Isekai Tensei - Kimi to no Saikai made Nagai koto Nagai koto Volume 2 Chapter 63

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I started playing osu again. I played too much lol. Thanks for reading~

It’s all used up. There's no longer even a trace of it left.
For both of us, that is.

"Ou, t, out of, mana, it's all gone." (Cleran)

It's over.

"Fuu, you finally collapsed. Rather, of course, you would get exhausted first, since you created three dragons to slow Farga and the others." (Velt)

Cleran collapses onto the land that turned into a wasteland.
Without falling, I sit down, unable to stand up anymore.

"Ah…… not good…… I can't move anymore…… you, really, don't give in, do you~." (Cleran)

Thinking about it carefully, she should have exhausted a considerable amount of mana by creating three dreadnaught cla.s.s dragons before fighting me.
Ultimately, neither of us could deal a decisive blow to each other, and it ended with Cleran running out of mana.
That being said, I lost a large amount of blood, broke several bones, and to be frank, my senses are going crazy.
I actually wanted to relaxedly collapse, but to make the outcome clear, I couldn't collapse as long as Cleran has collapsed.

"So, what are you going to do, otouto-kun. Will you eat me?" (Cleran)

Cleran shows a refreshed face, that says she already accepted her defeat.
That expression is an expression that shows she resolved herself for no matter what happens now.
She's presenting her body.

"If I was going to be eaten anyway, I wanted to be eaten by Farga, but since it's your win, it can't be helped." (Cleran)

While showing her ripped toga, bewitching thighs and the part before it, she's smiling as if tempting me.
In front of that attractive temptation, I reflexively gulped my saliva.

"Kuhaha, that's an attractive temptation. You're a nice woman when your neck doesn't extend. If you're going to be the older woman I lose my virginity to, then it would be the best." (Velt)
"I see…… yeah…… it's fine…… you can just, do anything. Here, eat up. Go ahead, until you feel full." (Cleran)

She really is a handsome woman that's too gallant.
I almost felt like seriously having my first experience outside.
However, although I'm a delinquent, the sense of reason that still remained in me, stopped it.

"That's unfortunate. My journey, is a journey to find one certain woman. If I was unfaithful before finding her, my life until now would have gone to waste." (Velt)
"…… Are you sure?" (Cleran)
"Yeah. Without eating you, I'll just take the compet.i.tion I had with you and move forward. During the night, I might as well release my strangely agonizing feelings alone by masturbating." (Velt)
"Pu-, kukuku, ahahahahahaha, what's up with that! That's such a waste~, since I think I taste pretty good~." (Cleran)
"Yeah. Besides, well, I have a cute girl near me, whose first love was a piece of s.h.i.+t like me after all." (Velt)
"Hm~m, well, I guess I'll just leave it as that? Otouto-kun, are you just faithful? Or else, are you incompetent?" (Cleran)

Rising above injuries and pain, I gained a lot of things in this battle.
I learnt that I can do things that I thought I couldn't do.
And above all, it was my first time winning in a one on one situation, in a real, life abrading battle.

"Uooooo, brooooooooooo, you're the best!" (Dorauemon)
"Hebuaoa!" (Velt)

Dora…… you…… I'll get shut down from just a slight impact, so like, seriously, don't jump at me.
My limbs went to sleep from Dora suddenly jumping at me, so in the end, I collapsed too.

"Broooo, are are, are you okay!?" (Dorauemon)
"No, you, ahh, geez, I'm seriously going to kill you after we find Kamino." (Velt)

I'm really tired. In the first place, I did destroy the forest in this battle I started to save this thing after all.
Rather, ahh, c.r.a.p…… my consciousness…… is seriously……

"Get a hold of yourself, kid! I'll give you recovery medicine to drink." (Hunter)
"…… Ah?" (Velt)

Then, I heard a voice I remember hearing before.
It was the voice of one of the Hunters I met this morning, in the village.

"Oi, give Cleran treatment too." (Hunter)
"Eh~, she's the one that sent so much bloodthirst~, when we drew close to Farga, you know~?" (Kuri?)
"Boy~, you were reaaally cool~, onee~san~, got wet~, hey, touch it~." (Risu?)

