A Double Knot Part 19

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"Who said you did, pig? Diamonds, and carriages, and servants, Rie.

I'd have a box at the opera, too, and one at all the theatres. Oh, Rie!

wait till I get my chance. I'll keep up the dignity of the family; but when my turn does come, oh! won't I serve those two old creatures out."

"Dignity of the family, indeed!" cried Marie angrily. "How dare they speak like they did of poor dear papa, even if he was a Riversley!"

"And the wicked old thing boasting all the time about her Norman descent, and Sir Guyfawkes de Dymcoques. I dare say he was one of the Conqueror's tag-rags, who came to see what he could get."

"I know poor papa was very handsome."

"Just like you, Rie," laughed Clotilde.

"No, he was more like you, Clo," said her sister quietly. "I don't see anything to laugh at. Do you suppose I don't know that we are both very beautiful women?"

Clotilde's eyes flashed, and her cheeks began to glow as she saw her sister, in her shabby gingham morning dress, place her hands behind her head, interlacing her fingers and leaning sidewise in an att.i.tude full of natural, unstudied grace. She looked down at kneeling Ruth.

"We are both handsome girls now, aren't we, Ruth?" she said imperiously.

"Yes, dear, very--very," said the girl, flus.h.i.+ng as she spoke. "I think you lovely with your beautiful dark eyes, and soft, warm complexions; and you both have such splendid figures and magnificent hair."

Marie's eyes half closed in a dreamy way, as if some dawning love fancy were there, and an arch smile curled her rich red lip.

She was quite satisfied, and accepted the girl's admiration as her due, hardly moving as Clotilde bounded from the table to the door, listened for a moment, and then, seizing Ruth by the pink, little ear, half dragged her into the room. Her hot blood showed in her vindictive, fierce way, as she stood threateningly over the kneeling girl.

"Lying little pig," she hissed, "how dare you say such things! It's your mean-spirited, cringing, favour-currying way. You think we are both as ugly as sin."

"I don't indeed, indeed I don't!" cried the girl, stung by the charge into indignant remonstrance. "I think you are both the most beautiful girls I ever saw. Oh, Clotilde! you know what lovely eyes and hair you have."

"I haven't; my eyes are dark and my hair is long and coa.r.s.e."

"It's beautiful!" cried Ruth, "isn't it, Marie? Why, see how everyone turns to look at you both when you are out, in spite of your being so badly dressed."

"Go back to the door. No, stop," cried Clotilde, pus.h.i.+ng the poor girl's head to and fro as she retained her ear.

"Clotilde dear, you hurt me very much," sobbed Ruth.

"I'm trying to hurt you," said Clotilde, showing her white glistening teeth.

"Let her be, Clo."

"Shan't. Mind your own business."

"Let her be, I say," cried Marie, flas.h.i.+ng into excitement. "If you don't loose her I'll scratch you."

"You daren't," cried Clotilde, and as her sister's face turned red her own grew pale. "Go back to the door and listen, little fibster."

"I dare," said Marie, relapsing into her half-dreamy way. "Come here, Ruthy; I won't have you hurt. It's truth, isn't it? We are beautiful?"

"Yes," said Ruth, starting to her feet, and joyfully nestling in the arms held out for her, while Marie kissed her with some show of affection. "Yes, you are both beautiful, and Clotilde knows I would not tell her a story."

The gratified look had spread by this time to the elder sisters face, and she returned to her position upon the table, where she sat swinging one leg to and fro.

"Go back and listen, Ruthy," said Marie quietly. "You are quite right, dear--we are both handsome; and so are you."

"I?" laughed Ruth, with a merry, innocent look brightening her face; "oh no!"

"Yes, you are," said Marie, smoothing her own dark hair. "You are very nice, and pretty, and sweet, and when I'm married and away from this wicked old poverty-stricken workhouse, you shall come and live with me."

"Shall I, Marie?" cried the girl, with the eagerness of a child.

"Yes, dear; and you shall have a handsome husband of your own."

Ruth laughed merrily.

"What should I do with a husband?"

"Hold your tongue, Rie, and don't stuff the child's head with such nonsense."

"Child, indeed! why, she is only a year younger than I. Oh! it has been abominable; we have been treated like babies, and I feel sometimes now as if I were only a little girl. But only wait."

"Yes," cried Clotilde with a curious laugh, "only wait."

"Someone coming," whispered Ruth, leaping up from the floor where she had been listening, and the childlike obedience to the stern authority in which they had been trained resumed its sway.

Clotilde bounded to the piano, and began to practise a singing lesson, her rich contralto voice rising and falling as she ran up an arpeggio, trying to make it accord with five notes struck together out of tune; Marie darted to a chair, and s.n.a.t.c.hed up a quill pen, inked her forefinger, and bent over a partly written exercise on composition--a letter addressed to a lady of t.i.tle, to be written in the style of Steele; and Ruth s.n.a.t.c.hed up a piece of needlework, and began to sew.

Then the door opened, and Markes, the nurse, appeared.

"Miss Clotilde and Miss Marie to come to the dining-room directly."

"What for, Markes?" cried Clotilde, pausing in the middle of a rich-toned run full of delicious melody.

"Come and see. There, I'll tell you--may as well, I suppose.

Dressmaker to measure you for some new frocks."

"La--ra--ra--ra--ra--ra--ra--rah!" sang Clotilde in a powerful crescendo, as she swung round upon the music-stool and then leaped up, while Marie rose slowly, with a quiet, natural grace.

"Am--am I to come, too?" said Ruth.

"You? No. It's them," said Markes grimly. "Fine goings on, 'pon my word."

"What are fine goings on, Markes?" cried Clotilde.

"Why, ordering new dresses. Better buy a new carpet for one of the bedrooms, and spend a little more money on the living. I'm getting sick of the pinching and griping ways."

"I say, Markes, what's for dinner to-day?" exclaimed Marie, on finding the woman in a more communicative mood than usual.

"Cold boiled mutton."

"Ugh!" e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed Clotilde. "I hate cold mutton. Is there no pudding?"

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A Double Knot Part 19 summary

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