The Dialect of the West of England; Particularly Somersetshire Part 20

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Sar'tin. _adj._ Certain.

Sar'tinly. _adv._ Certainly.

Scad. _s._ A short shower.

Schol'ard. _s._ A scholar.

Scissis-sheer. _s._ A scissors-sheath.

Scollop. _s_. An indentation; notch; collop.

To Scollop. _v. a._ To indent; to notch.

Scoose wi'. Discourse or talk with you.

To Scot'tle. _v. a._ To cut into pieces in a wasteful manner.

Scrawf. _s_. Refuse.

Scrawv'lin. _adj_. Poor and mean, like scrawf.

Screed. _s_. A shred.

To Scrunch. _v. a._ and _v. n._ The act of crus.h.i.+ng and bringing closer together is implied, accompanied with some kind of noise. A person may be said to scrunch an apple or a biscuit, if in eating it he made a noise; so a pig in eating acorns. Mr.

SOUTHEY has used the word in _Thalaba_ without the s.

"No sound but the wild, wild wind, "And the snow _crunching_ under his feet."

And, again, in the _Anthology_, vol 2, p. 240.

"Grunting as they _crunch'd_ the mast."

Scud. _s_. A scab.

Sea-Bottle. _s_. Many of the species of the sea-wrack, or _fucus_, are called sea-bottles, in consequence of the stalks having round or oval vesicles or pods in them; the pod itself.

Sea-crow. _s_. A cormorant.

Seed-lip. _s_. A vessel of a particular construction, in which the sower carries the seed.

Sel'times. _adv_. Not often; seldom.

Shab. _s_. The itch; the hug. Applied to brutes only.

Shab-water. _s._ A. water prepared with tobacco, and some mercurial, to cure the shab.

Shabby. _adv._ Affected with the shab. Hence the origin of the common word _shabby_, mean, paltry.

Shackle. _s._ A twisted band. Shal'der. _s._ A kind of broad flat rush, growing in ditches.

Sharp. _s._ A shaft of a waggon, &c.

Shatt'n. Shalt not.

Sheer. _s._ A sheath.

s.h.i.+l'lith. _s._ A s.h.i.+lling's worth.

s.h.i.+ne. _s._ Every _s.h.i.+ne o'm_, is, every one of them.

To Shod. _v. a._ To shed: to spill.

Sholl. _v._ Shall.

Shord. _s._ A sherd; a gap in a hedge. A _stop-shord_, a stop-gap.

Shower. _adj._ Sure.

Showl. _s._ A shovel.

To Showl. _v. a._ To shovel.

To Shride, To Shroud. _v. a._ To cut off wood from the sides of trees; or from trees generally.

Shride, Shroud. _s._ Wood cut off from growing trees. It sometimes means a pole so cut; _ladeshrides_--shrides placed for holding the load. _See_ LADESHRIDES.

To Shug. _v. a._ To shrug; to scratch; to rub against.

Shut'tle. _adj._ Slippery, sliding: applied only to solid bodies. From this word is derived the __shuttle__ (_s._) of the weaver.

Sig. _s._ Urine.

Sil'ker. _s._ A court-card.

To Sim. _v. n._ To seem, to appear. This verb is used personally, as, _I sim_, _you sim_, for _it seems to me_, etc.

Sim-like-it. _interj._ (Seems like it.) Ironically, for _very improbable_.

Sine. _conj._ [Probably from __seeing__ or __seen__.] Since, because.

Single-guss. _s._ The plant orchis.

Single-stick. _s._ A game; sometimes called __backsword__.

Sizes. _s. pl._ The a.s.sizes.

To Skag. To give an accidental blow, so as to tear the clothes or the flesh; to wound slightly.

Skag. _s._ An accidental blow, as of the heel of the shoe, so as to tear the clothes or the flesh; any slight wound or rent.

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The Dialect of the West of England; Particularly Somersetshire Part 20 summary

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