The middle-aged men that taught us all sorts of things this morning and invited us to join them, the erotic, bikini armour ladies, and even the other Hunters that joined teams with each other, all gathered.

"You guys, why?" (Velt)
"Well, if you rampage so much in the forest, of course we would gather." (Hunter)

Ahh, well that's true.

"The truth is, we were watching since the start of your fight." (Hunter)
"Yeah yeah, everyone was looking for a chance to steal the device dragon and run, you know?" (Hunter)

Ah, so that's what happened.
But then, why? There were a lot of chances to take it from us, so wouldn't that have been the once in a lifetime chance?
If they left us alone and ran with the device dragon, even their descendant's generation would have been able to live playing around.

"Ah~, boy~, don't make~, fun of us~, you probably think~ we're money mad, don't you!" (Kuri?)
"We're serious, kid. You know~, we're Hunters. We wouldn't use a method like that that doesn't even have any pride." (Hunter)
"Yeah. You're the one that's worthy of being the completer of this quest." (Hunter)

It's kinda embarra.s.sing. Instead of saying something, my face naturally gets hot.
Did I actually get praised right now?

"Get a hold of yourself~, although you're an interesting one, you're a failure as a Hunter." (Hunter)
"……………… Hah?" (Velt)
"It's a Hunter's job to protect the peace of nature, the wild, and humans after all. To think you would go destroy nature this much, that it can't be recovered from." (Hunter)

No, in the first place, I'm not a Hunter.
Rather, since I was mostly rampaging in a reckless state, what's going to happen to this forest?
This messed up nature, looks like a natural disaster or something pa.s.sed through it.
In Asakura Ryuuma's world, I might have been continuously beat down for it.

"Well, I'm not interested in it. You know how much of a harmful influence it has on the environment after all." (Velt)
"Oi oi oi oi, this kid became defiant." (Hunter)
"I don't care as long as I can just defeat the enemy, and I'm not interested in anything other than that." (Velt)

Rather, I would have been eaten if I didn't go this far.

"But isn't it fine, since thanks to that, bro was able to win!" (Dorauemon)

Like, this thing became way too over familiar with me, but is it okay?

"Oh~, so this is the device dragon, huh~, looking at it closely, it sure does have a strange body~." (Hunter)
"Furthermore, it's talking fluently." (Hunter)
"How was it constructed?" (Hunter)
"Hey, it's hard too~, like, it really is hard~, it's hard~ and hot~, and so raring to go!" (Kuri?)
"This is~, how many tens of billions? Good job~, boy, you're rich~." (Risu?)

Although they didn't try to steal it, the Hunters interestedly stared and touched Dora, the device dragon.
Dora is twitching and stuff, but probably because it realized that these guys aren't as scary as Cleran, it isn't getting surprised like the start.
Or rather, the one in danger might actually be me.

"Hey~, boy~ now you're~, already~, so rich~, and you can~, do anything you want to~." (Kuri?)
"You can live in a really big house you know, eat delicious things every day, buy what you want to buy, and then also have the girl you like~, nihihihi." (Hunter)

The h.o.r.n.y combo ladies are drooping next to my lying down body, putting me between them.
The bikini armour is just barely off point, that I can feel their body temperature and exposed skin sticking to me from both sides.
Wait, this isn't good! Since it's right after Cleran tempted me, this isn't good!

"Uoh, kid~, I'm so jealous~! Tell us, uncles, your impression later!" (Hunter)
"Kuh~, if I had caught the device dragon, it seriously would have been heaven!" (Hunter)

No, just stop them! Well, I'm getting some crazy bad feelings too though!
However, the h.o.r.n.y Hunters Kuri and Risu showed lewd smiles as they licked their lips, and looked like different predators to Cleran.

"Wait, you two over there! If you do indecent things to otouto-kun, I'm going to rip up your loose crotches!" (Cleran)
"Haa? How would you know if our crotches are loose or not? Even though all you do is eat monsters, you've never even eaten a human man before." (Kuri?)
"Shut up~, and just look~, after all~, we're going to~, eat you, boy~." (Risu?)

