Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort Chapter 316

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Chapter 316

It was hard to believe that the rumored general that Princess Zimei admired was —

When Chu Qingyan looked at the person next to her who always had a cold and calm face, a touch of sadness pa.s.sed in her heart.

Her present self was still unfamiliar with an emotion called jealousy.

Instead, she felt some discomfort in her heart, but the kind of discomfort that she couldn’t talk about to others.

Xiao Xu sensed Chu Qingyan’s unease, then tilted his head downwards to her and asked, “Uncomfortable?”

Chu Qingyan felt like he could see through her and unveil her secret, and immediately shook her head.

Xiao Xu saw her s.h.i.+ning eyes and wanted to keep asking, but knew that it was inappropriate at this point in time so he put that thought in the back of his mind.

“Distinguished guests, this is where you will be resting for the next few days. You may follow this special maidservant in.” Wet Nurse Yi brought the group over to a beautiful courtyard and said as such.

Chu Qingyan’s eyes swept around the courtyard. Indeed, she had to agree that the owner of the courtyard had a great aesthete, the decorations were exquisite from the top down to every small corner. No matter whether it was the flora and fauna, to the eaves, it was all extremely magnificent.

Right when Chu Qingyan wanted to pull Xiao Xu over to the rooms, Wet Nurse Yi actually smiled and stopped Xiao Xu.

“This distinguished guest, your allocated room is not in this courtyard. Master has other arrangements.” She smiled modestly yet it also seemed forced with malicious intentions lurking underneath it, making one uncomfortable.

Chu Qingyan stepped forward, “Why should our family’s brother not stay with us? What are all of you planning to do?”

Chu Qingyan’s repeated probing did not elicit a sliver of care from Wet Nurse Yi. It was as if in her eyes, people like Chu Qingyan were mere penniless commoners, and only someone like Xiao Xu could be of regard.

Wet Nurse Yi paid Chu Qingyan no mind, only slightly bowing to Xiao Xu in response, “Master’s plans are not for us servants to know. We ask that this Prince spare us servants and not put us in a difficult position.”

Xiao Xu remained impa.s.sive upon hearing Wet Nurse Yi’s words, but lifted his hand to pat on the little guy’s shoulders to rea.s.sure and calm her down. Then, he turned and said to Wet Nurse Yi, “Please lead the way.”

Wet Nurse Yi was very satisfied with how Xiao Xu was able to read the room, and gestured, “Please—“ before walking ahead.

Cheng Yanluo held back Chu Qingyan by the shoulders, and whispered while smiling, “Little girl, calm down. What is yours will always be yours, and will never run away, do not worry about it anymore.”

Chu Qingyan joked, “Sister Yanluo, what are you saying? Why is it that I cannot understand your words? Also, why does it seem like you are not even a little worried?”

“It is not as if your family’s Big Ice Cube is a young kid, and based on these people’s att.i.tude, they treat him like an important guest. Since we were able to come along with him, it is likely no one will make things hard for us.” Cheng Yanluo did not think too much of this predicament. Anyway, given this rare opportunity to enter a royal aristocrat’s residence, one must of course fully take advantage of it.


Indeed, when standing under the eaves, one must know to bow their heads1.

Chu Qingyan could only go along with the arrangements of this Master whom she has never met before.

The courtyard that they were staying in had 2 rooms on each of its 3 sides, which was enough for this group of travellers, and the side facing the north also had a large dining hall for them to chat and have their meals in.

By the time they finished settling in, it was already time for dinner.

A group of maids brought a variety of dishes into the dining hall, each with a slender build, a graceful posture and walked without a sound. It’s not hard to imagine how strict the rules were in this official’s residence, even the smile pasted on every face were identical.

“If not for the fact that they all look different, I would have thought that they were carved out of the same rock.” Cheng Yanluo clicked her tongue as she mocked them.

“If they came from the palace, they most definitely underwent strict training and are more well-mannered and well-behaved than servants from official residences.” Chu Qingyan casually replied. She looked at the people at the table having their dinner but she felt like her heart wasn’t in it. Though everyone was present, Big Ice Cube was not.

She turned to one of the maids and asked, “Do you know where the prince that came with us is having his meal?”

The maid shook her head, “This slave does not know. Please enjoy your meal.”

Following which, the group of maids withdrew.

Cheng Yanluo nudged Chu Qingyan’s arm, “Do not think too much about it. You should be pretty hungry since we have been on the road the entire day. Look, your father is also enjoying his meal, these dishes are most definitely delicious.”

Chu Qingyan turned to look at her own father enjoying his meal with such pleasure and sighed. Her father would be affected if Big Ice Cube got into any trouble, why did it seem like there were no troubles today?

As though he could feel his daughter’s eyes on him, Father Chu immediately clutched his bowl, “Cai Cai, keep your eyes on your own bowl!”

After his exclamation, the table could not help but burst into laughter.

Chu Qingyan curled her lips into a half smile, did she look like the sort of person who would steal another’s rice bowl?

However, this episode also managed to relax her.

At this time, Huo Ling said, “Little Prince, do not worry. Master is probably fine and will not be embroiled in any conflicts or incidents. Not to mention, Tu Ling is around.”

Chu Qingyan sensed that Huo Ling might know something, and also seemed a bit odd. She could not help but ask, “Why did you not follow along with Tu Ling to protect your Master?”

Huo Ling smiled at her words, “Master had this subordinate stay behind to protect you.”

Huo Ling’s words seemed unremarkable, but Chu Qingyan felt that something was not right. She has never been to Junlan Nation so if the Master of this residence wanted to find trouble, they should not be targeting her. Did this mean that even Big Ice Cube could not antic.i.p.ate what would happen next?

“Little girl, overthinking is equivalent to not thinking enough2. Come, have this piece of braised meat to nourish your brain!” Cheng Yanluo jokes.

Maybe she really worried too much, Chu Qingyan pressed her palm onto her forehead, and began moving her chopsticks.

Before she understood what was going on, there was no point in overthinking or jumping to conclusions. Maybe she should wait till Princess Zimei returns. Maybe then, would Princess Zimei’s motives be eventually unveiled like clouds clearing up in the sky.

Chu Qingyan used her chopsticks to place some food in her father and mother’s bowls, and focused on having her food.

This was the first time in so long that she would be having her meal without Big Ice Cube’s company.

It was difficult to change habits that have formed overtime.

As night fell, the stars gleamed incandescently, lighting up the streets and alleys of the capital.

A magnificent carriage exited the palace gates and headed towards the Princess’ residence, very quickly reaching where Chu Qingyan’s group stayed.

Wet Nurse Yi had long brought some maidservants over to wait at the gate of the residence. Once the carriage came to a stop, a maid placed a small wooden stool by the carriage while Wet Nurse Yi came forward to draw the curtain open, “Master, you have returned.”

“Indeed.” A smooth voice replied from the carriage.

A fair hand rested on Wet Nurse Yi’s open palms, and slowly came out of the carriage.

The long lake blue palace gown fell as she leaned over, the golden silk in her hair reflected light from the two lanterns by the door, the lights bedazzling and eye-catching.

What was truly breathtaking is the beautiful face under the lily up-do3, with willow leaf-like brows and clear phoenix eyes.

“Where is that person?” A touch of a smile graced Lady Jun’s face as she stepped onto the ground.

“At the Luoyan courtyard near yours as per your arrangements.” Wet Nurse Yi replied.

“That is good, this Princess will head over there now.”

Two years have pa.s.sed, do you still remember me, Xiao Xu!

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Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort Chapter 316 summary

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