Historical Miniatures Part 16

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"Yes, if one is well off."

"One never is."

"No, not if one is unhappily married, like you, Socrates."

"My wife is certainly the worst possible; if she had not had me for a husband, she would long ago have been murdered."

"Xantippe betrays you with her gossiping; and when she does not understand what you say, she gives others distorted ideas of your opinions and your person."

"Yes, I know that, but I cannot alter it."

"Why do you continue in such a state of humiliation?"

"Why should I fly? One is only justified in flying from superior force, and Xantippe is not a superior force to me."

"You are forbidden, on pain of death, to give instruction; that is her work and that of Anytos."

"She may bring about my death, if she likes, for then she has only brought about my freedom.... Aspasia, I hear that our friends.h.i.+p is on the decline; you have found new friends, you have become another person.

Let me say farewell before Lysicles comes."

"Do you know him?"

"Yes, and the whole town speaks of your coming marriage."

"With the cattle-dealer, Lysicles?"

"Yes, that is your affair; I don't talk about it."

"But you think I should have cherished Pericles' memory better?"

"I would fain have seen Aspasia's memory better preserved; but since I have seen Athenians adorn themselves with garlands to celebrate Athens'

overthrow; since I have seen Phidias...."

"How, then, will Socrates end?"

"Certainly not like Aspasia."

"The G.o.ds jest with us. Beware! O Socrates!"

Socrates was at last in prison, accused of having seduced the youth, and blasphemed or repudiated the G.o.ds of the State. Among the accusers were a young poetaster, Melitos, the tanner Anytos, and the orator Lykon.

Socrates made his Apology, and declared that he had always believed on G.o.d, and the voice of his conscience, which he called his "demon." He was condemned to drink hemlock, and kept in prison, where, however, he was allowed to see his wife and his few remaining friends.

Just now his wife was with him, and wept.

"Weep not," said Socrates; "it is not your fault."

"Will you see the children?"

"Why should I lacerate their little souls with a useless leave-taking?

Go to them and comfort them; divert their minds with an expedition to the woods."

"Shall we rejoice while you are dying?"

"Rejoice that my sufferings come to an end! Rejoice that I die with honour."

"Have you no last wish?"

"I wish for nothing, except peace and freedom from your foolish tears and sighs, and your disturbing lamentations. Go, woman, and say to yourself that Socrates wants to sleep for he is tired and out of humour; say to yourself that he will wake again, refreshed, rejuvenated, happy and amiable."

"I wish you had taught me all this before."

"you had nothing to learn from me."

"Yes! I have learnt from you patience and self-control."

"Do you forgive me?"

"I cannot, for I have done it already. Say farewell now, as though I were going on a journey. Say 'We meet again,' as though I were soon returning!"

"Farewell, then, Socrates, and be not angry with me."

"No, I am always well-disposed towards you."

"Farewell, my husband, for ever."

"Not for ever. You wish to see me again, don't you? Put on a cheerful face, and say, 'We meet again.'"

"We meet again."

"Good! and when we meet again, we will go with the children together into the woods."

"Socrates was not what I thought he was."

"Go! I want to sleep."

She went, but met in the doorway Plato and Crito.

"The hour approaches, friends," said Socrates wearily, and with feverish eyes.

"Are you calm, Master?"

"To say the truth, I am quite calm. I will not a.s.sert that I am joyful, but my conscience does not trouble me."

"When, Socrates, when--will it happen?"

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Historical Miniatures Part 16 summary

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