Their hands are like, amazingly skilful. They stroke my lower half with perfect power control, rub my earlobes from both sides, and blow into it!

"Hey, boy~, make us your lovers~." (Kuri?)
"Yeah yeah. I guarantee our technique is good~. We deeefinitely won't let you get bored of us and you can do it every day, anywhere, at any time~." (Risu?)

Ah, c.r.a.p, I feel like my originally distant consciousness is about to go too distant, and like, I don't even care about anything anymore…………

"Makyokus.h.i.+n Karate, Horizon Quintuple Thrust!" (Ura)

At that moment, a huge dragon went flying right above us.

"Ga, buaa, buwaaaaa." (Dragon)

Wait a minute, the dragon that just went flying has traces of being punched enough for its face and body to deform, but what happened!?
Like, the dragon is super frightened.

"Fuu, fuu, fuu………… you were strong, ice dragon. If you surrender now, I won't go any further." (Ura)

Ura appeared here, deep in the forest where the land has been transformed into a wasteland.
Her dark clothes are broken in several places, one of her arms are covered in ice, and there's blood on her cheek from a cut.
From just seeing that appearance, you could expect it to have been a fierce battle.

"O, oi, was that la.s.s fight, fighting a dragon alone!?" (Hunter)
"No way, I thought she got done in way before!" (Hunter)

Of course, even a pro Hunter would get shocked if a dragon that has a bigger body than many humans combined, was beaten down by a woman's thin arms and had a life or death battle with a woman.
And I knew that Ura's talent was amazing, but as expected, I still got surprised.

"Buwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" (Dragon)

Is it planning to go on a final desperate attack? The injured ice dragon shoots out a blizzard from its mouth.
However, without even trying to avoid it, Ura attacks it head-on.
And then,

"Makyokus.h.i.+n Karate, Roundhouse Block!" (Ura)

The blizzard avoids Ura. No, Ura's darkness-clad palm made a beautiful circle, and that created an absolute defence.
She steadily got closer to the ice dragon, and the moment she entered its bosom, her strong fist hit the sky.

"Makyokus.h.i.+n Karate, Shouruage (Rising Dragon Fang) Thrust!" (Ura)

Darkness swept the huge ice dragon high into the sky.
It was an enormous amount of energy, enough to cover the sky in darkness for a moment.
Without trying to ukemi or land, the ice dragon that completely lost its power dropped with all of its body weight and force.
It was enough of an impact to make the ground violently sway.
Everyone became speechless.

"U, Ura……" (Velt)

When I unintentionally mutter that, Ura, who had kept her fist thrust up, turned around and ran to me with a desperate look.

"Velttt, you're safe~………… Velt! Th, that, that injury is!" (Ura)

Ah, before I realized, Kuri and Risu had stepped back, whistling with a 'we didn't do anything~' face.
Fast. However, they probably felt danger to themselves at the same time.

"Velt, what an injury…… you were done in by that woman, huh!" (Ura)
"Ye, yeah, well, I won though." (Velt)
"Kuh, unforgivable, Velt! If I did not have my hands full with something like a dragon, I would have immediately been able to run to you! Even though I swore to fight instead of you and destroy all of your enemies, I'm sorry!" (Ura)

Something like a dragon………… I glanced at the Hunter uncles, and they were shaking their heads sideways with a shuddering face.
That's right, she said 'something like a'.
At any rate, it became clear from that right now. If she saw me doing something crazy with Kuri and Risu, we would have ended up like that dragon.
I shouldn't fool around with other women near Ura.
Ah, that reminds me, there are another one of those women.

"Miyamoto Kendo, Niten Ichiryu, Cross Cut!" (Musas.h.i.+)
"Gishaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" (Dragon)

What's up with this, is it not unusual for the women of this world to be unreasonably strong?
Why do women that can fight dragons one on one, gather around me.

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Isekai Tensei - Kimi to no Saikai made Nagai koto Nagai koto Volume 2 Chapter 63 summary

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