sea, the gra.s.s, the trees, the distance; now she looked up to her father for an answer. He was looking at her so queerly, she was filled with alarm. "Am I naughty, papa?" she exclaimed.

"Oh no," he said, with a smile that rea.s.sured her. "I was just thinking. I like to hear how 'things come' to you. You must always tell me--when new things come. By the way, who told you that fuchsia was salmon-coloured?"

"I _saw_ it was," she said, surprised that he needed to ask such a question. "I saw it one day when we had boiled salmon for dinner.

Isn't it nice when you see that one thing's like another? I have a pebble, and it's just the shape of a pear--now you know what shape it is, don't you?" He nodded. "But if I said it's thick at one end and thin at another, you wouldn't know what shape it is a bit, would you?"

"No, I should not," he answered, beginning to prune again, thoughtfully. "Beth," he said presently, "I should like to see you grow up."

"Shan't I grow up?" said Beth in dismay.

"Oh yes--at least I should hope so. But--it's not likely that _I_ shall be--looking on. But, Beth, I want you to remember this. When you grow up, I think you will want to do something that only a few other people can do well--paint a picture, write a book, act in a theatre, make music--it doesn't matter what; if it comes to you, if you feel you can do it, just do it. You'll not do it well all at once; but try and try until you _can_ do it well. And don't ask anybody if they think you can do it; they'll be sure to say no; and then you'll be disheartened--What's disheartened? It's the miserable feeling you would get if I said you would never be able to learn to play the piano. You'd try to do it all the same, perhaps, but you'd do it doubtfully instead of with confidence."

"What's confidence?" said Beth.

"You are listening to me now with confidence. It is as if you said, I believe you."

"But I can't say 'I believe you' to arithmetic, if I want to do it."

"No, but you can say, I believe I can do it--I believe in myself."

"Is that confidence in myself?" Beth asked, light breaking in upon her.

"That's it. You're getting quite a vocabulary, Beth. A vocabulary is all the words you know," he added hastily, antic.i.p.ating the inevitable question.

Beth went on with her weeding for a little.

"And there is another thing, Beth, I want to tell you," her father recommenced. "Never do anything unless you are quite sure it is the right thing to do. It doesn't matter how much you may want to do it, you mustn't, if you are not quite, quite sure it is right."

"Not even if I am just half sure?"

"No, certainly not. You must be quite, quite sure."

Beth picked some more weeds, then looked up at him again: "But, papa, I shall never want to do anything I don't think right when I'm grown up, shall I?"

"I'm afraid you will. Everybody does."

"Did _you_ want to, papa?" Beth asked in amazement.

"Yes," he answered.

"And did you do it?"

"Yes," he repeated.

"And what happened?"

"Much misery."

"Were you miserable?"

"Yes, very. But that wasn't the worst of it."

"What was the worst of it?"

"The worst of it was that I made other people miserable."

"Ah, that's bad," said Beth, with perfect comprehension. "That makes you feel so horrid inside yourself."

"Well, Beth, just you remember that. You can't do wrong without making somebody else miserable. Be loyal, be loyal to yourself, loyal to the best that is in you; that means, be as good as your friends think you, and better if you can. Tell the truth, live openly, and stick to your friends; that's the whole of the best code of morality in the world.

Now we must go in."

As they walked down the garden together, Beth slipped her dirty little hand into his, and looked up at him: "Papa," she said solemnly, "when you want to be with somebody always, more than with anybody else; and want to look at him, and want to talk to him, and you find you can tell him lots of things you couldn't tell anybody else if you tried, you know; what does it mean?"

"It means you love him very much."

"Then I love you, papa, very much," she said, nestling her head against his arm. "And it does make me feel so nice inside. But it makes me miserable too," she added, sighing.

"How so?"

"When you have a headache, you know. I used only to be afraid you'd be angry if I made a noise. But now I'm always thinking how much it hurts you. I wake up often and often at night, and you are in my mind, and I try and see you say, 'It's better,' or 'It's quite well.'"

"And what then, Beth?" her father asked, in a queer voice.

"Then I don't cry any more, you know."

She looked up at her father as she spoke, and saw that his eyes were full of tears.


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The Beth Book Part 12 summary

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